FelipeBlu's Auto Jack & Kryptonite, PSMini LED, Root Pouch, Recipe 420

BTW Shed, I’m catching up on your trials and tribulations with cloning (and seeds!). Haven’t gotten up to today yet, but hang in there buddy.

I usually am good with seeds but now I've learned another lesson...cut open the bottom of the peat before you drop the seed in! Clones on the other hand, are still very much a work in progress. As soon as the weather warms up I'll be building a bucket aeroponic cloner which should work better than everything else I've tried!

Krypta on day 10. She’s starting to sprout some stems on #1 & #2 nodes.

Her new root pouch is waiting behind her.
I'm going to pull up a chair. I find the 24/7 idea interesting.
Also, I have 4 types of autos from Pyramid. Including Kryptonite! :love:
Do you by chance have their ak-47 varient, Auto Tutankhamon?
They were totally out on my last order from seedsman.
I was pretty bummed.

Anyways, I look forward to seeing how they your harem turns out! :passitleft:
Welcome PhobosAnomaly! May I call you PA?

Excellent that you have some Pyramid Auto Kryptonite! I hope that my grow will be able to show you the strain’s potential. This was actually a free seed that came with my order of Auto Jack. I too am intrigued by the genetics. So far, she seems very eager.

I like AK-47 and would be interested if you score and grow some. Please keep me in mind.
To close the loop on the previous discussion about chloramines, the water analysis available from my water department indicates an average of 2.3 ppm. This apparently is quite low, and since I feel like the micro-flora were able to survive in sufficient numbers to work with the root system to provide the necessary nutrients on my last grow...

I’m not going to worry about it.

Also, so far, I’m still using cider vinegar to lower the pH. It works well enough to keep my plants healthy.

You know, there really is such a thing as loving them to death. It IS a very well engineered weed, and usually does better with less fretting.
Shed, how do you delete posts?

Ya can't unfortunately. Only moderators can. You can edit your post for something like 420 minutes if you want to change it.

To close the loop on the previous discussion about chloramines, the water analysis available from my water department indicates an average of 2.3 ppm. This apparently is quite low, and since I feel like the micro-flora were able to survive in sufficient numbers to work with the root system to provide the necessary nutrients on my last grow...I’m not going to worry about it.
Also, so far, I’m still using cider vinegar to lower the pH. It works well enough to keep my plants healthy.
You know, there really is such a thing as loving them to death. It IS a very well engineered weed, and usually does better with less fretting.

I haven't checked the chloramine content of LA water but I know that Pennywise has found using tap water the easiest to deal with, rather than having to add all the minerals back in that RO or distilled water remove. If it's good enough for PW, it should be good enough for us :).

I have read that vinegar can attract bugs so keep that in mind when you make your pH down decisions. I ended up with pH Down!
Thanks for answering my question about deleting posts Shed.

I had read that about vinegar too, but except for the thrips on the last grow, I haven’t had a problem with that, even with my outside plants in pots. Hey, here’s the truth. I’m a cheap bastard, and if something still works, I tend to hang on to it, whether it’s a method, or a 28-year-old Cuisinart food processor. That being said, I’ll think about the pH Down.
OT, but I don’t want to go off on your journal Shed, where we were discussing 420 site mechanics. Why is it, if I have separate tabs open on different threads, that a) 420 logs me off at all, and b) I have to log back in on every tab? Seems like the server should recognize my ISP once I’ve logged in on one of them (shrug).

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