Welcome aboard kind Dani! Please see the receptionist for free mini hot dogs and spanakopita!
My favoritos!
It too is a Dutch Passion as I just learned! It was gifted to me and I originally thought it was a self made seed but low and behold, we have twinsies! Very indica growing. That's my kind of plant, even though I love the long sativa challenge, I am a Indica girl through and through, hence my lineup!
Sounds exciting! I'm curious to grow alongside you this round!
I'll share away!
So guys and gals before I get lost again in journal shuffling, I wanted to drop off some pre-watering pics as the next h20 drop is tomorrow as I approach 4 days without any goods being dropped on them. We are stable and steady at no more than 82 degrees in the tent, still have yet to turn on the AC unit in my grow room. Humidity stays between 58-63. I don't like it to go much higher or lower at this stage, especially when I have a few still working out the kinks. Today is Days 16/17/18 for this wonderful mix!
I swear I see clubs of what will be the second trues on our baby Blue Cheese Auto! Go little girl, go!
My Amnesia is doing her thing, mutant, self-topped or not, she's got this grow thing in the bag already. Misshapen is cool with me! Let me go bonsai on her later!
Durban is the next horse I'm betting on at Monnouth Park, just saying...and being I thought this too, was a personal creation, let me put it out there again as aforementioned to Dani, it is a Dutch Passion seed!
G-13 is perfect, I remember this last grow of her well in my "G". What a fat and tall Indica! Hoping for much of the same here and my shaping skills have advanced since this last grow, with nearly 13 oz off my last go, let's see if we can pound her out!
Sour G, one of my gifted seeds, we now know her true origins as I was mistaken as to the seeds I received! She is a cross of Sour Diesel, GG#4 and THC Bomb-if you all didn't see Shed's correction.
Moving on, my NYC Diesel is looking splendiferous! I absolutely love the striping, makes her like the tent rebel Rockstar! Better watch out for her or she will be trying to huff the air from the turbo fan beside her hahahaha
Anyways, that's all I have for today so I hope everyone enjoys their Saturday Grow Day! To journaling reads I go and then off to pressing some bud later tonight!