Fast Buds Fun Time Wiv Ya GanjaGrandaddy: L.O.S. V Coco Shootout

Wow mate! Just wow.
You beat your PB by mine :rofl:
Did I say wow yet? Just wow, mate. Wow.
Thanks Dd. I am a happy bunny mate. Seems the actual terps are on point this run too. I think the dehumidifier has a lot to do with the end result too. Not had the kind of control on RH as I have this run. Good to be on to the next one now too. I am not a fan of seedling stage so it has made that bearable while I dealt with harvests. At least they are beginning to look like plants . Rebuilding time is now here so I need to get busy on the room again. Be good to be in a better built box for light reflection. Just gathering the mylar and materials together now. Trying to rebuild my pc too ( sadly a computer nerd too with vr to take away more time from the real ) and seems the flu has decided a second run in the house is a must so slowly getting over that round too now. Hate being an old
Have a great sunday buddy.
Excellent end harvest totals GG! Loving it! I just jarred up the first auto out of my Lab tent, and I think she'll be alright!

I feel ya. I've been behind as well, and it's tough when there are just so many great journals and people you want to be a part of. And many of them move so fast it can get overwhelming playing catch up.
Thanks MV . Was a ery pleasant surprise. I expected less from the beginning as never tried autos but they really do go for it when settled in. I am also with you on the keeping up too. Bloody hard work with so many of interest to visit, not to mention the new subject threads and members. can be a full time job without the growing ourselves. heehee
Just jarred sounds good buddy, love this end of it. The pleasure burping the jars cannot be bought. green days matey
Thanks MV . Was a ery pleasant surprise. I expected less from the beginning as never tried autos but they really do go for it when settled in. I am also with you on the keeping up too. Bloody hard work with so many of interest to visit, not to mention the new subject threads and members. can be a full time job without the growing ourselves. heehee
Just jarred sounds good buddy, love this end of it. The pleasure burping the jars cannot be bought. green days matey

Jarring is the fun part. Then sneaking a sample now and then to check progress. :cheesygrinsmiley:
Congrats on the harvest GG. :woohoo:
Doing my best to catch up. I've been super busy lately. You know how life can be.
Who was the breeder on the Iced Grapefruit? Sound like something right up my alley.
How's the family doing??
So as mentioned above , the harvest is in for Smoothie.
They have been an easy grow to go with and despite the #2 girl appearing sick throughout the grow , she still yielded well.
I made an error on the final yield pics with the numbering for the yield and the "poorly girl" is actually #2 and not #3 who was the biggest of the strain. With that in mind , heres the numbers for this last girl and the strain
#1 Los 94.85g
#2 poorly girl 136.56g
#3 Coco/Mc 154.18g
TOTAL YIELD: 385.59g (13.7oz)
I am more than happy at that yield for these amazing smelling girls. The smoke is very pleasant and with a cure can only get better. A nice daytime uplifting high that has me chatty and like a puppy with a new

There is just the Bluedreamatic to go now and I am excited about sampling them . about another week and we will be done. Happy days. green days peeps
@Ganjagrandaddy , I needed tissues to look at this smoothie harvest. I had to keep wiping the slob dripping from my mouth! :Rasta:
@Ganjagrandaddy , I needed tissues to look at this smoothie harvest. I had to keep wiping the slob dripping from my mouth! :Rasta:
Thanks GDB. It smells very sweet now but the Bluedreamatic is the winner for aroma and dankness. I am stoked at the results. Thanks mate
DAY 106 AND ALL DONE AND DUSTED. :woohoo: :yahoo::headbanger::drool::love::yahoo::party::goof::meditate::tommy::tommy::tommy:
The final numbers have been a very welcome surprise following the Bluedreamatic harvest last night. They are now curing and perfect smelling too. The house smells of fresh blueberries with a hint of venom !!. sounds odd but the best way to explain it. not unpleasant at all but you know there is a kick behind that sweet smell. I was lazy on the trim for #3 but she will still be a beautiful smoke after the cure. Heres a few pics before we break down the numbers a little.

They are so sticky to pull apart too. The final yield again shows the mc girls giving up more bud than the LOS lady but expected. The quality is bang on ans the smoke matches it. It can only get better with a cure.
Final Yield for them was a very decent 476.91g (17.03 oz) jarred and curing. Wow they gave up some good buds and yield.

LSD-25 :170.25g
SMOOTHIE :385.59g
TOTAL :1160.33g (41.40 oz)
his has beat my current personal career best by over 11oz. !!!!!! I am more than happy at the results and the 1.3 G.P.W for this run for the 870W socket Draw is a great result. These autos by fast buds have been a dream to grow in the simple sense and I can see me.doing another run some time. The LOS has been great experience too and i am looking forward to continuing this alongside the other mediums i mess around with. I have learnt a lot of stuff from you guys this run about a good few things such as using Mc and understanding the mixes and npk ratios better than I ever have before , so thank you for that one. Also learning about the soil and watering methods along the way has been a slow learning process but I think I am better prepared for the next run with it. Having support and conversation along the way has made it even more fun so again i thank everyone for being around for it. I will be starting a perpetual journal as I feel so far behind the trend now .lol Hope to attract you all along at some point and I will be tagging to guide the way to the door soon as I do ( No pressure.) Hope it has been as much fun for you guys. Have a great day.
Man I'm happy for you with these results! Very nice yield congrats my friend :green_heart: :thumb: :cheer: :woohoo::bravo:

This will keep you going for quite some time now yesss
Man I'm happy for you with these results! Very nice yield congrats my friend :green_heart: :thumb: :cheer: :woohoo::bravo:

This will keep you going for quite some time now yesss
Cheers Peter. Has given me a nice supply until the next run ends I mostly redistributed now but kept a nice few oz of Bluedreamatic and the smoothie and 1 each ot the other 2 strains too. got some has to make too. All good and a great result. very happy bunny here. Will tag you along as soon as I get the new one running. Will come and have a drool at y0ur girls too. Thanks again Peter.
Congrats on the harvest GG. Very nice yield. Looking forward to your next journal buddy.
Thanks lewy. very happy this end and beat my best to date so all looking good for the next run. Will tag you once I am up and running . thanks for the support Mate.
Gidday GG. I see you round the traps today. It’s good to see you walking again after your harvest! :rofl:
Thought I’d swing by and show you how our hulklato is coming along. She’s filled her canopy with these 9 fingered leaves and she looks generally happy. She’s about 3 weeks in to flower and starting to give an indication of the frost fest to come.

Hope you’re well, buddy! :high-five:
Gidday GG. I see you round the traps today. It’s good to see you walking again after your harvest! :rofl:
Thought I’d swing by and show you how our hulklato is coming along. She’s filled her canopy with these 9 fingered leaves and she looks generally happy. She’s about 3 weeks in to flower and starting to give an indication of the frost fest to come.

Hope you’re well, buddy! :high-five:
holy moly batman , she looks good.
I am hold a conversation again now my tolerance is settling down. The Bluedreamatic is a stinky bitch and my favourite. stinks the house up when I crack the jar too. Loving your progress mate. storming the perpetual route now too with meds and , awaiting presses , flowering and veg with babies. All going on. Not forgetting the new build and work on tip. Damn, i am knackered typing all that never mind trying to do it

Been a busy month so far and slowly working to the nft and final pots but havent been able to rush with so much this
Rebuilt my gaming pc and VR rig so not all wasted non-grow
Am due to get the. all in their final places later so will hopefully get a new journal going too. will tag u in mate.
The Fruity Gorilla Sorbet is doing good and hit her 5th node now so bring this newbie along for the run now too.
rest of the girls are steady but the fast buds fast flower testers are killing it for development so far.
. All good but need to get a move in now .lol
have a great day mate
Let us know if toy start a new journal granddaddy
Rebuilt my gaming pc and VR rig So you build Gaming rigs too. What's your specs ?
never made the connection with the name mate .how slow am I?. lol.
Have just built ryzen7 2700x , Titan X gpu , asus x470 Pro Mb , 16gddr4 3200mhz. Bought a new 55" tv with 155mhz refresh and g-synch too. Did get a small 27" gaming monitor too for using when on the Vr. I got an oculus quest off Mrs GG for christmas so needed a rig to use the link function for full oculus rift library too. Been an oculus follower since 90's and its mid days but wouldnt dive in as was obviously still deciding where it went. Love tha ability of the quest alone too. No cables and very impressive game library but for me it's all about the flight aims on
Been out of gaming on pc for about 5 years and had to make do with a playstation 4vr set up. Not a patch on pc EVER. only just catching up on new software for Arma3 ( love this game ) and am hoping to get some vr going on it. Had lots of versions of head trackers and loved what they bought to the table in it so will be amazing to see a full 6 pov landscape. Mainly living in the steam library catching games I owned 10 years or more ago. lpl. waiting on a link cable to hit the vr headset ( arriving today). another pc nerd who lives for weed. hahaha. What do you play @PCaddict ? could team up and chat ?.
Holy cow that rig will kill it matey. did you with the 9 but after too much research , it seemed the older ryzen 1800x was seen as the best for the vr ???. came up in a chart I was reading on best vr cpu. Confused the shit out of me as the 9 series should be the obvious choice really. Did say not using the mega power anytime soon in vr plans makes the extra power pointless for the forseeable future so went for that one and they upped it to the 2700x when it arrived ??? . the cooling is loud as fookm though as a cheap fan set up. that will need sorting I think. lol. sounds like a jet warming up for carrier take off.
Love the speed of the graphics but getting used to a huge screen is a new one at such high setting compared to
The tv is 2ms and has the option of gaming setting for the higher Hertz. Would have loved the dedicated gaming tv but Mrs GG is now regretting the oculus buy. heehe. Nearly £1500 in the pc/tv/monitor stakes to link it for pc use !!!!. great excuse to hit back at gaming again. been a lifelong pc gamer since Amiga 600/1200 started the interests as a youth.
Love the battlefield series. still think bf 1942 was the best too. followed the whole series but not on pc with bf1yet. Need that one ad been using ps4 versions of most titles since old pc went into child safe storage.
If you ever want to get on and play a little let me know. I am not any good but I have a blast playing, Maybe we could play a little Battlefield or maybe Mech Warrior its free to play and your rig should crush it. Its a lot of fun to play. You are in a big robot or Mech with lots of weapons. Battlefield 5 is a lot of fun too Same with Battlefield 1
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