Fast Buds Fun Time Wiv Ya GanjaGrandaddy: L.O.S. V Coco Shootout

Well done bruv!
Looking fabulous :yahoo:
We’re thinking you have a new personal best on the weights?
Your strains all sound better than each other :laugh: mad! Mad, I say!
Hahaha. hard to have a favourite but I get a feeling the Bluedreamatic will be one !. of them all , that has been the most productive and straight forward to grow. No issues with any of them just straight growing and a little lst. Buds grow fat and long without interfering and that smell, wow.Little chimp doing good too.

Always good to see you bud.
Congrats on a job well done
Thank you penny. much appreciated comment Growmie. Killing me slow drying the Bluedreamatic now though, been all over 3 plants to find a willing sacrifice that is near dry and couldn't find one !!. lol. happy to enjoy the others while waiting baked and trying to be normal over last few days.heehee
Still waiting on a dry sample to try of the Bluedreamatic but they were so dense and sticky at chop , I wont hold my breath !!!. Thankfully I am not waiting with nothing in the jar . phew.
The other strains are curing up so nice and the recent addition Smoothie, has some great looking nugs that are starting to smell so fruity now. The bovedas are a great help with keeping them supple enough to not crumb up when agitated each day , a job I love doing

. The new recruits are not enjoying the temp drop with all the lights going off and the temps here in the uk so low , I have put heat into the room now with a tubular rad and a warm air blower . This will be a temp solution till the rebuild.
The fft are doing well in the coco pots but the other girls in those huge rockwool blocks are happy to not need watering again ever it seems .lol. Thankfully they will catch up as soon as they get moved into their nft trays with constant food on offer.

All good on the Farm so far. Have some big 56L fabric pots coming for the Fast buds girls so I can increase the potential for making more nutes with the Los. I think I expected a lot from the 37L ones and the vigour of the autos on top , so logic tells me more soil to allow the life to flourish more. 3 x 56 L will be perfect for the amount of ecothrive soil I have . I am going to revitalize all the pots soon so they are ready and productive when the up pot comes around. I have some compost/coco that I have been working for about 2 years now to add on top for the savages to get busy digesting too. I think a second run for the LOS will be a winner. The taste from the plants in these pots is without a doubt smoother and a lot more terpene heavy. The MC has been a welcome surprise too. No first taste harshness before any jar time at all and even with the additional use of the shogun, this is a noticeable difference. The NFT will be all MC with the silica/calmag to @farside05 mix. Let's see what it can do with constant feeding for them.
I have enjoyed this auto run but am excited to revisit NFT with a hell of a lot more exp and knowledge than the years previously using it. I never even heard of pythos for those 11 years using trays/guttering ect... Was always outside on a concrete floor so I think luck played a huge part in keeping the temps so low and subsequently my yields ( 12 plants 10 Oz from 2 x hps 600w !!!!!). When I returned to growing 6 years ago , so much had changed and the product lines are vast now. tried rdwc and enjoyed the learning curve but too damn noisy with all the bubbling and pumps , not to mention blocked bucket exits causing massive over spills and issues !!!!.. My 1st revisit was these nft trays and I had 12 massive beasts growing ( way too big before even flipped) and we had power outages due to crap wiring in the old house. After 2 days pythos hit big time and killed the whole jungle . I had no idea what happened at the time but fought away trying to save what I could with products . I was gutted and had to flower a super iced grapefruit mother I had been soil growing in a big pot of garden soil !. I scrogged her out to a nearly 10oz beast which saved me a failed grow totally. took longer but was worth it and put me off nft from that point. Went all coco for a while then the rdwc. Doing the Los and Nft will be an enjoyable one I think and with only 3 plants per light too , it should be a training time dream !!!
Sorry for the waffle , its the smoothie !!
peace and blessings growmies
Smoothie sounds great ;) Waffle on, brother you’ve got good syrup.
Seedlings are going great guns.
No first taste harshness before any jar time at al
I noticed this with the mc too! Not that past hauls have been especially harsh, but this was really noticeable. From having much less of a smell while growing than what I was used to, unscrewing the lid off a jar now turns your sinuses into a basketball court it’s amazing! Like they’re a couple of months further along their cure than I would have expected. Interesting.
Smoothie sounds great ;) Waffle on, brother you’ve got good syrup.
Seedlings are going great guns.

I noticed this with the mc too! Not that past hauls have been especially harsh, but this was really noticeable. From having much less of a smell while growing than what I was used to, unscrewing the lid off a jar now turns your sinuses into a basketball court it’s amazing! Like they’re a couple of months further along their cure than I would have expected. Interesting.
I know exactly what you mean there too. the blackberry stinks so nice now and never had such strong profiles before either. Mc for the win all round it seems. cant wait to see how good it is with the nft run now. update below with final numbers !!!.
Love the basketball court ref and bang on the money too. Hard to find a single
DAY 106 AND ALL DONE AND DUSTED. :woohoo: :yahoo::headbanger::drool::love::yahoo::party::goof::meditate::tommy::tommy::tommy:
The final numbers have been a very welcome surprise following the Bluedreamatic harvest last night. They are now curing and perfect smelling too. The house smells of fresh blueberries with a hint of venom !!. sounds odd but the best way to explain it. not unpleasant at all but you know there is a kick behind that sweet smell. I was lazy on the trim for #3 but she will still be a beautiful smoke after the cure. Heres a few pics before we break down the numbers a little.

They are so sticky to pull apart too. The final yield again shows the mc girls giving up more bud than the LOS lady but expected. The quality is bang on ans the smoke matches it. It can only get better with a cure.
Final Yield for them was a very decent 476.91g (17.03 oz) jarred and curing. Wow they gave up some good buds and yield.

LSD-25 :170.25g
SMOOTHIE :385.59g
TOTAL :1160.33g (41.40 oz)
his has beat my current personal career best by over 11oz. !!!!!! I am more than happy at the results and the 1.3 G.P.W for this run for the 870W socket Draw is a great result. These autos by fast buds have been a dream to grow in the simple sense and I can see me.doing another run some time. The LOS has been great experience too and i am looking forward to continuing this alongside the other mediums i mess around with. I have learnt a lot of stuff from you guys this run about a good few things such as using Mc and understanding the mixes and npk ratios better than I ever have before , so thank you for that one. Also learning about the soil and watering methods along the way has been a slow learning process but I think I am better prepared for the next run with it. Having support and conversation along the way has made it even more fun so again i thank everyone for being around for it. I will be starting a perpetual journal as I feel so far behind the trend now .lol Hope to attract you all along at some point and I will be tagging to guide the way to the door soon as I do ( No pressure.) Hope it has been as much fun for you guys. Have a great day.
Looking great GG! I’m trying to catch up on a lot of journals since I’ve been so busy lately but glad to see things are moving along well!

Cheers pal!
Hey Dutch. Loving all your success here mate. seeing you grow so rapid in confidence and skill is inspirational. I know how busy it can get mate and now your married there is no escaping chores either. wait till the kids turn up !!!!!. Always a welcome buddy. peace and blessings
Excellent end harvest totals GG! Loving it! I just jarred up the first auto out of my Lab tent, and I think she'll be alright!

I’m trying to catch up on a lot of journals since I’ve been so busy lately but glad to see things are moving along well!

I feel ya. I've been behind as well, and it's tough when there are just so many great journals and people you want to be a part of. And many of them move so fast it can get overwhelming playing catch up.
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