FAQ: How to Pass a Drug Test

hello,it's really good that finally you take a step. I am very happy to see that. You will also be happy to know that if really great for your health. Thanks to you for your step.
It might, and it might not. If you aren't able to do a home test there is no way of knowing for sure.

You being a more regular user are not going to clear as fast as someone who uses once every other month for example. A friend of mine took nearly 60 days to clear himself (home test verified), and he drinks lots of fluids regularly.

It's a bad position to be in, I wish folks would just drop the whole drug testing crap. Wishes are wishful, and not real likely.

Now if your fit, and I do mean really fit, you might know what your body fat percentage is. The lower your body fat is the better your chances are of passing. Combine that with anaerobic exercise and you might improve the chances even more.

Good choice on the almonds and burgers, if going the whole dilution route.

Not sure if you are still cementing on this thread but I thought I would try. My test will be in ca. At u.s. Healthworks. Will it work??? I'm doing exercise and sauna time but still take a hit at night to help me sleep. I'm small with a fast metabolism. Ugh. Drug test testing to catch pot smokers is so unfair...
There are few methods that is applied for drug test, here are the short factors of those tactics:-
Urine Test:-
Avoid spiking or masking the urine sample.
Consider the risks of diluting the sample.
Substitute the sample.
Hair Testing :-
Understand how the hair testing process works.
Know what to expect in the test.
Lower toxin levels in your hair.
Saliva Testing:-
Know how the test works.
Know the detection times.
Try to avoid the test.
I had not smoked for over a year until last week then smoked a total of about 3-4 joints over about 7 days. My weight is about 190 and I run and workout 4-5 days a week. Learned about a job opportunity last Friday and have not smoked since. Will probably have to take a urinalisys. Any pointers on passing the test?

I used a synthetic urine for a VA test. I wrapped two hand warmers around the vile with wrap. When I got in the bathroom the temperature was off the charts like 125 or so. I had to put it under cold water for a few minutes - still to hot so I took a dump cooled it off again and said f it I've been in here too long. So I was sure they would know I almost confessed but a few months later I checked on my va thing and saw I passed. Crazy. My concern was would the fake urine show the other things they look for - things that actually effect health.
7 years on and this thread is still going strong... nice.

I have a pre-employment drug test in 2 hours so I thought I'd post my story and preparation beforehand, it's a bit different to others here so hopefully it's helpful to people in the same position as me:

I'm 6'2, currently weight about 170lbs, but used to lift a lot of weights so some of my weight is muscle as opposed to fat; I have a six pack and look pretty skinny, though I still have fat around my thighs and glutes.

I'm a chronic addict, not just a regular or heavy smoker, but someone who smashes through 1/4 every day or two when i'm binging, pulling 10-20 cones 4 times a day at least.

Around a month ago I had a week off when I visited family in another state, while down there I walked a few hours each day and used a sauna once for a couple of hours. I have a very healthy diet when I'm not stoned.

When I came back I started smoking it up immediately, though not to my usual extreme as my tolerance had fallen quite a bit. I then had a job interview and was offered the position, then told I'd have to undergo a urine test. Ironically, I was stoned when I was in the interview. (I don't recommend that btw.. I'm 30 years old and a very experienced smoker with a high tolerance)

Because my addiction is so severe I still didn't stop. Rather, I just kept putting it off. Eventually I was able to stop altogether and all up have pushed my urine test out by 2 weeks. I last smoked 9 days ago, and it had been on-and-off for the week leading up to that, maybe 1-2 grams a day tops. I regularly drink 10 glasses of water a day and my piss is always clear even without trying to pass a test.

You might think I'm completely screwed, and I probably am, but here are the things I've done in preparation:

  • Walking 15km (9 miles) on most days. I sustained tendonitis at the same damn time so I had to stop walking about 5 days ago. Instead I've been going to the gym and using cross trainers for maybe 30 min a day.
  • Saunas and steamrooms!!! I can't believe no-one has brought this up. 3 times in the last week I've spent a good hour or more sitting in a hot room sweating my ass off.
  • Fasting. I lost around 9lbs (4kg in the week leading up to today). Based on the metabolites being fat stored I have increased my food significantly in the past couple of days, smashing pizza, pasta and maccas. I had a huge bowl of pasta last night then more before bed. I've gained 3kg (7lbs) in 3 days.
  • Zinc. I read on wikihow that zinc can potentially bind with metabolites and direct them into your shit as opposed to urine. Last night I smashed about 500mg or more and another 500mg this morning.
  • Last night I had up to half a gallon (1-2 litres of water)
  • This morning my piss was clear when I woke, and I've already had half a gallon of water.
  • I took creatine EE last night in a large quantity (had some handy because I used to bodybuild) I forgot how much like shit it tastes.... never mind when you're heaping spoons of it into plain water. Nearly vomit inducing.
  • I've had 2 high concentrate B-complex pills already and will have two more in half hour.

I have exactly 1 hour and 40 minutes before the test.

In that time I'll take a big shit, drink a gatorade, have more creatine and B-vitamins, another half gallon of water and snack junkfood to ensure my body is holding as much shit in as possible.

Wish me luck...
How did it go ? You failed , right ? The key is absolutely how much fat can you burn and how fast . To pass a test you want to burn as much fat as possible in the least amount of time as possible , stopping a day before and eating your fill the day before and then some to add fat over top of whatever is left . Fasting , or starving yourself , isn't healthy and may not work . When you starve , you go into starvation mode and your body hordes all the fat it can and burns the quicker sources of energy .. sugar and muscle . And that's not good because less muscle = a lesser rate of fat burn . And you don't want to burn sugar or muscle , you want to burn fat . Also , it's just not good in general to burn muscle . I'm highly disappointed by all the misinformation in this thread . People saying "oh this this and that" but if those don't work "oh here try some more senseless HORSE EXCREMENT that doesn't work but I heard it works so it must be true right?"


>>>>>Can we get a new , clean thread with all the false-truths removed ?<<<<<

Also note , I suppose you could say some products remove metabolites .. in the sense that , only the products that help burn fat energy , indirectly affect THC metabolites by helping to burn fat . And stay hydrated , the only reason you should drink a lot of water is because the better hydrated you are , the easier to burn fat it is , and improves general health as well . But remember , too much of anything is bad and can kill you .

So to put it in a few words ....

.... More fat burned equates to more metabolites excreted . It's as simple as that . It doesn't need to be any more complicated .

Anyone have any contradictions to my post ? :Namaste:
Fair call on a lot of things there man. I don't mind being part of the gripe you're laying out.

I should've given more context to a few things because it reads a bit short. I was hell anxious at the time and just shat that post out basically.

So here's some surprising news - Just got an email from the HR recruitment chick saying the medical passed and I start monday!!! I honestly didn't see that happening.

Couple things though; first of all it doesn't mean weed came up negative; but it does mean that if it was a non-negative, it was at a very low level. It may have (and this is a long shot) helped that I built a rapport with the nurse... but I doubt it. It's a pretty big company so I'm surprised if they don't care about weed, I mean, why make me do the test? I could've just gotten real lucky. But anyway, here's some more context:

- I normally eat shitloads; up to twice a normal person. My use of 'fasting' at the time of that post was to describe going through extended periods where I was much hungrier than usual, but I was still eating three meals a day. Only smaller ones, and they were all very, very healthy.
- I have an VERY fast metabolism and in spite of my smoking habits, keep extremely fit
- Before the test I ended up drinking well over a gallon of water and my piss always remained light yellow from the B-vitamins. I'd pissed 6 times prior to going into the test, with the frequency being about every 30 minutes.
- I pissed into the cup towards the very end of the stream.

I think the zinc thing is a load of shit. The dude above pretty much nailed it, but my gut says physical health and fitness and having fast circulation, extremely low body fat and just doing everything right was what helped the most. I still vouch strongly for using saunas daily. Plus I'd cut back a lot before quitting altogether anyway.

Point is, it's going to be different for everyone and my case is pretty rare judging by this thread and what the dude above's saying. If you've got my physical attributes and you exercise then you may also have a shot.
Hey guys and gals- need an opinion...56 days clean, weigh 220, 5'10 and workout everyday. I drink about 1-2 gallons of water and eat fairly clean...sweat a lot even when I don't workout....am I good 2 go?? Replies greatly appreciated
I had not smoked for over a year until last week then smoked a total of about 3-4 joints over about 7 days. My weight is about 190 and I run and workout 4-5 days a week. Learned about a job opportunity last Friday and have not smoked since. Will probably have to take a urinalisys. Any pointers on passing the test?


One area where this may be notably pronounced, significantly with daily use, is worsening pre-existing anxiety or inflicting major life changes by introducing daily anxiety or even full blown panic attacks for a personal UN agency had not practiced it before exploitation artificial cannabis. In my case I feel that I even have lost a significant portion of my past and my temperament as a results of my artificial cannabis (ab)use. merely flick thru the cannabis forum for several horror stories.

I might jog concerning why this may be the case, but simple} reality is that it's very straightforward to become obsessed with artificial cannabis just by exploitation it recreational, and there at semi-permanent effects on one’s moods, condition and intelligence. You’re actually aspiring to use this unknown cocktail medication|of medication} sprayed onto a packet of herbs as a daily drugs, which means nevertheless you manage to avoid physiological/physical addiction there is still a very real potential for pronounced, semi-permanent effects on your mental/emotional state.

The convenience of associate merely accessible and apparently legal product marketed as “weed” makes these things appear to be a suitable cannabis substitute. but it is not. Cannabis has thousands of years’ worth of aggressiveness information. artificial cannabis has caused harm to such a giant quantity of individuals in such a quick quantity of some time that moves have/are being created by health authorities worldwide to possess it regulated. If cannabis works for you, you want to take it. If you are thinking that the implications of testing positive for cannabis at too necessary, you want to investigate numerous measures to reduce your anxiety levels (focus on diet, exercise, social life) or book yourself certain associate chat with a caregiver.

Natural THC ward strategies:

Following the THC natural ward methods:
*Abstinence from marijuana is that the commencement of natural ward methodology. Unless you stop smoking THC, it's not progressing to work.
*Drink lots of fluid; water is that the best liquid that may clear the toxins of THC from your body.
*Cranberry juice is economical in cleansing the toxins through water. This it will because of the diuretic drug property gift in cranberry. *It causes you to to urinate usually therefore passing of poisons.
*Remember whereas you're on a diuretic drug, it's suggested to balance the solution metallic element. Eat fruits and vegetables wealthy in metallic element like banana, melon, citrus fruits, and inexperienced foliose vegetables.
Whats up men.....I can ad some personal experince. I was lucky enough (if you want too call it that) to get work realese one time when i was in jail and was getting piss tested avery week and was working out side in the 100 degree heat in the summer (im a welder and it gets piss hot) and thought I was doing a good job by drinking a lot of water to stay hydraited, and guess what, in KY if you are in jail and get work realese, dont think you can drink water too stay healthy, cause you cant. They piss tested me one week and said I was trying to hide something becuase there was too much water in my piss !!!!!!!!! So they yanked my work realese and stuck me in the hole for the rest of my time!!!!! (90 days) The shits of it was, the whole time I was in, I was smoking a little the whole time and that week I could not hook up with my man (security guard that finally got busted bringing it in), and that week I get busted for WATER!!!! NOT WEED !!!!!! not once did I get busted for the weed I was smoking ONLY WATER !!!!what a bunch of idiots they got here in KY !!!!!!
Just thought Id throw my 2 cents worth
:passitleft: :passitleft: :hippy:

That's what you get for living in Kentucky. Just cross the river (into Ohio, not Indiana), and your troubles will go away. We've got decrim, medical mj, actual cities (sorry Louisville, you're still smaller than Columbus, Cleveland, and Cincinnati), restaurants, nightlife, businesses, full sets of teeth, married couples who weren't related beforehand, legal pubic drinking, 6 major league sports teams (none of which is centered around circling vehicles!), the most presidents, and a nuclear power plant.

Hell, just in Cincinnati we have a 100 year old unfinished subway, a streetcar that goes nowhere, has no riders, and can't fund itself, a shortage of Narcan, ghetto Potemkin villages, the inventor of the partial-birth abortion, former UC basketball players Art Long (punched a police horse) and Steve Logan (drop kicked a waitress) and former XU basketball players Dedrick Finn (incarcerated cocaine dealer) and Lloyd Price (robbed a convenience store he frequented...without a mask)

Roller coaster fatalities, and Occupy group that wore exclusively Northface and Nikes, a Kroger than is like 1,500sq. feet (it's cute), a Sam Adams brewery that smells like yeast every morning, the most dangerous, statistically, neighborhood in the United States (1/4 change of being victim of violent crime if you live within a half-mile radius of Liberty and Central Parkway), "The Real Policewomen of Cincinnati," Charlie Sheen, Pete Rose, hipsters, fake hipsters, gentrification, fake gentrification, and Sarah Jessica Parker, Jerry Springer (he was our mayor!!!), Charles Manson, and we're the worst!

Also, we have the building that inspired the Hall of Justice, the building that inspired the Empire State Building, the bridge that inspired the Brooklyn Bridge, Oscar Robertson, Carmen Electra, one of the Wright Brothers, the movie "Airborn," the skyline featured in "WKRP in Cincinnati" and "Edge of the Night," the most bars and nightclubs per capita of any city, the longest running Oktoberfest outside of Munich, a church that Paul Revere cast the bell for, one of three Hebrew Union Colleges (New York and Jerusalem), more arts (symphony, opera, theater, visual, etc.) establishments and spending (mostly private) of any city per capita, a viable third political party (Charterites!).

9 fortune 500 companies--seriously, you mess with us, and we'll take away all of the soap, shampoo, detergent, diapers, men's grooming products, paper towels, digestive aids, toilet paper, tooth paste, deodorant, makeup, lady's grooming/beauty products, tampons, and VICKS Vaporub! Not to mention pharmaceuticals for the elderly, uniforms, American made steel, Kroger grocery stores, Macy's AND Bloomingdale's, president hats, and jet engines).

The perfect news anchor dialect, the guy who spent half a mil in ads to get Drew Peterson convicted and got kicked out of his trial, the first professional baseball team, Donald Trumps first major project (Swifton Village), the highest per capita consumption of chili IN THE WORLD, the most circulated library, the most successful shopping mall (margins), the first Jewish Hospital in the US, Steven Spielberg, the first professional fire department, first air mail (hot air balloon), second oldest and second highest rated zoo (Philadelphia older by 14 month, San Diego is rated higer), the last carrier pigeon, world's first steel reinforced skyscraper.

Rain Man, Eight Men Out, Seabiscuit, Elizabethtown, Milk Money, Traffic, Ides of March, etc., etc. on the movies, Gorilla Glue, Formica, Cornhole, King's Island (where the "roller coaster" episode of "The Brady Bunch" was filmed), the longest continuously operated open air market, Opening Day, Nick Lachey, Ken Griffey (both), Afghan Whigs, Peter Frampton (lives here at least...), Doris Day, Ted Turner, Soap Operas, world's largest coordinated chicken dance, longest standing 5-star restaurant, Lyman Beecher (pastor at the church Paul Revere cast the bell for and William Henry Harrison helped to build) and his daughter Harriet Beecher Stowe, The Food Network, and we're the best.

Oh, and one more thing. We have blue grass here too!!!
Okay so I'm 5'8, 119lbs (under weight) with very high metabolism and take prescribed adderall daily , every day smoker but cut down drastically about 3 weeks ago. Stopped for about a week and a half and smoked maybe a total of 6 hits through out 3 days. Last hit was on a Thursday and have a 5 panel UA drug test the following Tuesday. I've been drinking water consistently everyday, and drinking cranberry juice and I just took a test from walgreens and came up negative. Thoughts?
Developing a new substitution device for supervised samples-need input
By necessity, I have invented, tested and now improved a prototype pissing device for men only (sorry ladies) and feel that I may have cause to go into production, with new laws but not new policies, I feel the demand for privacy is even higher. no pun intended. The innovation of my idea is simple and successful. Certificate awarded for graduation with 2x week for six months sampling standing in front of wraparound toilet mirrors proves how discreet and effective it is. I just want to get some professional opinion as to if the niche is marketable. The other devices seem awkwardly and obvious, while gravity just doesn't produce an effective stream that mimics the human bladder. i have a solution and would like to know-should I take it to the next step and help so many that read and stress about passing the test?
Not sure if I am in the right topic, so please let me know where and if I can get some feedback. Someday we will all pee freely.
So, I'll start by saying that I've used synthetic urine exactly once. It worked, but I don't like the idea of having to have synthetic urine ready anytime a drug test pops up with little or no notice. I've been searching for other surefire ways to pass a drug test but everyone's all like "you just gotta detox, man" and I'm all like "I don't always have time to detox, man". I read the latest article on Drugs And Bad Ideas and they talk about different options, some of which sound really good if you have a little time, but they still say that if you have short notice, synthetic urine is your only real option. I refuse to believe that science hasn't come up with another option by now. Has anyone heard of anything new that's a guaranteed way to pass without necessarily having to have synthetic urine on hand?
Thanks! :smokin:
I have been trying to help people since I joined on this topic by offering advice from my time as a UPL. I just found your thread and must say you've described it in a much more thorough way than I can. From now on I will just refer people to your thread. Like you've said nothing's better than the ol' switcheroo!!!
I've been sober for 15 days prior to a test then heard that my test was rescheduled for 20 days later. I smoke a joint but haven't since. I've been working out almost everyday and my job keeps me active also. One day I took a home test and I had a faint line for negative. Two days later did another test and I was positive. I still have 14 days to go and I'm taking stuff to speed up my metabolism as well as drinking lemon water about a gallon and tea blueberry and dandillon tea. What can I do to help me get to a negative point. I know it goes off of what I have in my system but I am a heavy smoker.

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The only thing you can do.is keep doing what your doing and wait it out. You should be good barring any issues or slip ups. Putting on lean muscle mass will help speed up your metabolism. Good luck to you

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What about saliva test Im very active and I drank water and used a detox before i took the test. I also didnt smoke for over 20 hours will i pass? Is it true saliva test are the easy ones to pass for THC?
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