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hello,it's really good that finally you take a step. I am very happy to see that. You will also be happy to know that if really great for your health. Thanks to you for your step.
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It might, and it might not. If you aren't able to do a home test there is no way of knowing for sure.
You being a more regular user are not going to clear as fast as someone who uses once every other month for example. A friend of mine took nearly 60 days to clear himself (home test verified), and he drinks lots of fluids regularly.
It's a bad position to be in, I wish folks would just drop the whole drug testing crap. Wishes are wishful, and not real likely.
Now if your fit, and I do mean really fit, you might know what your body fat percentage is. The lower your body fat is the better your chances are of passing. Combine that with anaerobic exercise and you might improve the chances even more.
Good choice on the almonds and burgers, if going the whole dilution route.
I had not smoked for over a year until last week then smoked a total of about 3-4 joints over about 7 days. My weight is about 190 and I run and workout 4-5 days a week. Learned about a job opportunity last Friday and have not smoked since. Will probably have to take a urinalisys. Any pointers on passing the test?
Whats up men.....I can ad some personal experince. I was lucky enough (if you want too call it that) to get work realese one time when i was in jail and was getting piss tested avery week and was working out side in the 100 degree heat in the summer (im a welder and it gets piss hot) and thought I was doing a good job by drinking a lot of water to stay hydraited, and guess what, in KY if you are in jail and get work realese, dont think you can drink water too stay healthy, cause you cant. They piss tested me one week and said I was trying to hide something becuase there was too much water in my piss !!!!!!!!! So they yanked my work realese and stuck me in the hole for the rest of my time!!!!! (90 days) The shits of it was, the whole time I was in, I was smoking a little the whole time and that week I could not hook up with my man (security guard that finally got busted bringing it in), and that week I get busted for WATER!!!! NOT WEED !!!!!! not once did I get busted for the weed I was smoking ONLY WATER !!!!what a bunch of idiots they got here in KY !!!!!!
Just thought Id throw my 2 cents worth
Can pour some tea into diluted urine or just substitute my urine with tea will make me pass?
who have tried it?