Fanleaf's New Room & A 6 Plant: 4 Strain Auto Grow & Perpetual All LED Baby

:rollit::hookah:Your ladies are coming along nice..Hey I have a couple questions you might be able to help me with..1)how much longer should I wait to top and 2)my leafe is ripped or something I have no idea what happened but will it be ok.3)I think I have gnats can I use sand as a top dressing to prevent entry them from laying more eggs..don't mean to intrude your thread but if I wanted some info on auto's you would be the one to ask..I'm hoping mine will look like yours when it's that old..mine is one days old from seed
Sorry I forgot to post the
Top about day 15 or as soon as you can do it safely at the 4th node. I topped a few at day 13 and the others at day 14 I think. The ones I did on day 13 were pretty tough to do without taking out the future branch nubs to the sides of the top I took out. I'll go to your journal right now and check it out.
I think 2 of these things are already ready for the switch to flower nutes. I hate to need to switch already. They are only 23 days old.

Looks like a few may be starting early.



Our 3 photoplants are ready for up potting that I will do tonight. In the last hour I topped the 2 Afghani regulars.


Then for the Cheese fem plant I fim'ed her.


I took the top I cut off of one of the Afghani regulars and figured what the hell....So I trimmed the leafs and dipped in rooting hormone and put in a rockwool cube. I don't really care if it lives or dies but just threw it in there with some water in a solo cup and covered with clear plastic with a small hole.


Looking well mate;) have u noticed any stretch .look to defo going into flower so u can hit them with bloom if u want will not do any harm.a short plant or tall will still produce big fat buds;):passitleft::high-five::bravo:
Looking well mate;) have u noticed any stretch .look to defo going into flower so u can hit them with bloom if u want will not do any harm.a short plant or tall will still produce big fat buds;):passitleft::high-five::bravo:

Yes, they are stretching now. I'll maybe give them a few days to be sure the stretch has stopped before I switch. That a good time right? Check out the roots 1 page back man!

Thanks so much Beast!!:high-five:
Have an auto question... hope you don't mind if I hijack your journal. I have 3 autos that are 27 days old and I've kept them on 18/6. Well, I'm running out of room and want to put them in with my flower plants on 12/12. Will I mess this up? :thanks:
You can put them on 12/12 with no problems. Putting the autos is 12/12 will affect your final yield some. More or less depending how far along your autos are. If you don't mind sacrificing some of your final yield go for it, it won't hurt anything else.
Looking great man! How do you like those airpots?? Have you tried smart pots as well? Just wondering if you notice a difference between the two.. I would imagine that airpots dry up faster right?

My father is a grower as well and he uses the smart pots. I haven't used them myself but the limited experience I have with them is working with him on his grows. I like them, just not as much as the air pots. I really like the air pots because I use the holes in the side for my LST. All of the holes in the sides are perfect because I can just take a 6 inch or so piece of stiff wire and bend a u shape on one end, hook that around whatever branch I want to pull outwards and train and bend the other end of the wire in a 90 degree angle and push into whatever hole in the pot I need to get the result I need.
I also like them because of the height. I could be wrong but all of the smart pots my father uses are nice and wide but pretty shallow. I know that wen cannabis grows the taproot shoots straight downward and keeps going. I like the air pots because in either 5 gallon, 7 gallon, 10 gallon or even 13 gallon I can have a height of 16 inches in depth. That's just my take on it anyways. I'm honestly not sure if the dry out any faster than smart pots but I sure imagine they do though.
I think 2 of these things are already ready for the switch to flower nutes. I hate to need to switch already. They are only 23 days old.

Looks like a few may be starting early.



Our 3 photoplants are ready for up potting that I will do tonight. In the last hour I topped the 2 Afghani regulars.


Then for the Cheese fem plant I fim'ed her.


I took the top I cut off of one of the Afghani regulars and figured what the hell....So I trimmed the leafs and dipped in rooting hormone and put in a rockwool cube. I don't really care if it lives or dies but just threw it in there with some water in a solo cup and covered with clear plastic with a small hole.


High Fanleaf.
Your garden looks amazing for only 20 something days from seed. Bravo.
About the autos.....Atrain says to keep feeding the grow formula until they stop stretching. On 8 to 9 week autos that's about 5 to 6 weeks.
If I find the post I'll link it here.
Love your training
1 month old tomorrow. All plants are doing just fine. I fed last night at 1/2 strength. I always stay half strength with my autos because from 3 weeks old to finish I never use full strenngth food every other water. They wont get just water at all. Instead they get hallf strength nutes every time they dry out.
I switched to flower nutes for those that are showing small flowers. Kept the rest on veg nutes.

The 2 Pineapple express are small compared to the rest of the plants. Seems to be just a strain thing.


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Re: Fanleaf's New Room & A 6 Plant - 4 Strain Auto Grow & Perpetual All LED Baby

On another note. I built a 50 actual watt cob. Full spectrum 380nm through 820mn. With autos I hate that since they get planted in their final pot since day 1 that I run huge led's to cover all the pots in the room when they are just sprouts and barely usingcany light. So I built this 50w cob. Im trying it out over our cheese fem plant to see how it performs. If all goes well the other 6 of the same cobs I built will be great for power saving when I start the next auto grow. I should be able to just hang 1 50w cob over each pot for the first 2 weeks or so.

They have a large heatsink and a 60 degree lense. The cooling fan Im running on the heatsink seems to do great. Total actual power usage is 48W including the fan, led driver and led and 12v supply for fan.

What do you guys think?


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