Exploring the Microscopic World of Trichome Photography

Well, I didn't get as close as Justin did, but you can see the trichomes on this MAC (miracle alien cookies) by Herbies Seeds USA. Day 60 since flip. Just zoomed in a camera photo.

MAC flip +60 (9)2.JPG

MAC (miracle alien cookies), flip +60
Woooweee!! It's thick in there!!!
I don't have any new cameras. I have three Nikon D7100 DSLR's that I've been using for years. LOL
This is with a Meike macro lens and photo stacking. I believe it was a total of 30 photos.
My bad, I thought you had gotten a new camera.....must have been a stoner moment:hookah:on my part.
Those trichomes are looking tasty.
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