Exceptionally High FECO Yields

Just a little bonus info in the pages: Increasing fertilizer rate was found to have a dilution effect on THC, THCA and CBGA; therefore, excessive organic fertilizer application during the flowering stage should be avoided despite increased biomass yield. This is more of what we're finding.

Less is More!
Yes, I've been following along. I haven't taken the time to read the Caplan paper. I bookmarked it. Guess I better get to it today. Thanks guys. Cheers
I have posted this before, but it never goes out of form!


200 ppm of a + b for veg. is plenty.
350 ppm of a + b for flower is plenty.

CaliMagic/Canna A&B ratio
150 ppm/200 ppm = 350
100 ppm/300 ppm = 400
50 ppm/ 400 ppm= 450

Here is a chart the gives the ratios of Calcium in given ppm of A&B.
This Calcium information is purely based on a Canna schedule, using CaliMagic. Once you hit around 700 ppm, Canna base nutes, you no longer need Cal/mag additives.
This is based on slightly rough math but is very close to correct, in my experience.
3 ml/gal = .4 EC = 200 ppm with around 44 ppm of calcium
4.5 ml/gal = .6 EC = 300 ppm with around 66 ppm of calcium
6.2 ml/gal = .8 EC = 400 ppm with around 88 ppm of calcium
7.7 ml/gal = 1 EC = 500 ppm with around 112 ppm of calcium
9.2 ml/gal = 1.2 EC = 600 ppm with around 135 ppm of calcium.

I use GH Cal/Magic and I believe the recommended rate is 3.5 ml (1 tsp/5 ml)/gallon. I use Canna Coco's line of nutrients but I back off of their recommended rates, as I feel they are way high. For example, in veg I will add only 200 ppm of A&B and in flower 350 ppm. Now these rates do not give me the Cal ratio needed. You need around 150 ppm of calcium alone.....so even if when I'm at 200 ppm if I only added 100 ppm of Calimagic, only 75 is calcium so I would still be a tad short. In flower, I use RO (55 ppm of Cal/Mag), to this I add 0.75 ml Cal/Magic (68 ppm) and 0.5 grams Epsom (63 ppm) per gallon to bring my #'s to 131 ppm, below the 150 ppm needed, That's without the 55 ppm of the RO, then begin adding the base nutrients. But I have been working with this and it seems ok. I believe it has to do with the 55 ppm of Cal/Mag that is added back to my RO water.
P/K I use reduced rates for multiple weeks (2), do not add additional Sulfur, but do keep Mg rates up, along with K till the last days of flower.

pH of 5.8 and let it drift to 6.0 to 6.1. Drip Clean for the win, helps clean the root system of excess nutes and keeps you nozzles clean.

Hope this makes sense!
After digging around in the trash I found my notes taken during yesterdays harvesting of FD #2. This was after I harvested FD #1 this morning and noticed a big difference in wet hanging weights. Problem was yesterday. I have 5 separate groups of branches that I weighed on a screen that rests centered on the scale. That screen weigh’s exactly 40.2 grams. In the future I will try to remember subtracting tare weights. It was only a 250-gram error. I am a goof sometimes. Dang

Trying this again.

FD #2 days in flower 55/ wet hanging branches 515 grams. (not the tightest job Dave), this plant was the quickest out the gate and was selected to provide our 4 clones accordingly.

FD #1 days in flower 56/wet hanging branches 435 grams (cleaned extra tight). This plant looked bigger than she actually weighed.
Ahoy @gr865,
Reading your info packed comments reminds me how little I know about cannabis cultivation. I wanted to make sure the best minds in cannabis are at least aware of Caplan's 3 studies. Looking over the credentials of the folks who have interacted with me on this thread my primary objective has been accomplished. I will post updates on my silly jab at this, but it is you folks with more experience and all who I count on to help get this right. I dropped a dime on our thread in the report news icon spreading the word.
Ahoy @gr865,
Reading your info packed comments reminds me how little I know about cannabis cultivation. I wanted to make sure the best minds in cannabis are at least aware of Caplan's 3 studies. Looking over the credentials of the folks who have interacted with me on this thread my primary objective has been accomplished. I will post updates on my silly jab at this, but it is you folks with more experience and all who I count on to help get this right. I dropped a dime on our thread in the report news icon spreading the word.

Please Explain what you mean by "I dropped a dime on our thread in the report news icon spreading the word." ?

Also, what is Caplan's 3 studies? I can't find anything on Google!
I reported this thread to the news department here at 420 with hope that they run a story about the nature of our thread to spread awareness among medical growers. Oldbear put up the link for me as I couldnt get it to work. Google Caplan cannabis drought and you will find it.
I have a c99 blueberry fast in high brix that is 6 weeks into flower. I will let her dry out a bit and we will see what happens.


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what in the heck is high brix? LOL we need a 420 Alexa ap. Alexa, what do the hippies mean saying high brix? I am so behind the times.
Yeah, great looking buds, Dave! Cheers
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