Emmie's Perpetual Vegetative Grow Rooms - 2020-2021

Landscape fabric and a sewing machine is all it takes to make any size pot you need.
I have been watching too much shark tank lately. LOL
my inner thoughts say: That paint looks awful, Go white and ditch the black plastic for roll mylar.. other than that it's Sweet!
Yes, a rolling or adjustable work table will save your back..
For about $40 you could do the whole room in the 4' x 8' 1/4" Foam Board with the shiny Silver Backing. About $7 a sheet at Home Depot.
I have been saying for years that a rich soil like FFOF is just fine for starting plants in... I will no longer say such a silly thing.
Emilya, I plant my seeds straight into FFOF every time. No paper towel stuff or anything. They do just fine.
I think your soil mix must be pretty darn strong if it's frying plants. Is it possible to dilute it with a soil without nutes ?
I don't know anything about the organic stuff you do. Maybe I'll learn a thing or two following the journal.
By the way, I like the room. Perfect size to work with.
I think I’m going to try your hoops next time. It saves space around the edges for later. A couple of mine had so many wires I could hardly get the watering can through.

I am finding these to be very useful and easy to apply. I have several packages of these now because the price can't be beat, and they are way better than the ones I cut and bent out of a 100' spool of garden wire, not to mention a whole lot less work.
Today I have two pictures for you, but this first one is primarily for my young apprentice, whom I was just talking to last night about how to spot the perfect time to water by what the leaves are doing. Last night he spotted the one plant that was most in need of water by looking at the angle of lift in the lower leaves.

This morning, right before watering I snapped this picture so you can see that indeed, 12 hours later all the leaves are below horizontal, just as predicted. They were all properly watered at 9:30 am and we will carefully watch the timing of the next watering to see if it is time to transplant.


This second picture is thanks to some prompting by @SgtKiLLx who is making some amazing things with his 3D printer. No longer needing his specialty tent pole braces to keep the tent from bowing in on the sides, he found another thing I might like, a nifty tent pole mounting for my WYZE camera. Again, not having tent poles, I improvised... Here is the view of the plants via live camera, mounted up on the lights and looking down, and now I have the ability 24/7 from where ever in the world I happen to be, to check on the incubation room via my devices. I will of course have to similarly equip the new grow rooms when they become operational.

I have to learn how to do this. Would be nice not to have to run out to the shed all the time.
For about $40 you could do the whole room in the 4' x 8' 1/4" Foam Board with the shiny Silver Backing. About $7 a sheet at Home Depot.
Looks like my future overpriced 2x4x8 tent purchase is now going to be foam board instead.
4 sheets of foam is about 1/3 of a tent would cost.
Emilya, I plant my seeds straight into FFOF every time. No paper towel stuff or anything. They do just fine.
I think your soil mix must be pretty darn strong if it's frying plants. Is it possible to dilute it with a soil without nutes ?
I don't know anything about the organic stuff you do. Maybe I'll learn a thing or two following the journal.
By the way, I like the room. Perfect size to work with.
I used to plant my popped seeds directly into FFOF as well and never had issues other than the cost of buying peat moss/bark with a tiny bit of worm and bat poop.
I use soil from my property now with perlite mixed in. Saves alot of money, besides the poop only lasts a couple of weeks before things begin to yellow.
I plant directly into that too.

I am finding these to be very useful and easy to apply. I have several packages of these now because the price can't be beat, and they are way better than the ones I cut and bent out of a 100' spool of garden wire, not to mention a whole lot less work.
I know I have one pack left over from putting in a weed barrier outside.
Hi Em,

Not sure if you got a doorway made for you room yet, but I have a few of these and they are awesome!

Google Black Hatch doorway
That is very cool, but I just went with traditional wooden doors. With the negative pressure I am generating in those rooms there really isnt a need to be air tight, and with the mylar I have hung up, it is definitely light tight. Thanks for the suggestion though!
@Mr. Krip here is information for you to share too:

We got into a discussion the other night about what would happen if over the winter the backyard well become depleted below the point that we were able to draw water out or if it just got too cold outside to be able to pump it.

Dad sent a note later that night to @GeoFlora Nutrients via their website question form, to ask if it would be OK to use unfiltered tap water in a Geoflora grow instead of our well water or even RO water.

can unfiltered tap water be used in a soil/geoflora indoor container grow, without the chlorine degrading the microbes too badly between the every two week applications?

Here was the response:

Hi xxxxxx,​
Yes, you can use tap water between the applications - every two weeks when you top dress you are buffering with even more bacteria thanks to our blended form factor - so you are good to go.​
Let us know if you have any other questions!​

This is very good news and in addition, the response time on my father's question was excellent! Organic growing just got even easier!
I have some amazing news that I guess it is time to share. I have recently become an official Geoflora Sponsored Grow Journalist! I will continue reporting on my use of Geoflora Nutrients all through my grows and documenting what happens across a multitude of varieties, all the while demonstrating how easy and effective this organic growing system is to use.
Today we planted 3 more Durbans into solo cups of Happy Frog soil and placed them all on solo cup risers so as to be able to compete for the light in Veg room #1. The new arrivals, the very unmanageable Strawberry Coughs and the equally stubborn NYCDiesels, have succumbed to the garden hoop, and have started their training.


Training is going very well on the Gummy Bears and Deep Cheese clones in the Mother room, and they will be moving to bloom as the plants in there start finishing up. We will then start experiencing some major product production, finally being able to bring the lights down onto an even canopy. Even in smaller containers, we should be able to easily exceed the production of this first round.


There will be 3 waves of plants hitting the Bloom room... first the group in the mother room, next the larger ones in Veg Room #1, and last wave will be several more Durbans. Following up behind all of this, will be the Dope-Seeds Sponsored grow which will be started soon.

@CADBOY, you wanted to see my rooms in full production.... this I think is it. :)
I have more good news! I have been talking with our sponsor @DYNOMYCO and I should be able to share a discount code here on my threads soon for those who also want to try out this new product. I need to solve the previous difficulties that I have had with picking up phosphorus in bloom by taking better care of my roots from the very start of the grow. It's not just the roots that need to be developed in these early stages and upon each successive uppotting, it is also very important to grow and develop the special fungi that work in a symbiotic relationship with the roots to make the uptake of phosphorus much more efficient.

I ordered a small packet of Dynomyco via their big store shipping partner, and got my free shipping and next day delivery of the product, with a big smile on the package, the very next day. Then to follow up after delivery, we got a personalized email from the company inviting me to contact them directly if I had any questions or concerns! This company is definitely going the extra mile and trying hard to get our business, and after comparing their prices with the last product I used and with what I have seen so far of their business practices, they have mine.

So this evening when I water my plants in the veg rooms, they will have some Dynomyco mixed in with their water. It is not the best way to apply this stuff, I know... but it will be better than not applying it. It is my belief that enough of the fungi will come in contact with the roots that they will be able to start building their colony here in the solo cups. Definitely when I uppot these smaller plants, I will use the Dynomyco to line the hole, as is recommended.
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