Emmie's Perpetual Vegetative Grow Rooms - 2020-2021

A quick update on the next generation of plants coming up out of the nursery... the strawberry cough and NYC Diesel clones are all starting to show tiny roots in the bubble cloner and by the weekend they will probably need to be put into solo cups, and that will free us up to get some clones of Durban Poison next.

The Gummy Bears and Deep Cheese clones have exploded with growth since the last watering 7 days ago, and today they got their next proper watering, finally having been able to drain the water in the cups. Now that they have some decent roots, this next wet/dry cycle should be considerably shorter... I am guessing 3 days, and then the cycle after that they will probably be 24 hours or so and will need to be uppotted.

Sanity has set in and we have realized that we simply don't have room for this many plants in 5 gallon containers in the large bloom room. There will be 11 so far, and we are will be going with 3 gallon and even 2 gallon containers for the rest of these plants, and with a fairly rapid time in veg compared to their parents. If we do find the practical or legal limit in the bloom room in the 5x5 space the MEGA provides, we will hold over any extra plants in veg until we free up bloom room for them.
Today the veg room is getting emptied out as the Kosher Daddys move over to the bloom room. This will be my perfect chance to get some mylar up on the remaining walls in there, so as to be ready for the next round coming in.

At the present we will have 11 plants in bloom in 5 gallon bags and this seems to be plenty for now without crowding the NextLight MEGA at all. We will slow things down a bit now by working in Veg with the 8 Gummy Bear and Deep Cheese clones for a bit, LST training them to be bushier and shorter than this first round was allowed to be. I will be moving them to the main veg room soon, after transplanting them to 3 gallon containers, for the duration. The solo cups just got their first application of @GeoFlora Nutrients VEG today, just one tsp on the top. They should really go into a growth spurt now, but they are still on a 3-4 day wet/dry cycle, and even though many of them are showing roots emerging from the bottom drainage holes, I have not even considered transplanting them yet.

The Strawberry Cough and NYC Diesel clones now in the bubble cloner are showing roots after 13 days, all but one that is... and they will need to go to solo cups soon. This time I am not in a hurry and I will let them go a few more days in the cloner so as to establish some good strong roots, and to give that last one a chance to get going. These guys will also be slowed down and put through the LST process, hoping for a second bloom round to be a production run with some very high yield.

We will get seeds from one of the Kosher Daddys, so I am not going to keep a mother of that variety going, but all the rest, GB, DC, SC, NY, and DP will get mother plants going in the 2nd veg room very soon, and using them we will look forward to a third large bloom in the spring, featuring our favorites from this group.

The plan is in place, water and electricity are free and production has started. Our lives as new medical growers in Missouri is turning out to be very enjoyable.

Fascinating stuff.... so much going on way outta my league... but I am a fan! I dont know how to track it all...

Ill sit back enjoy a smoke and watch.
Fascinating stuff.... so much going on way outta my league... but I am a fan! I dont know how to track it all...

Ill sit back enjoy a smoke and watch.
Here is how I manage it all... this week's Google Calendar: Green,Red and Yellow indicate the number of days in veg, bloom or transition. Blue indicates water. Violet shows fertilizing and Grey shows something special being done that needs to be documented.
Veg Room 1 got some much needed love today. We put up a bit more mylar in both of the veg rooms, but we have run out again and need to order at least another 50', for a total of 200' of mylar so far in this project. Next we moved the big 6x COB array about a foot deeper into the room and toward the back, so that it would center in on the new veg table that has been installed and leveled out. This 4' reflective work table changes everything, especially when you add a rolling office chair to the setup, and now finally, I have a place to sit and comfortably work.


The light will now be used as it was designed, allowing me to get close in yet still provide an even and powerful light across the entire grow table. Right now we are set at around 17w per COB, producing a very easy and inexpensive 14,000 LUX to get these plants going strong.


Also, we have permanently moved the 5gal water container into the corner, complete with its handy dandy USB charged pump that can with a push of one button, give me half of a watering pitcher of water, or a full one. A rotating tower fan sits in the corner behind the door and all power has been routed up above the grow area for safety.


I will be spending a lot of time this next month in here, training the clones in to a much more even canopy than we have this time in the bloom room, and taking the time necessary to turn each of these 8 plants, and the 8 coming up right behind them, into beautiful bushes ready to go into bloom in about 50 days.



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If they only made a fabric pot the size of the solo cup, then that would be magical. just put the it inside a bigger fabric pot and away you go. I love the chair set up I realized I spent a lot of time with the grow and a seated set up is great!
Today, the Strawberry Cough and NYC Diesel clones (4 each) were placed into solo cups of Happy Frog soil. The cloner is down for repair this evening so that I could re-attach the air stones to the plastic tub, this time with epoxy instead of the hot glue gun. Several of the plants had very impressive root systems already, and one of the Diesel's barely had a root, but it had started, so it is probably going to have a slow start, and that runt will become the mother of that variety and will soon reside in luxury in Veg Room 2, the Mother Room, along with all the other mothers. All of the clones got water this evening, and all 16 now sit on the new grow table, under the COB array in Veg Room 1.
The repairs to the bubble cloner appear to have been successful, and version 3.0 is now plugged in and bubbling. Sometime very soon, at least 4 Durban Poison clones will be taken and put in there for processing.

The veg table got a nice upgrade this afternoon... see if you can see the difference. The first 8 plants out of the cloner are about ready to be transplanted to 3 gallon containers, and that is when the real fun will start and when we start employing the Mother room for some of the overload.

One very nice addition has been added to the grow room area this weekend. Fearing an inability to pump water out of the well when it is really really cold, I have anticipated a need to store water upstairs. Using a pump down inside the 55g barrel, a garden hose and an 18" watering wand... life is about to get a lot easier in Emmie's gardens. It took about an hour to pump 55 gallons of water upstairs from the well, but it was WELL worth it. :rofl::slide:

Today, our 8 oldest clones, of Gummy Bears and Deep Cheese, were more than willing to be be uppotted after 23 days in the solo cups. The roots were firmly wrapped around the outside and on the bottom and they could all easily drain the cups in 24 hours. They could have been transplanted days ago, but other things had to happen first. They were given 3 gallon containers, first filled to the halfway point with Ocean Forest, and then Happy Frog packed in around the old rootball to the top. They were given their next hit of @GeoFlora Nutrients VEG, this time 70ml for the 3g bags.

So today we completed the operational stage of the 2nd Veg room, or the Mother Room as we are going to call it. A grow table was added along with two more LED lights that I used in a previous grow. They are not the best lights in the world, but for this purpose they are adequate.

This room will be the permanent home of our mother plants, of which there will be 5. This will also be the overflow room, when too much is going on in Veg Room #1, such as now, with 8 more clones coming up at 8 days in the cups, and 5 more Durbans in the cloner, sitting under its own light in the cloning alcove.

At the moment, the entire new grow operation is humming along, each room with its own lighting, timing, air control and ability to isolate from the rest of the gardens. It is not nearly as pretty as it will eventually be, but finally the entire thing is running. The only thing I am lacking at the moment is another big LED to put in the second half of the Bloom Room, and eventually I will get something in there so as to be able to utilize the entire 12x6 reflective room.

Watering has also become a joy, instead of its formerly being a pain in the back side. I will need to pump water up from the well about once a month, and then with my short garden hose and pink spray wand, even plants in the corner of the large room can be watered with ease from the upstairs water holding/pumping station.

Training has started on the clones that were just transplanted yesterday. These plants will probably outproduce their originals by 3x by the time we are ready to go into bloom.

I train pretty exclusively with plastic coated metal plant wire, bent into hoops of various lengths, with a hook on the feet ends so they hold well in the soil. As the plants solidify into position over the next 40 days or so, the hoops can be moved around as needed, and of course they can be reused over and over again.

Several things are going on right now and the goal is to not lose sight of where we are at with any individual plant or plant group. One big improvement happened in the bloom room yesterday as we worked on leveling out the canopy a bit by using 6 milk crates. (those things are hard to get hold of these days too!) This should help a lot as far as even distribution of the light coming from the NextLight Mega, and it is setting us up for a very cool thing that will be happening soon in the bloom room. Stay tuned... it is going to be awesome.

The mother room is well into training mode where half of the plants have had a third hoop installed, as we begin to lead the growth tips in a circle around the container. Without a whole lot of effort, these plants will become bushes that we will be proud to send into bloom for a nice yield.


Then in Veg Room #1, the Strawberry Cough and NYC Diesel clones have established themselves and are growing quickly. When the Durban Poison clones come out from the bubble cloner to join them in solo cups in about a week, these will also be uppotted to 3 gallon containers.

Today was a total garden watering day, both bloom and veg. It doesn't happen often, but today I was very glad that I have set up a pump and hose watering system to make this big job so much easier.

The newest clones are just about to the point that they need to be uppotted to 3 gallon containers, but I am still insisting that they meet my watering benchmarks before I do. They are all becoming quite bushy at this point and they are going to respond well to LST.

In the Mother room the first set of clones have been building roots. That has become their primary goal right now for three reasons... first, I am not letting them rise up and get taller, the growth tips are severely bent down lower than the rest of the growth so the plants are confused as to what nodes are primary, and I have refused to give them more water since uppotting to these 3 gallon containers 10 days ago. 10 days without water... how many of you do this? This is how you build roots quickly during veg. All of these plants just took a massive amount of water as I watered to saturation this evening. I am confident that we are now going to see a massive growth spurt as these new roots hit this new watering cycle and I bet that we drain these pots in 5 days this time... 3 days the next. Time will tell.

There was indeed a major growth spurt overnight, and these plants all needed to be restrained. I am going to have to get some more plant wire; I am not used to running this many plants!

And we’re not used to waiting a week for an update damn it! You’re gonna have to give up your day job soon Em. :laugh:
And we’re not used to waiting a week for an update damn it! You’re gonna have to give up your day job soon Em. :laugh:
Sorry about that... I have been trying to concentrate on where the action was, and it has been sort of boring over here in the veg rooms lately.

The cloning alcove is experiencing difficulty with the Durban Poisons... I got one out of 5 to throw out some roots and the rest are still trying. The rooted one has already been planted in a solo cup and is in Veg room #1 trying to become big enough to be a mother.

The NYC Diesel and Strawberry Cough clones were forced to stay in the solo cups until they just gave up growing any more, and they even stopped sucking up water every day, and instead were taking 2-3 days to use the water. I knew it was time to transplant, but I just didn't have time, and I wanted to stagger these a bit. Today, I worked a half day at the day job and then came home to work the rest of the day in the veg room. 8 new plants have been moved 3 gallon containers filled with FFOF on the bottom and FFHF on the top. They have been watered to runoff and now will be expected to drain these containers before getting more water. We will start to train them as soon as they get established in the new containers.

The Gummy Bears and Deep Cheese clones being trained in the Mother room have been going nuts after the last feed and watering. I have been using many hoops to train them, and have found this to be a quick and effective way to train clones into massively producing bushes. These could go into bloom at any time now and give us a lot of product, but we are still waiting at least 2 weeks for some plants to finish up in bloom.

Sorry about that... I have been trying to concentrate on where the action was, and it has been sort of boring over here in the veg rooms lately.

The cloning alcove is experiencing difficulty with the Durban Poisons... I got one out of 5 to throw out some roots and the rest are still trying. The rooted one has already been planted in a solo cup and is in Veg room #1 trying to become big enough to be a mother.

The NYC Diesel and Strawberry Cough clones were forced to stay in the solo cups until they just gave up growing any more, and they even stopped sucking up water every day, and instead were taking 2-3 days to use the water. I knew it was time to transplant, but I just didn't have time, and I wanted to stagger these a bit. Today, I worked a half day at the day job and then came home to work the rest of the day in the veg room. 8 new plants have been moved 3 gallon containers filled with FFOF on the bottom and FFHF on the top. They have been watered to runoff and now will be expected to drain these containers before getting more water. We will start to train them as soon as they get established in the new containers.

The Gummy Bears and Deep Cheese clones being trained in the Mother room have been going nuts after the last feed and watering. I have been using many hoops to train them, and have found this to be a quick and effective way to train clones into massively producing bushes. These could go into bloom at any time now and give us a lot of product, but we are still waiting at least 2 weeks for some plants to finish up in bloom.

I think I’m going to try your hoops next time. It saves space around the edges for later. A couple of mine had so many wires I could hardly get the watering can through.
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