DWC, Bubbles, CFL Grow Box, and Closet. First grow, ICE and Bubblelious

OHhhhh ok, get the air pump up off the floor above water level. No problem there are 2 of them there.
So I guess I should lower the water level and put the pump back in just to run to that one plant that has the small roots. The others are ok.
Good catch on the air pumps Roseman.
H - When you move the Air Pumps, try and position them so the light does not shine on them. The light will heat them up and you will be pumping hot air into the res, raising your res temps, not good.
June 6th res change.
8 days flowering.
PPM 1100
PH 5.7
Water Temp 70

Plants and root looking good. Smelling good to. :)



June 10 update.
12 days flowering.

PPM 1150
PH 5.7
Water temp 6.8

Monday I came up with a system in putting CO 2 in the closet. I do it manually.
I run the tank for 3 mins. shut it off, completely seal the room back up for 10 mins. then I turn on the fans back on. It gets in the low 90's after the whole process. I took apart a Kedde Carbon Monoxide alarm with a LED window and setup a switch to the speakers so it don't alarm. Cost 25 bucks, The unit only goes to 999. but I figure that is good enough. Anything is better than nothing and the plants seem to like it alot. I do this 2 times a day.





This is what I am using to add CO2 to the room for the plants
and the CO2 Alarm that I got to monitor the gas.


And this is the closet Completely sealed up. You have to take 10 screws out to remove the panel.


In all an all, it all working out well. Learning things everyday and love watching them grow. :)
Thanks for watching over me MC. Yeay, I know about the C02. I really don't like doing it this way but I felt they needed something to help them out.
I just didn't have the funds to buy the meters, regulator and tank to add on.

It does heat up the room to the low mid 90's after the whole process. But after I turn all the fans back on it gets back down to 82 quick. I will be build my home made exhaust fan and outlet this weekend. That should lower air temps even more. :)
What Nutes do you use that doesn't change the color of the roots? I am sure its the Micro stuff from GH flora that is doing it to mine.
I am seeing what looks like slim in the back plant. These are only pictures but just in case you didn't notice it I wanted to give you a heads up. My nutes don't change my root color but I know a lot do from posts I read. Someone else will have to tell you if GH does it.
Thanks for stopping in alien. I am pretty sure it is the micro nutes from GH that is doing it.

The plants were just pulled when I took the picture. It's not slim, just a reflection of the flash and water. They are fine, I freak when I first notice the brown on the roots when I first saw it. But they are not mushy, and pretty sturdy. At this time in the grow, I really thought the roots would be a lot longer. But I guess not.
Why don't you ask the question in the home thread about gh nutes to get an answer from people who use them. Many do on the thread. I had slime once and the roots still felt solid but got rid of it fast.
Good advice alien8. Kind of looks like slime to me too. I hope it isn't but better safe than sorry. I don't use those nutes so no personal experience.
I am definitely going to look at those roots real careful today. Make sure there is no slim.
But if there is, what is procedure to get rid of it? Flush?

When I apply my co2 I only remove 4 screws on the left site to get my hand in to turn off the fans.

After I have done my second application of the co2, I then take the panel off to get to the res and add more nutes and water. I try to do the last application about an hour before the last hour of the light at 12/12.

I have a cordless screw gun. so it don't take long to get it down and put back up. I felt this was the best way to seal up the room for no light leak in our out.
I would really head over to the home thread and ask about the nutes and the remedy. You will get great information that way. If it isn't bad you might be able to get away with h2o2 like I did. If it is bad you need store stuff. Ask in the main thread and you will get all your answers.
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