DWC Bubbler Grow Tent First Attempt

get one of those big ones that look like a clamshell for the bottom of an aquarium. big disk with a plastic bottom. get the biggest one you can. voila. like 10 bucks max from any pet store.
day 11!
(last nights pics)

only one sprouted :/ but i got her in there, should be interesting now cuz i get to see the heavier feeding on a young'n

plant b *sorry a lil blurry, still figurin this Canon out


plant a - looking... wilted?...


^ good pic, showin the lil shoots a' comin!

^ well call this plant C .. already green today, about to open completely

gonna go to the store n get sum hygrozyme today cuz the roots of plant a are Not looking very shabby.. also bought a round air stone, but it doesnt seem like enough right now, prolly get another one while im down there.. F*CK that tube that didnt stick to the bottom damnit
gonna go to the store n get sum hygrozyme today cuz the roots of plant a are Not looking very shabby.. also bought a round air stone, but it doesnt seem like enough right now, prolly get another one while im down there.. F*CK that tube that didnt stick to the bottom damnit

Just had to stop by and say its nice to see the girls groing up! Also congrats on the new sprout!

About the air storne that your using. Im not sure how you would feel about doing this but i use a few small garden stones (little rocks dont work lol). I just wash them in bleach to kill anything that might come with it from the yeard and then place them on the hoses and ends of my air stones. I like using the long skinny air stones so that im able to place a 1-2lb rock on each side. Mother nature sure has alot to offer in a grow you just have to take some time too look around. They might also have weighted stones i baught one when i first started my hydro but now that i have a larger med set up its much cheaper to use rocks lol.

Way to GROW man, and hope the girls feel better soon! looks like they will be just fine over tiem. :rollit:
day 12!

k so i realized i really been stressin em out.. dealin with that damn air stone for how long.. constantly openin the lid up n shit to get in there n fix it n leavin em outta water for how long n what not ... im really gonna try n let the shit go n not screw wit em so much :/


plant a

looks as tho the new shoots wont have that funky leaf growth =D


plant b


plant/sprout c

^ dont wanna speak too soon.. but sorry Dread! looks like mines gonna make it first try haha

i think what ima do is top plant a.. specially cuz the shoots are comin thru a lot "cleaner" than those mangled leaves outta the top shoot :/
eh not really :/

i water the rw with a turkey baster, i barely get any water on even the stem.. idk what that things issue is, like i said i been stressing the shit outta them, constantly gettin em out so i can fuck with the res, but im good for awhile now, i got 2 disc-like stones in there now

what i WILL invest in at some point in time is gonna be clear, softer 1/4'' tubing for the air stones.. im using black stiffer poly tubing right now.. ill prolly get that when i get the bigger tub which will be next res change
i could have been wrong, those leaves seemed like he splashed nute water on the them, and thats why they look crinkled, and brittle looking. idk just my guess.

if you use a turkey baster, then i suppose thats not the problem. maybe the stress would do that.
ok guys so im thinkin about sumthin, tell watchu think

i want to get the bigger sized tub today, thinkin that that small one was just stupid to even use in the first place b/c its so damn small (4gal).. the roots are not lookin pretty at all cuz theyre crammed and basically sitting on the air stones.. i think if the air stones were a lot deeper they would oxygenate the water a helluva lot more

also, the light is as low as i can drop it and its about 6 inches from the plants.. if i got the bigger tub i could put the light where i want it like right in fronta the bastards, also that lil sprout is starting to really stretch cuz of it

i think im changin shit up tho way too much for these gals, prolly not too good for em but if i get em in this big tub then i can probably be worry free for awhile.. idk, is it too much? should i wait til next change? i think the pros outweigh the cons myself easy, but i could just be being impatient.. lemme kno

root rot??? all the leaves have this f'ed up fuckin brown shit takin them over?!?!

plant A is on deathbed!!!


this is probably bad aeration no?....




wtf do i do?!?! res change?! too much nutes?!?! poor aeration?!?!
thas the only thing i can think that that shit in the tub could be.. its the same color as the roots so idk... i got the big tub today its in my car but i gotta go get water if ima make it happen today.. i think itll help.. cuz the air stones arent even sitting on the floor of the tub :/

this way they WOULD be able to sit on the floor of the tub Plus the air bubbles would be well below the roots.. i just bout some hygrozyme as well i put some in this tub, upping the ppms to like 450 but i dont think i put like enough, especially if theres an issue..

think i should switch to that big tub asap?................. i think itll straight up move those roots around a LOT better in there.. ahh idk man!
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