Look Im a hippie with a bit of exposure to permaculture. Ive always exploited The Edge. Basically the more zones you create the more diverse your biology.
So in terms of plants I grow natives to big high habitat trees. Succulents to ferns.
I have borders in my garden but not defined spaces. The rosemarry, sea daises, lavender etc just grows past the bed soils and low to the path. My path is full of weeds, my lawns full of thistles and dandelions, the mint creeps through the canopies of the flowering shrubs, wattles protect the east side from frost underneath.
But in the chaos theres tiny microclimates, wet to dry, low to high, complete shade and complete sun.
So things thrive in the niche, and the predatory types move in. Sparrows and wrens from above, spiders on the mid levels, and ants in the dirt.
If its not in the house its in its place. Modern gardens arent like mine, they are manicured, and ordered, the cockroaches and ants are sprayed regularly, dandelions poisoned or removed, mono type grass cut into defined shapes and at ground level, flowers in the beds, not on the pavers.
But the cockchaffers and cockatoos destroy those lawns, the ants come inside, and the powdery mildew breaks out on the roses. The catapillers destroy the rows of dahlias. Doesnt happen in my garden, but people think Im the idiot or uncultured.
But the Wrens are here because of me, not the Indian Minors theyve adopted.
My Tomatoes are legendary while theirs wilt. My bulbs and alyssium come back every year while they go to Bunnings to buy better ones this time around. The dragonflys land in my yard, while the mosquitos suck on them. My spiders dine, live and tame while their houses are infested by intruders and the pest bloke is called out again.
I dont entertain people, I just get to roam and watch.