Dutchman’s Pheno Hunt!

July 7
Day - 65/ Flower Day - 16

Well hello everyone! Happy Sunday!

Today was a fun day with the transplanting of the Pheno Hunt Clones and the harvest of Purple Gorilla Auto #1! Lots of pictures and a video update on the 4x4 so let’s get into it!

The first Purple Gorilla to come down is the best looking Auto I’ve grown to date! Crazy sticky buds with resin rails all over the place! A pungent smell of sour grapes and classic gorilla are coming through on her! I’m super excited to sample her after a dry and cure!

I got to trimming and after a budwash this girl is now hanging in the Drying Box!

I’ve put together a video of my budwashing that I’ll be posting for anyone who’s interested! I should have it edited and up here later this evening!

So today is Flower Day-16 and I’m really happy with how things are progressing so far! All the girls are looking absolutely beautiful and have stacked up really nicely! I’m itching to get in there with some snips and give them all a serious defoliation!
No room for any larf or lower weak branches that aren’t included in the canopy! Only serious nugs this round!! Here’s a shot of the tent and little video of the girls if you feel so inclined!

I hope you are all ready for the week ahead and Stay Medicated!
July 7
Day - 65/ Flower Day - 16

Well hello everyone! Happy Sunday!

Today was a fun day with the transplanting of the Pheno Hunt Clones and the harvest of Purple Gorilla Auto #1! Lots of pictures and a video update on the 4x4 so let’s get into it!

The first Purple Gorilla to come down is the best looking Auto I’ve grown to date! Crazy sticky buds with resin rails all over the place! A pungent smell of sour grapes and classic gorilla are coming through on her! I’m super excited to sample her after a dry and cure!

I got to trimming and after a budwash this girl is now hanging in the Drying Box!

I’ve put together a video of my budwashing that I’ll be posting for anyone who’s interested! I should have it edited and up here later this evening!

So today is Flower Day-16 and I’m really happy with how things are progressing so far! All the girls are looking absolutely beautiful and have stacked up really nicely! I’m itching to get in there with some snips and give them all a serious defoliation!
No room for any larf or lower weak branches that aren’t included in the canopy! Only serious nugs this round!! Here’s a shot of the tent and little video of the girls if you feel so inclined!

I hope you are all ready for the week ahead and Stay Medicated!
Congrats on the harvest Dutch! Looks like some killer bud. Those roots are nice and healthy looking as well.
Congrats on the harvest Dutch! Looks like some killer bud. Those roots are nice and healthy looking as well.
I’m excited to see how she smokes! Sample day is always a good day haha!

Great harvest as usual mate and nice video of the garden hopefully 1day I'll have a garden like that
Thanks for the love Tomuk! I really appreciate it! Looking at your garden you’ve got nothing to worry about!

Nice looking harvest on the auto girl. Yeah about time someone did a proper bud washing tutorial.
Thanks Derby! I’ve been thinking about it for a bit now and figured this is the perfect time!!

Nice work dutch . :passitleft:
Thanks Joe!:passitleft:
Everything is looking outstanding here Dutch! I think I may take a crack at cloning next round. Will probably hit you up for some help along the way!
Thanks Magoo!
Any questions you may have in always here my friend!!

The father of a close friend of mine always said "If you ain't Dutch, you ain't much!"
That’s a wise man! Haha what’s up Scott!

Still looking great in them there tents Dutch! Beauty harvest on the Purple Gorilla. Looks sticky and always a nice clean trim job at your house :).

No Larf indeed!! Thanks Shed and defoliation day is coming!! The stretch has just about finished and I’m super excited to get the snips out and go to work!!
July 10
Day - 68/ Flower Day - 19

What’s up everyone! Happy Wednesday! I’ve been busy in the flowering tent this evening with feeding and getting a head start on the defoliation work! With Friday being Day-21 of flower most of these girls have stopped stretching and are beginning to focus on bud production.

The Wedding Cake girls are still stretching a little bit but with the defoliation I did today and will finish this weekend I hope they finish off! I know for the next round the stretch on these Wedding Cake is real!
I’ll be posting some final stretch numbers this weekend of all the growth from Flower Day-1

If you recall a while back I had broke a branch really bad on WC and had it supported after I taped it up. Today as I was doing some defoliation I removed the tape and check out the hearing knuckle!!

I also got the snips out on the critical girls. These ladies are minimal stretchers and they haven’t stretched much in the last week or so. Here’s the defoliation work on the today so far with more to come this weekend!

Next on the agenda is the Pheno Hunt Clones! Cut on June 17 these little ones are now 23 days old!

The 3x3 tent will be getting a defoliation again tomorrow to open everything up again. I’ll be taking some clones from all those girls next weekend and then prepping for flipping that tent!!

Finally to finish this update off here’s a bunch of random bud photos from today!

Stay Medicated!!
Those clones are looking happy, as are everything else in your garden! :thumb:

What ever became of that triploid plant - did you keep it or toss it?
Lanky AF Dutch! Get some bamboo stakes because you might need to support the future flop. Looks damn good in there, healthy and green.

I'll say...noted!
I’m using a couple yo-yos at the moment but I will be getting some bamboo! I wasn’t expecting them to stretch this much but it’s a good lesson for the future crops!

All looking good as usual mate them nugs gonna be falling out the tent before you know it lol
That’s the plan haha! I’m excited to see these girls in a few weeks time when they are really building the flowers!!

Really nice job on the defol Dutch. Looking good in the garden.
Thanks Derby! They still need a bit more work till I’m happy but it’s a looking better with each passing day!

Those clones are looking happy, as are everything else in your garden! :thumb:

What ever became of that triploid plant - did you keep it or toss it?
Thanks Beeze! After they got their first feeding and a good dose of MykosWP on the roots at transplant they took off! Healthy and strong :slide:
I did keep the triploid and it’s actually the tallest of the 3x BadAzz Kush plants! I’ll take some pictures of her tomorrow for the update ! She’s looking great though!

Looking fantastic Dutch
Thanks Penny! I hope your well and best wishes for your appointment!
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