Dutch Dragon's Blueberry White BatMix Soil 90 Watt LED UFO - CFL Grow 2'x2'

Thanks for your opinions. Ive got a different pair of eyes to look at them trichs(my misses). She reckons theyve got a while yet. I chopped a bud off to get a good look and Im quick drying it to get a smoke tonight. Theres no rush Ive still got smoke, might be another few days to a week. Ill post back after Ive tried it.
Thanks again for your help guys, this ones turning out to be quite tricky. Never had a problem before judging ripeness.
Therell be a good amount of pics of the chop etc... Stay tuned.

I'm right at the same place with one DD, I'm watchin close.......NO AMBER YET!
Hiyah all,
Im so fu**ing busy I havent had time sorry. Theyre ready, 60%cloudy 30%amber 10%clear yipee:yahoo: problem is I havent got time to harvest them. Crazy. Theyll just haveto wait till friday night. Some photos as of now
took this one as the light kicked in.
will document the harvest on friday and post it up as soon as I can.
Just got my Royal Queen Seeds OG Kush Feminized seeds in the post:) gonna do two of those one blueberry white and one somango critical this time. Gotta improve the grow box in between. Probably have to make a temporary home for them to start out. Cant wait.
Yes dutch they are looking awsome!! Some fat colas there, nice colours too.

Know what you mean about bein busy mate, constantly tired myself from working 6/7 days, slave and good things come mate.
Ive done it, last night, took bloody ages. Done prity well I reckon considering it being an experiment to see what this 250 hps can do on its own, as a comparison to my led cfl previous grow, gpw. Cant wait for the results of that when I weigh um dry. Its been a nice little grow with a few problems, but on the whole I think quite a success. Learned loads again. Anyway the pics.
The Big One
Big One Trimmed
Middle Size One
Middle Size One Trimmed
Short Ass
Short Ass Trimmed
Royal Queen Feminized OGKush. mmmmmmmmm.
Top of box hanging to dry
Bottom of box hanging to dry
Bare Roots
Not happy with the roots this time. Most of the soil in the pot was not used. There were only plenty of fibrous roots touching the pot and the mass of soil in between the pot and the three litre pot root mass was almost like out of the bag. Gotta get that sorted. Roots = buds. Im a very happy boy:)
Still got the dry weights to come. And a GPW against the led cfl grow. Grow shop tommorow to get some soil and stuff. Hope I can pick up something useful.
Take it easy people. Thanks for coming along for the ride with me.
Thanks Ca, Yeah I was shocked to find og kush fem seeds as I thought it was a clone only sort. Hered everyone raveing about it on here, so Ive gotta give it a go. putting seeds in paper towels later on so Ill be starting a new journal soon. This time with the right title. I changed to hps on this grow but still have the title led,cfl. OOps. Yours are looking mental frosty there Ca. Wont be long.
Ok people, dry weights are in.
The Big One = 41 grams
The Middle Sized One = 27.5 grams
Short Ass = 32.5 grams
Total of 101 grams from 3 plants with 250 watts.

250 watt hps = .40 grams per watt
490 watt led cfl combo = .21 grams per watt

There it is people. Hps is twice as affective as cfl led while using half the electricity. The buds were also faster with hps by a week and a half. Hps with cool tube was max 26.5C, cfls ran at max 32C.

So my advice to someone weighing up the pros and cons of cfl or hps is that hps has no cons and cfls, whilst a lot of people worship them, they do work, but at the cost of half your weed. The hps costs initialy a couple of bucks more, but the reduced electricity bill more than makes up for this in your first grow.

Im realy impressed by the results of this hps system and I will be using it in combination with the ufo on the next round.

Its been a nice experience to share my grow with all you 420ers, and Id like to thank all of you for showing an interest.

Ill be back to this journal when Ive started my next grow to leave a signature link to my next journal. Hope you all enjoyed the ride.
Yeah Dutch , congrats on harvest mate.

Good HPS CFL comparison. I used to use cfl but since the HID came into my life, never again. Your spot on with heat, electricity and speed. CFL good for early veg or seedling not much else.

You putting up and dry bud pics.
Heres a couple of pics for you JB. Sorry, cant get any closer with my kodak.

Got my grow box stripped apart here in the living room. Installed anti detection foil reflective film. Finaly Im getting round to putting a solid back on it:) All needs a bloody good clean.
Looking goooood Dragon!!!!!! Nice nugs mate, look at them all smooth on a plate, serve them to me brother..

Looks like your rigged , got the bud and the controller ready, get high and smash some games! Doing the same right now. The new F@RCry 3 dlc is epic.

Reps on harvest mate, glad it all went well for you :goodjob:
Hiyah Ca,
My computer went up in a puff of smoke so Ive been arranging a new one. Got it all running sweet now. Got some new girls on the go so Ill have a new journal soon enough, just gotta find the time. Also the bud is sooooooo strong that Im wasted in the evening. Put the kids to bed by eight thirty, have a cup of coffee and a joint and Im on another planet. Im gonna haveto grow some less potent weed one of these days:)
Will post with new sig by the weekend, girls are doing fine. The seedling stage is prity boring anyway but they'll soon kick off and then Ill have something to post.
Like your outdoor girls CA.:thumb:
Very nice indeed missed it but i went back and checked it from the beginning, happy harvest to you sir, I am looking forward to a lil one myself cheers.:cheertwo:
Hiyah Ca,
My computer went up in a puff of smoke so Ive been arranging a new one. Got it all running sweet now. Got some new girls on the go so Ill have a new journal soon enough, just gotta find the time. Also the bud is sooooooo strong that Im wasted in the evening. Put the kids to bed by eight thirty, have a cup of coffee and a joint and Im on another planet. Im gonna haveto grow some less potent weed one of these days:)
Will post with new sig by the weekend, girls are doing fine. The seedling stage is prity boring anyway but they'll soon kick off and then Ill have something to post.
Like your outdoor girls CA.:thumb:

Good going dutch! Got to love a new computer, so quick with no issues.. until a month later and others have had their hands on it :laugh:
I feel the time issue as well buddy, haven't been able to update in a few days. Any extra time I do have I find myself roaming 420mag :) Just stop by, early morning coffee sippin' and joint flickin' :thumb: Hope all stays well in your world bro :Namaste:

:peace: CA215
Thanks for sharing your grow with us!

Don't forget to head over to the 420 Strain Reviews forum and post your smoke report there too! :cheertwo:

I’m moving this to Completed Journals now.

Hope all is well in your world.

Love and respect from all of us here at 420 Magazine! :Namaste:
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