Duggan Does Purple Envy, Star Pupil & Black Cherry Punch With Doc's Gear!

Hey Doogs.... Green Am to ya bro, and hope this finds you well... Hey I was just wondering, and I am asking several of the peeps I follow on here, do you prefer in a tent or in a room for indoor.. I am building a room right now, I feel that I have alot of wasted space in the basement .. A tent would be easier to move obviously and my basement in more of a dirt cellar with a ceiling at about 5 feet upon entering... Then I have a step down into a very nicely finished area that used to hold an old coal burning heater.. concrete and all.. Any way my question is to concern you pros and cons of tent vs. room if you would my man... Thx for your thoughts... comments from anyone is welcome for I need the help deciding.. and gotta decide now ish..
Yeah be careful there... som of the things you recommend there could really do some damage in some circumstances. If there’s an injury history and a significant residual problem (like Doogs seems to have) a dead lift of anything might be a very bad idea! I’m not saying it cant be helpful ... but it soooo depends on the circumstance....

I get ya, and I hate to argue... but I really think in most cases people need these exercises in their life. It makes life so much easier when you're stronger and more flexible. Sure in certain circumstances people MAYBE shouldn't do these, but really as long as you take it slow, dont let ego get in the way, people will do just fine even if they have issues. People make a lot of excuses to just sit around... Sorry to be an asshole but it is true.
I get ya, and I hate to argue... but I really think in most cases people need these exercises in their life. It makes life so much easier when you're stronger and more flexible. Sure in certain circumstances people MAYBE shouldn't do these, but really as long as you take it slow, dont let ego get in the way, people will do just fine even if they have issues. People make a lot of excuses to just sit around... Sorry to be an asshole but it is true.

I surely don’t disagree that exercise is a good. ANd that strengthening the appropriate parts of your body to carry around your skeleton is a good thing. And I’m not arguing, I don’t think. Just talking about it. I do think there’s inevitably a bit of assumption going in whenever anyone thinks they know how someone else ought to fix up what ails them. Thing is - we cant know. And we can’t responsibly recommend certain exercises for a back issue unless we have some expertise AND are present wiht that person. It’s otentially dangerous is all. There are heaps of other ways someone in Doogs’ position might help to heal and strengthen a probe back, like yoga or Pilates but it still requires skilled guidance, especially when working with injuries, and particularly long term ones.

Seeing as I’m here - and you’ve caught me in the middle of a little cannabis detox so I’m fairly manic :laugh:(lucky you guys! ;) ) - there is a different school of thought that says that weight lifting has it all wrong because it seeks to power up the large muscle groups and make them hold up the skeleton. Instead, try thinking of it this way for a minute... fitness practices like Pilates and yoga work on all the small ligaments and tendons and work on getting them strong and flexible with the body in the appropriate alignment so that the skeleton effectively supports itself - thus freeing up the large muscles to a great extent, for extra curricular tasks like powerful movement and lifting heavy weights without damage. ;)

Yeah - there are really a lot of different ways to think about strength and fitness and injury... :surf:

:passitleft: ... oh chit... forgot I’m not smoking this week - here someone take this!
I surely don’t disagree that exercise is a good. ANd that strengthening the appropriate parts of your body to carry around your skeleton is a good thing. And I’m not arguing, I don’t think. Just talking about it. I do think there’s inevitably a bit of assumption going in whenever anyone thinks they know how someone else ought to fix up what ails them. Thing is - we cant know. And we can’t responsibly recommend certain exercises for a back issue unless we have some expertise AND are present wiht that person. It’s otentially dangerous is all. There are heaps of other ways someone in Doogs’ position might help to heal and strengthen a probe back, like yoga or Pilates but it still requires skilled guidance, especially when working with injuries, and particularly long term ones.

Seeing as I’m here - and you’ve caught me in the middle of a little cannabis detox so I’m fairly manic :laugh:(lucky you guys! ;) ) - there is a different school of thought that says that weight lifting has it all wrong because it seeks to power up the large muscle groups and make them hold up the skeleton. Instead, try thinking of it this way for a minute... fitness practices like Pilates and yoga work on all the small ligaments and tendons and work on getting them strong and flexible with the body in the appropriate alignment so that the skeleton effectively supports itself - thus freeing up the large muscles to a great extent, for extra curricular tasks like powerful movement and lifting heavy weights without damage. ;)

Yeah - there are really a lot of different ways to think about strength and fitness and injury... :surf:

:passitleft: ... oh chit... forgot I’m not smoking this week - here someone take this!
I agree with most of what you’ve said... but really when you’re weightlifting you’re not just using the big muscles... unless you’re doing bodybuilding... I’m talking powerlifting here... with squats and deadlifts you’ll be working pretty much every muscle not just the big ones... Pilates and yoga are great for sure! No knocking that... but even with injuries weightlifting is still great... anyway that’s all I’ll say on. Take care.

Here to see what you can do with that Purple Envy. I love that strain, so I'm always keen to see others growing it out.
I agree with most of what you’ve said... but really when you’re weightlifting you’re not just using the big muscles... unless you’re doing bodybuilding... I’m talking powerlifting here... with squats and deadlifts you’ll be working pretty much every muscle not just the big ones... Pilates and yoga are great for sure! No knocking that... but even with injuries weightlifting is still great... anyway that’s all I’ll say on. Take care.

I personally do both...yoga and strength training. I have cervical and lumbar issues, and have found much relief with being consistent with 2-3 times a week doing light compound strength training (dead lifts, box squats, pull ups, and core exercises) and on the other days also combining stretching and flexibility that a yoga practice provides. They seem to complement each other nicely. I keep the workouts short...20-30 minutes... and do everything right after I get up in the morning. I find if I try to do this stuff later in the day, there’s alway something else to do instead, plus that cuts into my garden time.
I personally do both...yoga and strength training. I have cervical and lumbar issues, and have found much relief with being consistent with 2-3 times a week doing light compound strength training (dead lifts, box squats, pull ups, and core exercises) and on the other days also combining stretching and flexibility that a yoga practice provides. They seem to complement each other nicely. I keep the workouts short...20-30 minutes... and do everything right after I get up in the morning. I find if I try to do this stuff later in the day, there’s alway something else to do instead, plus that cuts into my garden time.
That’s a lot like what I do myself! Good on you Dopy! I also workout early, usually around 5am. After a long day of cutting yards and trimming shrubs... I don’t wanna workout that’s for sure! But doing it first thing makes me feel great and of course I’m much stronger so I have more endurance for work and life. Fun times!
Good morning gang! Thanks for all your help and suggestions for my bad back. I went into work today ...did a small job then had to come home...back is just too stiff and sore(lower).
Just putting on my socks this morning was a real chore..ffs! Anyhow , home now...have a great day everyone. Hey Blaze...thanks for droppin in man....will try and grow this Purple Envy out as best i can . I'm curious too about this strain. What is it about it you like ? Cheers gang!
Hey Doogs.... Green Am to ya bro, and hope this finds you well... Hey I was just wondering, and I am asking several of the peeps I follow on here, do you prefer in a tent or in a room for indoor.. I am building a room right now, I feel that I have alot of wasted space in the basement .. A tent would be easier to move obviously and my basement in more of a dirt cellar with a ceiling at about 5 feet upon entering... Then I have a step down into a very nicely finished area that used to hold an old coal burning heater.. concrete and all.. Any way my question is to concern you pros and cons of tent vs. room if you would my man... Thx for your thoughts... comments from anyone is welcome for I need the help deciding.. and gotta decide now ish..

Hey MH! Really only you can answer this question but as a tent owner I will say that if you have the ability to build a room, DO IT! If you need to break down for whatever reason, it will be as easy or easier. If you have the room, it will be easier to control temps and tend to your girls. I would like to build a room and have given a little thought to doing just that in my garage which is where my tent is now but it's poorly insulated so hard to control the environment. Ideally I would build a grow shed but can't justify that at this point. Let us know what you decide.
Morning Doogs

No good you had to come home again. I get that ‘socks’ issue ... it really sucks. So hey, I wasn’t making any suggestions about what you should do for it. I don’t know anything about you or your back really. I jumped ‘cause I thought just turning around and starting dead weight lifting didn’t sound wise. Not saying it would definitley be bad, just yeah - really a specialist physio or ‘back doctor’ of some kind is probably the first move, and my guess is you’ve been there and you have one already... so that’s all. I feel for you with it, take it easy man and do the exercises the doc gave you eh! :cool: And what 119 and dopey say is true... whatever you do - first thing in the morning is the ticket :thumb:

Have a good day you! Have a toke or a cookie :yummy:
Thanks Amy...yes, when a person can't put on their own ef'n socks , sumpins wrong eh!
You are correct too, i have been to chiropractor many times over the last 20 yrs. or so . A few yrs. ago i was going once a week for an adjustment. Problem is i really need orthotics (as i did when i was a runner) cuz of mechanics . I also do a lot of walking on concrete floors at work , covering up to 12 k easily in a day, every day. It's getting to be too much for my back. Even with constant stretching (although not done long enough or often enough) it's seems it's always on 'the brink' of going into spasm. I have to be careful with it, and over the yrs. i've learned when to STOP working and stretch it out. Unfortunately this past Saturday , i did way too much and didn't catch it in time....rats soup!! Once the muscles go into spasm like this , they always seem to need a few days to loosen back up enough to relax. Right now i'm sitting here and can feel it seizing up...sitting is bad, bad. Anyhow , hot baths help, weed helps , but very little TBH.
Anyhow , i very much appreciate all the input and thoughts Amy and gang....:circle-of-love:
Have you got 8grams of high THC weed you can dedicate to relieving some of that pain... and the spasms too? ANd a magic butter machine? I have an oil recipe that works a treat.
Decarb 8 grams of potent buds/trim - then infuse into 8oz of oil that is a mix of grape seed oil (6oz) and Fractionated Coconut oil (2oz), using the magic butter machine for 8 hours and strain. This is literally all I did and the relief is almost instant, and amazing. Others have testified. I used a plant I grew fro a free seed that was Afghani x Critical Mass (so AfghanixSkunk#1 in there). The weed is so fragrant that even the oil smells like sweet fruit! It may not be a silver bullet but it could help a massive amount at times like this when you’ve missed the threshold. And yeah - those custom made inserts sound like a necessity for all that concrete walking! No-ones feet were designed to do that eh!

Cheers D :passitleft:
I surely don’t disagree that exercise is a good. ANd that strengthening the appropriate parts of your body to carry around your skeleton is a good thing. And I’m not arguing, I don’t think. Just talking about it. I do think there’s inevitably a bit of assumption going in whenever anyone thinks they know how someone else ought to fix up what ails them. Thing is - we cant know. And we can’t responsibly recommend certain exercises for a back issue unless we have some expertise AND are present wiht that person. It’s otentially dangerous is all. There are heaps of other ways someone in Doogs’ position might help to heal and strengthen a probe back, like yoga or Pilates but it still requires skilled guidance, especially when working with injuries, and particularly long term ones.

Seeing as I’m here - and you’ve caught me in the middle of a little cannabis detox so I’m fairly manic :laugh:(lucky you guys! ;) ) - there is a different school of thought that says that weight lifting has it all wrong because it seeks to power up the large muscle groups and make them hold up the skeleton. Instead, try thinking of it this way for a minute... fitness practices like Pilates and yoga work on all the small ligaments and tendons and work on getting them strong and flexible with the body in the appropriate alignment so that the skeleton effectively supports itself - thus freeing up the large muscles to a great extent, for extra curricular tasks like powerful movement and lifting heavy weights without damage. ;)

Yeah - there are really a lot of different ways to think about strength and fitness and injury... :surf:

:passitleft: ... oh chit... forgot I’m not smoking this week - here someone take this!
As someone who has been doing Physical Therapy for my lower back and hip area for going on a year and a half now......he has to strengthen the areas. Best way to do that is with weights but I think a lot of people get the wrong idea when people mention weight. I rarely go heavy on anything. I am a big dude (6'2" 250 lbs) and I don't do real heavy leg presses or squats, but the point is to do them. The stabilization muscles, the stretch, the contraction are all key but ONLY if done at the right amount and with absolute correct form.

Deadlifts will be fine for Duggs if he starts out very low and learning the correct form. Even then he should fight the urge to keep pushing the weight amounts higher cause the initial strengthening will be quick. Increase slowly over longer periods of time. You want to go lower weights and higher repetitions. Its more about the endurance strengthening for me.

Stretching is perhaps the most important part of the exercise regiment, but even more so if you are strengthening as well. YOu have to maintain that flexibility.

Now of course, this goes without saying.....don't take Stank's, Amy's or anyone else's advice on workouts for your body if you haven't talked to a doctor to understand the nature of the injury. But the reality is that MDs are generally all coming around to strengthening exercises are a must in virtually all back injuries because failure to do it will cause you to have pain in hips, mid back spasms and even upper back pain that all stem from over compensation in the way you try to protect the initial injury.
and learning the correct form
exactly and that’s gonna be different for each person depending on their ‘mechanics’...
don't take Stank's, Amy's or anyone else's advice on workouts for your body if you haven't talked to a doctor to understand the nature of the injury.
Precisely - which is why i wasn’t giving any advice at all. Except eat a cookie... and make some pain oil! :thumb:
For most injuries, the doctors and therapists are in agreement (more so now than before) that strengthening and stretching is more beneficial to back injuries than rest. Rest without the other two lead to the problem spreading in most cases.

Now depending on the injury (ruptured disk, serious stuff like that) they will want you to really do more bodyweight type of workout and more stretching. Once my disk healed....they really pushed the strengthening aspect of the workout.

Posture, stretching, strengthening, and proper form are all equally key components in eliminating pain and increasing normalcy to your back's comfort level.

Seriously though Duggs.....topicals work WONDERS for my back when the spasms kick up. I can't apply it myself so I have to wait for Ms Stank but when she puts it on....spasms disappear within minutes. I can feel them hiding in the background if I move the wrong way...but it gives me enough warning to stop doing what ever I am doing. I love my topicals! I use Magnus' recipe from here. He swore by the pumpkin seed oil and grape seed oil as the keys because of them being the fastest absorbed oils. Generally less than 2 minutes after applying, my spasms are gone (but hiding) and generally disappear completely in another day or two until I irritate it again. I usually get spasms at least once a week, maybe more but the topical in conjunction with smoking some ATF always makes it all good!
Hey duggs, I made it, sorry I am late. It has been crazy busy but I will get caught up eventually. duggs how do you do the signatures for a journal, I forget and can't figure it out? I started this years grow, no pics tho, maybe this week. Your girls on that last grow were crazy, good job man.
Seriously though Duggs.....topicals work WONDERS for my back when the spasms kick up. I can't apply it myself so I have to wait for Ms Stank but when she puts it on....spasms disappear within minutes. I can feel them hiding in the background if I move the wrong way...but it gives me enough warning to stop doing what ever I am doing. I love my topicals! I use Magnus' recipe from here. He swore by the pumpkin seed oil and grape seed oil as the keys because of them being the fastest absorbed oils. Generally less than 2 minutes after applying, my spasms are gone (but hiding) and generally disappear completely in another day or two until I irritate it again. I usually get spasms at least once a week, maybe more but the topical in conjunction with smoking some ATF always makes it all good!
Yeah this... exactly...
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