Duggan Does Purple Envy, Star Pupil & Black Cherry Punch With Doc's Gear!

Mornin Doogs :ciao:
Hope you’ve got some pain relief going now and can just enjoy having a rest at home. :bongrip: Do you make topical oil for pain? Works a treat - you’d need the lovely lady to assist you getting it onto your back though. Nothing more frustrating that back pain - when you can’t reach it yourself to apply some kind of salve! Anyway, stay medicated! And rest!

Too bad about your back. Smoke plenty of Star Pupil and BCP and I am sure you will forget all about it.
My back has not been right ever since about 6 months into my electrical apprenticeship, back in 87. Was wearing my 'full ' pouch, on the same side every day and it put my hips and spine out of alignment , and hasn't been good since. Weed helps a bit but , just helps,...still painful, those muscles are in 'spasm' and this sucks! Thanks for comin around bud,..enjoy your day would ya.
Mornin Doogs :ciao:
Hope you’ve got some pain relief going now and can just enjoy having a rest at home. :bongrip: Do you make topical oil for pain? Works a treat - you’d need the lovely lady to assist you getting it onto your back though. Nothing more frustrating that back pain - when you can’t reach it yourself to apply some kind of salve! Anyway, stay medicated! And rest!

Thanks Amy, gotta get off my ass, sitting here doesn't help , one bit...seizing up..ffs. No, i don't make my own topicals, Mare is busy today before work with blood tests etc,..before her big operation at the end of the month. Anyhow , i will be fine , in a couple days , if i take it easy tomorrow, and not push it too much. Thanks for visiting woman, always enjoy.....:passitleft:
I’ve read that cookies are good for back aches. ;)

Only have two left,..then it's into the brownies....:ganjamon:
Enjoy the day Doobs...:passitleft:
Yes 119..know exactly what your sayin. OK, ..OK, you know a little. Yes, i try to stretch my backside and do exercises for my front and it works , but i do a lot of walking every day and keeping my backside loose , ..or more relaxed is near impossible. Walk about 6-12 K every day on campus, and most of that is on concrete! I wear the cheap DS insoles and they help for sure but i need the more expensive custom ones. That would help me a lot. Cheers 119....thank you sir!:passitleft:
I gotcha Duggs, and I hate to argue about those damn insoles but I gotta say, those do noting but make your body weaker. Think about it... out feet are made to move, to twist and contort to the ground we walk on. When you wear regular shoes with an arch support, or even insloes, or speacial insoles, you’re just causing muscle atrophy in your feet and calves. If you have low back problems, feet, knee, hip problems... you can fix all that pretty easy. It’ll take a little time, a lot of dedication, and some new clothes cause yours won’t fit anymore... but it is possible. All you’d have to do is workout, not like bodybuilding stuff, no. Like power lifting. Strengthen your butt (squats, deadlifts), it’ll help fix your hips and back, and also your feet if you do them both barefoot. And then bench press and overhead press... done proper will fix your posture, deadlifts are great for that too... anyway, I’m sure you’ll make fun but it works. I had terrible neck and low back problems and I was in my early 30s when I started working out doing power lifting and such. Now... no pain... I can work longer and not feel fatigued. I know you play hockey right? So you must be in some sort of good shape right?
I wear the cheap DS insoles and they help for sure but i need the more expensive custom ones. That would help me a lot
Oh totally get yourself something custom for that. Walking around on the concrete all day is terrible isn’t it!? And it’s very taxing and jarring on your skeletal support system. Yah - get ya self some nice clouds to walk around on... :surf:

I gotcha Duggs, and I hate to argue about those damn insoles but I gotta say, those do noting but make your body weaker. Think about it... out feet are made to move, to twist and contort to the ground we walk on. When you wear regular shoes with an arch support, or even insloes, or speacial insoles, you’re just causing muscle atrophy in your feet and calves. If you have low back problems, feet, knee, hip problems... you can fix all that pretty easy. It’ll take a little time, a lot of dedication, and some new clothes cause yours won’t fit anymore... but it is possible. All you’d have to do is workout, not like bodybuilding stuff, no. Like power lifting. Strengthen your butt (squats, deadlifts), it’ll help fix your hips and back, and also your feet if you do them both barefoot. And then bench press and overhead press... done proper will fix your posture, deadlifts are great for that too... anyway, I’m sure you’ll make fun but it works. I had terrible neck and low back problems and I was in my early 30s when I started working out doing power lifting and such. Now... no pain... I can work longer and not feel fatigued. I know you play hockey right? So you must be in some sort of good shape right?

Yeah be careful there... som of the things you recommend there could really do some damage in some circumstances. If there’s an injury history and a significant residual problem (like Doogs seems to have) a dead lift of anything might be a very bad idea! I’m not saying it cant be helpful ... but it soooo depends on the circumstance....

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:rofl: :bravo::rofl:
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