I feel you Duggs with the changes. I am getting used to it but it would have been nice if it had remained similar to the last update they did. I am glad you were able to upload pics and post them. Your girls are looking superb bud! As to the whole being abkle to add pictures of other peoples I do think you could do that before but i think it was a lot more difficult to do than it is now. So maybe they can "hide" the ability like they had before. As Amy said you used to just have your own pictures pop up when you hit the add pic button. Before to add someone elses pics I am going to guess you had to copy the address from the gallery or some such thing instead of having the ability presented to you right when you are adding pics in the message. I am hoping they will get thigs ironed out fairly quickly and from the looks and sounds of things they have been right out straight trying to get things fixed that they did not get to with the initial roll out. I hope things get easier for you bud!