Duggan Does ACE's Neville's Haze X Panama & Their Zamedelica X Panama

Great morning to everyone. I need to take a minute and offer up a warm welcome to a couple newer members to my journals, Sparkey and Bubblin. Welcome to 420 mag You guys and especially my new journal. Bubblin , you have stumbled upon the bestest grow neighborhood on the web. These members will go above and beyond to offer up their expertise and will jump at the chance to help anyone who needs it. Welcome to my new journal Sparky and Bubblin...cheers to ya guys!:high-five:
I'm not gonna quote everyone who has joined up for this grow with me...you know i appreciate very much your presence around here and your continued support is awesome , as usual. thanks for subbin up all you guys. :circle-of-love:

Well, last night i couldn't bare to watch the two 'split' Malawi X Panama seeds ,...so i planted one in a solo cup , ...just in case that late comer Zam X Pan doesn't make it. She looked ok last night but not takin any chances with her, so i needed a 'back up' plant , just in case...:nervous-guy:
These four sativas will test my patience , as they always do. LSTing , Supercropping and tieing down , all LST methods will be used A LOT during this grow, so anyone wanting to really get a good handle on these practices, please stay tuned and see how i do it. It will be fun, for sure.
Last night was fun but we watched another movie "Once Upon A Time In Mexico" ...was Ok but not the 'Hollywood' one we wanted to watch...couldn't find it on Rogers on demand, so...pfft!
Gang. would everyone please take a minute and say a prayer (if so inclined) for our PCaddict this morning. As you all know , he is in the hospital finally getting some answers to his shortness of breath. He received bad/good news that it's because of a blood clot in his one lung. Please think of him and maybe offer up some love or sumpin...i don't know gang. Its just that he's such a great guy and i worry about him.
Thanks for stickin with this longer than most post today. Cheers and enjoy this sunny day everyone.:circle-of-love:
Thanks for the warm welcome Duggan:) It means a lot to me, Im not too outspoken but I’ll be here for the whole ride, my next grow will be a sativa run... Durban Poison and Acapulco Gold n I know those get huge so I’m gonna take notes on how you handle the huge sativas. And @PCaddict i haven’t gotten to know you yet, but that doesn’t matter. Nothing but positive vibes and prayers your way friend. :peace:
Hey Duggs good to be back and caught back up for how long I don't know. Getting the grow itch but man it is going to be rough if at all. Got a great friend on board to help me out. Can't wait to see these monsters do their stuff as well as you make them perform, cheers brother :circle-of-love:
I’ll Tag along Duggan, good luck with the Neville and the rest.
Since I got a 3 pack of Neville haze I popped one on 2/20/20 just to see
how it germinates and grows And is doing well after 10 days.
I hope this is going to b one of those springs that will allow me to take
her outside to finish her up. It’s on the left. 86168062-F665-4C5B-8D6D-56D503823FDC.jpeg This fall?
I’ll Tag along Duggan, good luck with the Neville and the rest.
Since I got a 3 pack of Neville haze I popped one on 2/20/20 just to see
how it germinates and grows And is doing well after 10 days.
I hope this is going to b one of those springs that will allow me to take
her outside to finish her up. It’s on the left.86168062-F665-4C5B-8D6D-56D503823FDC.jpeg This fall
Well waddaya know Bud...thanks man. We can follow along with your fun too. Excellent. She is a pure NH?
Yes , i agree with putting her outside if you can...TBH i think we're all a lil nuts doin these indoors , but if we all LST the crap outta them , we'le be OK lmfao..
.Good luck in getting her outside under as much full sun as you can, as much good soil as possible, water her lots, she will/should get massive with very full/heavy/long sticky/colas...and a 'ride' to remember....cheers eh. :high-five:
All subbed up Duggan Thank you for the thoughts and prayers, It is Much appreciated
Hey Mr.! Hope your day was not too bad bud...thinkin about you. Pretty nurses..?...:cheesygrinsmiley:.....(bad Dugg's..)
Hey gang...hope everyone is groovin a lil today.
Ok....promise not to laugh at me......:cheesygrinsmiley:
When i checked the babies last night the lil tiny 'first' single bladed leaves are Actually shining like the big ones do...i had to laugh cuz they have obviously reached the 5th run soil and are smiling back at me....ha... waddaya know eh.
Pretty cool ide say....:slide:
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