Duggan Does ACE's Neville's Haze X Panama & Their Zamedelica X Panama

Ya...i got the friggen PM from Teddy
Its very Wrong to do this. how can they just erase grow journals....this is bullshit!
Where did all my hard work/journals go too....where do i find them? How can others refer to my journals now? This cant happen. We all have to complain.....anyone with testicles between their legs...please complain about this. Just think about this a minute!! How can growers see wat strains ive gown or refer to those grows . This is terrible...I DONT APPROVE AND I DONT LIKE THIS . THIS IS NOT FAIR! This is NOT FAIR 420 mag!!!!!
Will everyone just let them do this ...PFFT! where are my journals that took me years to grow and get thru. I"M livid over this....they shouldn't be allowed to just erase long time growers/members journals.
Is everyone just gonna sit back and let them do this????????????
Wats the reason and purpose of a 'signature' if the mag is gonna erase them all after ten lines have been reached....so fucking stupid...think about this peeps.....come on...think about it!!!!!!
good morning gang. WHERE IS THE REST OF MY SIG?????
Where did all my previous grows disapear too....wat?????????????????

Staff appears to have limited the number of lines we can have in our signature blocks.

What I've done is put the extra links into a post on my profile. We have control of our profiles, and can add, edit, or delete posts there without any time limits. I then put a link to my profile in my signature block.
Ya...i got the friggen PM from Teddy
Its very Wrong to do this. how can they just erase grow journals....this is bullshit!
Where did all my hard work/journals go too....where do i find them? How can others refer to my journals now? This cant happen. We all have to complain.....anyone with testicles between their legs...please complain about this. Just think about this a minute!! How can growers see wat strains ive gown or refer to those grows . This is terrible...I DONT APPROVE AND I DONT LIKE THIS . THIS IS NOT FAIR! This is NOT FAIR 420 mag!!!!!
Will everyone just let them do this ...PFFT! where are my journals that took me years to grow and get thru. I"M livid over this....they shouldn't be allowed to just erase long time growers/members journals.
Is everyone just gonna sit back and let them do this????????????
Why not make one link for past journals?
Ya...i got the friggen PM from Teddy
Its very Wrong to do this. how can they just erase grow journals....this is bullshit!
Where did all my hard work/journals go too....where do i find them? How can others refer to my journals now? This cant happen. We all have to complain.....anyone with testicles between their legs...please complain about this. Just think about this a minute!! How can growers see wat strains ive gown or refer to those grows . This is terrible...I DONT APPROVE AND I DONT LIKE THIS . THIS IS NOT FAIR! This is NOT FAIR 420 mag!!!!!
Will everyone just let them do this ...PFFT! where are my journals that took me years to grow and get thru. I"M livid over this....they shouldn't be allowed to just erase long time growers/members journals.
Is everyone just gonna sit back and let them do this????????????
Wats the reason and purpose of a 'signature' if the mag is gonna erase them all after ten lines have been reached....so fucking stupid...think about this peeps.....come on...think about it!!!!!!
Over half of my grows have been erased from my sig and , well, they are just gone. ! I'm SOOOO mad right now. this was/is not smart and very unfair. We all need to complain about this. please don't sit back with your tails between your legs. u have to complain...think about this gang.

The journals appear to still be on the site. It looks like they just pruned your signature block. The list I found using the search function is this:

Thanks Hook! Everyone needs to get on this RIGHT NOW! We cant just sit back and let them erase all our hard work with our journals. think about this for a minute....how stupid the idea really is. u cant tell peeps to post grow journals , then erase the fucking things...how stupid and unfair is that....never seen sumpin so unfair and well, just plain stupid....really! we all need to write Teddy or the CEO of the mag....... We need to get our grow journals back where others can see and refer to them. Wat a sham....just a terrible , terrible thing to do......i cant believe they would do this!
my grow journals are GONE! where did they all go???????????????????????????????????????????
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