Duggan Does Ace's A5 x Malawi & Thai Chi In DBHBB

Hah, Dugs your plants are so tight in that space, I laffed out loud when I saw the pic. Looks like them colas are almost touching lights. Good show!

Thanks Gaffle...it wasn't my plan to let them get this big i fu...d up bud! They are not getting burnt yet and i don't see any real bleaching going on , so...i should be OK. They are coming down in two weeks anyhow...checked them out a few min's. ago and they will be ready....i hope..lol. thanks for cruisin thru eh....:high-five:

...WTF...2 sick days in 2 weeks..gonna get flagged as an abuser!...:rofl:...we had a use them or lose them policy...as hard as I tried to use them up ,I left about 80 days when I pulled the pin..still kinda' regret not getting that number down more...ah well,fook it...life is good...:thumb::high-five:...cheerz...h00k...:rollit::passitleft:...
Ya , i think we get 30 sick days a yr., plus 10 E days (emergency)...so , ya..i'm gonna use a few of them , for sure!:slide:

I'm right there with you, just last week I found out I have 40 hrs of unused sick time this year :oops:, didn't think they were offering that anymore whoops.
Nice thing to find out though eh, Killer. Cheers man...:passitleft:

27.3 I Hope for more. Love your grow , just did a 430.00 ACE order. Looks to be a busy year plus a lot of Cobs.:goodjob:
Ya...woulda bin nice if they hadda reduced it to 420...WTF!
Nice! What strains did you get?

Ya Drift...that's a pretty hefty order there sir! Waddidya get?
Golden Tiger Standard Seed Packs10 seedsgoldentigerstd1$46.68 Malawi Feminized Seed Packs5 seedsMalawiFem1$58.35 Nepal Jam Feminized Seed Packs3 seedsNepalJamFem1$29.76 Malawi x PCK Feminized Seed Packs3 seedsMalawiPCKFem1$36.17 Panama x Malawi Feminized Seed Packs3 seedsPanamaMalawiFem1$36.17 Zamaldelica Feminized Seed Packs5 seedsZamaldelicaFem1$58.35 Free seeds 10 Tropical Mix Standard freebietropicalmixstdfree101$0.00 Free seeds 5 ACE Mix Feminized Freebieacemixfemfree51$0.00 Congo Feminized Seed Packs3 seedsCongoFem1$29.76 Golden Tiger Feminized Seed Packs3 seedsGoldenTigerFem1$37.34 ErdPurt Feminized Seed Packs3 seedsErdPurtFem1$36.17 Free seeds 10 ACE Mix Standard Freebieacemixstdfree101$0.00 Tikal Feminized Seed Packs3 seeds
Sorry, copied from the bill. As many as I could, would have loved them all, figured I'll make my own from these. Thanks for pumping me up. I have Panama at 1 week flower now with Pineapple Fields and Carnival and GDP , next will be all Ace... Thanks again! this site ROCKS...
Hey Duggs, hope you enjoyed your mental health day brother! Enjoy your weekend would ya!

All this ACE talk made me take a look at their website......must stay strong.
Ya eh Van..they are one of the best breeders of landrace Sativas out there for sure. We should all try to grow at least one crop of their great , great strains! Enjoy your weekend too my friend...:high-five:
Great mornin to ya LadyG...hope all is well in your world and enjoy your weekend ...:circle-of-love:
wow Drift...that's quite an order Mr! Thanks for listing them all for us to see. I see ya got some fem Tikals....And anything with Malawi in it will test your skills, as a grower for sure. Good luck with them all drift. Enjoy your weekend sir.:passitleft:

Their GUAWI so far seems to be very manageable ;)



GUAWI on the left (SATIVA) -- GDP on the right (100% indica)
Geez Gazoo... that’s one hell of a job on that canopy. Great work keeping it so even!

Thanks, have a few more tricks so hope to keep it that way for a while longer ;)
starting to pull down the leader branches from the bottom now, this will give me 1 or 2 more
inches under the net and wont have to lower the pots for a bit
Gazoo,...great day to ya Mr!...just havin a cold Stella...few puffs...havin a good day. Hope you are as well. Your garden looks very controlled and proper...nice work.....so far.:passitleft:..I remember that grow i did of the Lilly ..she was a squat Sativa too ...stayed very manageable height wise,...but needed a an extra 2 weeks to ripen ....compared to the other strain ,...at the time, the Laniakea.
Anyhow , enjoy the day bud...:passitleft:
Ok...gang...these are something we should all have ...at hand. Bin using these for over twenty yrs. now and lemmy tell ya...they are the most appreciated tool i have. When i run out ,..and need them , i almost panic...:ganjamon:

Mare's comin over tonight....feelin better ....her and i need to talk.....:surf:
Hope all is well with Mare and you have a good talk. I'm curious, do you re use your pipe cleaners or one and done? I have a bunch of twisted up, bent ones that are kind of a pain to keep around but I figured I could get a bunch of uses out of them. Let me know if that is a bad idea for any reason.

Having a cold Yuengling which is my beer of choice but when I was at a bar that didn't have it, they suggested.....you guessed it, Stella, yum!

Hope all is well with Mare and you have a good talk. I'm curious, do you re use your pipe cleaners or one and done? I have a bunch of twisted up, bent ones that are kind of a pain to keep around but I figured I could get a bunch of uses out of them. Let me know if that is a bad idea for any reason.

Having a cold Yuengling which is my beer of choice but when I was at a bar that didn't have it, they suggested.....you guessed it, Stella, yum!


Ween, great to see you about bud.:passitleft:...Yes...re use the pipe cleaners as many times as ya can. I typically have to buy some once a yr. or so,..you know , some get lost, some get cut up , etc. but yup , save and reuse for sure. When i harvest one of the things we do is remove them...straighten them out and twist them together as a bundle until needed again.
yup..Stella....:yummy:....don't tell anyone though...more for us......:ganjamon:...cheers Ween.:passitleft:
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