Thanks so much 119, but i don't have my boys this weekend .....and i cancelled going to my own family dinner on Monday, also Mare and i have split ,'s just me , and my miserable self until Wed. morning when i have to go back to work......took Tues. off. Just haven't been well ..'in the head' these past few weeks. Not sure what else to say...maybe mid life shit...but there are many things right now really getting to me, not good. So's out...
Anyhow enjoy your weekend my friend. happens to all of us. Sometimes it seems as if everyone is against us, or misunderstands us, or something. It's often true too.
Your individual mileage may vary, but these are the times when I like a nice tropical sativa...a dangerous one that's racey and makes you slightly paranoid or perhaps a bit too self-reflective for your comfort.
Smoke a bunch, bring a bunch more with you, go somewhere where you can lay beneath the stars and let your mind "go there." You know, that place you don't like to go.
Track down the monsters, observe them, give them names, find out what they eat (relationships, money, success) and smoke a bit it, find the monsters again and watch them.....and pretty soon you'll know how to kill them or make them pets.....metaphorically speaking.
The times I've done this I've gone from irritated, to angry, to vengeful dark fantasies of retribution and the realization that perhaps I am not giving enough love to those around the certainty that while the problems aren't "all" my fault, the solution to them is certainly something I can accomplish on my own by being more loving, holding my tongue, doing nice things for people who hurt me, etc.
I can't do it without the sativa's! It helps me see my own faults and avoid judging others.
Again, your individual mileage may vary, but I certainly can identify with where you're at!