Duggan Does Ace's A5 x Malawi & Thai Chi In DBHBB

Hey, if it works.....go with it brother. I hate buying new stuff just to buy new stuff, especially when the old one works fine. I still drive a 99 Ford truck and I can't see getting rid of it any time soon. Those new ones sure are pretty but when I think of that car note for 6 more years and I shudder. Old is good Duggs, Old is good brother!
Hey, if it works.....go with it brother. I hate buying new stuff just to buy new stuff, especially when the old one works fine. I still drive a 99 Ford truck and I can't see getting rid of it any time soon. Those new ones sure are pretty but when I think of that car note for 6 more years and I shudder. Old is good Duggs, Old is good brother!

Computers are a little different though, I bought the Adobe Creative Cloud package as a student for $99. Because this laptop is 10 years old it wouldn't even load a couple pieces of the software. I needed the a 64 bit pc and not a 32, and as a student that wasn't happening.

Still hasn't happened... lol
yeah but a monitor just plugs in.....so unless you are looking for something to display in 4k or something, he should be good. Kind of like my truck.....I don't need a fancy navigation or any of that shit. Just drive and carry stuff. No cruise control and power door locks barely work but no a spot of rust on it. And that is unheard of for a 1999 truck in the North East! I love fucking with the chowder heads here when they ask me about my truck.

"Man, how do you not have rust on this truck?"

Easy....just wash it and put this amazing stuff call wax on afterwards!

"Wait, really? Thats why your truck isn't all rusty"

Yeah man!! (had nothing to do with the fact the vehicle was out west in Southern California and Arizona for almost all of its early life)

LOL....I look out and see the neighbors waxing their trucks all the time now. LOL....fools
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