DrZiggy's Low And Slow Drying: Maximizing Your Harvest

So you don't use the greenhouse in the winter? I'm jealous and would really like a greenhouse one day!
I did a winter grow in the GH last year and it was successful...however, the insulated space I used inside the GH was only 2x4' and I wanted to grow more, so I went into a 4x4' for this winter. Last winter I was always worried about power failures because the COBS were my only heat source and if the power went off the plants would be toast (it could get down to 25F in the GH)...this winter I opted to grow in our summer rental cottage which effectively has a root cellar...ambient temps average 50-60F and the tent (with heat mats and lights) averages 50-80F...but, if the power goes out (as it did Monday) then the plants really won't notice the temp difference. I'll be back in the GH end of April....:slide:
Here is the same bag one week 3 days later, still not yet ready for jarring by my estimation.
I gave them so attention this morning and am testing for dryness. here is the after picture the before is the quoted message....

here is one of my 3 bags. I am glad to have another bunch of buds for missus to combust. All she has had for the last month is zamaldelica, I like to keep her stash mixed up with variety.

Bag of budz

smoothness of the smoke is what I am after.:ganjamon:
Here is the same bag one week 3 days later, still not yet ready for jarring by my estimation.
I gave them so attention this morning and am testing for dryness. here is the after picture the before is the quoted message....
What was your RH and temp?
I know Joe. :laughtwo: I’m frugal. I’m still using the Bovedas I purchased for my first harvest. Lol!
Do you rehydrate them I tried once but failed must have had mislead info on how to . Lol

What would your desired rh be sue what do you prefer I’m curious to know ?
If it were me I’d try to time the harvest so the buds were around 14 - 20 days in the fridge when I returned. He’s leaving in 17 days and he’ll be home after a week, so we’re looking at 24 days from now. I’d say he’s OK to harvest.

A decent harvest in the bags will keep in the fridge just fine. Load the bags a little heavier. This way he has time to bounce them apart a couple times before he leaves. If they look like they’re getting too dry I’d double up the bags before leaving.
And what were your average temps and rh in that fridge sue for the course of the fridge dry ? one more time for the homies lol

Or for me lol
It's been a while since I've been on this thread...I have been trying many different configurations, in different seasons, with our root cellar because I want to find the best option using it. Like many, I have been trying to improve my cure...my buds, I have been told, look great but lack flavor and aroma. :rolleyes: I know certain variables can contribute to that (early harvest, too quick drying, temps, bad luck, etc) and this winter I have been fortunate to isolate and/or eliminate many of these factors and have harvested several autos that smell great...even into jarring phase. Those currently sit in jars in my root cellar @ 50F with Boveda 62% packs in them.

Ok, that's the backstory...for my current harvest (Lemon Auto) I wanted to try the method of 48 hours darkness, trim fan leaves, chop as a whole, and hang for anywhere from 10-14 days. My usual dry time is 5-7 days anywhere from RH 40-70% /45-75F... many combinations therein, so obviously some variation. The 10-14 days supposedly allows more off-gassing of chlorophyll...

So, my current drying space for the Lemon is: dark, RH%60, 45-50F.

Question is who else is under these circumstances and how is it working for you? Thanks!

You and me both buddy

So my Thc bomb under reflector that didn’t go in fridge hang dried two days then took off rh was 62% then day two said 26% I dunno so the buds were drying quick

I cut off and into zip lock baggie large size zip lock triple seal baggys stick hydro meter in after four to five days in baggy and rh said 55% after good six hrs in baggy . So stuck boveda 62 in it and it actually freshened it up after a day I checked it held around 60% but had bit more bud prob ccoudl have used two boveda packs in it ya know . Now these buds have been burped for over a week and they have to be my best looking perfect snap sound when break the bud apart itself . In shocked lol

That was under my mars hydro 144 light

Then my unit farm 120 light buds way denser and look a lot different then the mars hydro buds did . Denser bud sticky kushy feeling .

Those went in fridge for 7 days or 8 I belive then I took out and and dried on brown paper bags for two more days and then I to zip lock baggies to test rh and still slow drying them so I am now airing them out on drying rack rh in room is 45 best I can get it with my dry winter here in Ontario .

Once these buds dry out a bit even if they get bit too low now say 50 % ish I can stick them in baggy and proceed with burp cure phase .

Again the unit farm buds no aroma really from them . However my test bud I smoked week before I chopped it when burning and exhaled smells very weedy smell like a hydroponic smell best I can describe it.

When I buys it up there is abit more aroma but nothing compared to my buddy Lowded here bud that he sent me oh my aroma is nuts . However my Thc bomb from mars light that has a very dominant smell and it was ready for burp phase after five or so days lol

It’s fun trying to battle environment lol
I personally shoot for around 40° F and around 45% maximum humidity. That’s where I keep my fridge anyway for food storage, so I stopped checking.

Low and slo drying overcomes the humidity concerns when it’s too dry in the winter Joe. Next time you try the fridge method give them a full two weeks, at least.

There are a few good reasons to try this method:
  • It conserves the terpenes, in particular the monoterpenes, which will float off into the atmosphere with the slightest provocation. Those terpenes include myrcene, which is one of the more talented cannabinoids when it comes to swishing the cannabinoids into the brain, through the brain blood barrier.
  • It allows for a more controlled drying when ambient environmental conditions are not where we’d prefer for a line dry (i.e. too dry or too wet)
  • If you have to leave town during the drying phase this method can protect the buds from overdrying.

But in the end, it’s the terpenes we’re trying to save, and every time you lay the buds out to dry in the open you lose more of those terpenes. It’s terpenes that determine what type of buzz you’re going to experience. Save all the ones you can.
Do you rehydrate them I tried once but failed must have had mislead info on how to . Lol

What would your desired rh be sue what do you prefer I’m curious to know ?

Missed this earlier Joe. Rehydration is simple: suspend a piece of apple over your buds in a closed jar. I use a piece of silk to hold the apple so it’s not sitting on the buds. You can also lay a slice of bread in with the buds. I don’t bother putting bread into the silk, I just lay it in the jar on top of the buds.

I’ve used both methods just this week Joe, with great success. I leave them in the jar until the rH reads above 65% before I take the apple or bread out and wait to see what the rH stabilizes at before I put them back in.
Missed this earlier Joe. Rehydration is simple: suspend a piece of apple over your buds in a closed jar. I use a piece of silk to hold the apple so it’s not sitting on the buds. You can also lay a slice of bread in with the buds. I don’t bother putting bread into the silk, I just lay it in the jar on top of the buds.

I’ve used both methods just this week Joe, with great success. I leave them in the jar until the rH reads above 65% before I take the apple or bread out and wait to see what the rH stabilizes at before I put them back in.
Missed this earlier Joe. Rehydration is simple: suspend a piece of apple over your buds in a closed jar. I use a piece of silk to hold the apple so it’s not sitting on the buds. You can also lay a slice of bread in with the buds. I don’t bother putting bread into the silk, I just lay it in the jar on top of the buds.

I’ve used both methods just this week Joe, with great success. I leave them in the jar until the rH reads above 65% before I take the apple or bread out and wait to see what the rH stabilizes at before I put them back in.
Just felt like saying thank you sweet sue, you always have a way of clearing things up. :passitleft:
Just felt like saying thank you sweet sue, you always have a way of clearing things up. :passitleft:

What a sweet compliment. :hug: Thank you eggsman.

I have not measured it in a long time. But it was about what I consider 'normal' in a re frig crisper draw. I wanna say it was 40 f temp. Idunno 40 ish to RH. All my meters are in my jars atm.

I figured out a long time ago that if it’s cold and dry enough to keep food safe it’s cold and dry enough to dry buds in bags.
I figured out a long time ago that if it’s cold and dry enough to keep food safe it’s cold and dry enough to dry buds in bags.

I measured it once upon a time cause it is an ol' old fridge and it mostly has been used for beer, irish stout of course.
I threw on of my reptile hydrometers in there an hour ago, it is slow to change but is reading 48% right now.
Test buds in Jar are measuring 68-70 overnight. going well still another day I figure.
I have never had a taste for beer, but then my exposure hasn’t been stout Irish ones either. :laughtwo:
I've had my best drying like this Blew. Low 60"s rh and mid 60's temp was what I was able to get. Tasty as all getout.

Protecting the terpenes matters. :blunt:
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