Is it a method that a person can use whilst riding on the back of a motorcycle? Because I've found that placing ground cannabis in a paper, rolling it up, licking and sticking works pretty good. Might have been a tad wasteful at 55MPH, though. I was pretty sure I got on that motorcycle with enough to roll
two joints
Thanks for the thread link. I'll have to read it when the storm passes and power stops going out (luckily, it keeps coming back on almost immediately, so I won't waste the sack of refrigerated/frozen items I finally got around to placing in the refrigerator after the last storm killed my electric long enough to ruin the stuff that I'd managed to FILL the thing with previously). Little steps, ~TS, little steps.
Hey, speaking of rolling... Does anyone do that thing where you flip the paper over and turn it upside down, so that you're starting at the (back of) the sticky end, add your ground bud, roll the paper into a cylinder that has ZERO overlap, lick the sticky, complete the roll, and tear off the bit of paper that's now left past the point where you stuck the sticky to it? I used to be able to do that back in the day, but these days I end up with a mess, lol. I may not have described the process very well, IDK.