DrZiggy's Low And Slow Drying: Maximizing Your Harvest

Good question 😅 … as far as I remember I first checked my crisp compartment of my fridge with a Bluetooth rh meter…don’t remember what I was shooting for….must re-read it…or @SmokingWings might wanna chim in it on that 🙏😅….had four paperbags loosely stacked…two had rh meter in them as reference…in my experience you see a terrifying jump into the 90‘s and over 2-3 weeks routine including venting, a decline into the 70/75‘s, which I remember as a hit mark to jar a test bud for 24 at room temp with a rh meter to see if it hits 60/65.
After all I have the feeling it is not a certain rh % in the bags that one should focus on (a mainly constant rh inside your fridge is far more important), but you wanna see a constant drop of rh during the process and finally catch it at the right time to jar it up….i had my favorite lil top bud jarred up for 12months and it still looked fresh with an amazing fresh flavor after all that time with no hydro bag. 👍
Funny, I actually have a ton of them because I would use them as spacers when I did double cup method for planting hot pepper seedlings.

I'm thinking about something I can actually stick to the boxes to make it easier than trying to balance on those pizza tables. Good idea though.

I have a ton of those plastic four-way zip tie holders that come with the AC Infinity filters and stuff I was thinking about using on both the bottom and tops 🤷‍♂️
I thought frost free fridges had fans built in but not familiar with beverage coolers. If not then you might need more space to make sure the moisture doesn't stay in the flowers.
Listen for a minor sound of a fan running. It will sound different than the usual sound as a compressor makes when it kicks on or off. Look for vents, often on the back wall or the two back corners. Constant or near-constant air movement helps to reduce the possibility of ice crystals from building up so "frost free".
Wouldn't you know it! There's a fan right in the ceiling next to the light. There's also a ledge in the back that I could stack soda cans straight up to the ceiling. Still allows for airflow and doesn't impede shelf storage space.

Full size pizza tables are 1.5 in (top 4 boxes). I think the pizza tables cut in half would be plenty airflow (.75") (bottom 2 boxes).




Wouldn't you know it! There's a fan right in the ceiling next to the light. There's also a ledge in the back that I could stack soda cans straight up to the ceiling. Still allows for airflow and doesn't impede shelf storage space.

Full size pizza tables are 1.5 in (top 4 boxes). I think the pizza tables cut in half would be plenty airflow (.75") (bottom 2 boxes).




You can also turn this method inside-out
I use an airtight plastic box with kitchen towel to soak up any excess moisture, changed daily until it steadies at 55-60%
Does exactly the same job, but even more slowly, so more control
So, I cut down the pizza savers in half again! This time using a drill stop as a gauge to ensure all the legs were the same height. I can now fit 16 - 11x8x2 boxes. I left some of the 1/2 cut legs as well in case I don't need all 16.




That is such a great idea!
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