I ended up at 8 days ! Watered today
Hi Burk! 8 days! That's great!!! She looks sensational! Thank you so much for sharing her and your droughting experiences with us, we always look forward to another Burk Droughter!
all i can say is damn!!!!!!
Thanks Mark! Girl is doing her thing!!! Can't wait til yours grow up and drought!

@Mars Hydro FC4800 @Prescription Blend @DYNOMYCO Raised....


So at Day 5, we are showing some wilting for sure and some yellowing, naturally.

I keep wanting to and forgetting to mention as @Azimuth pointed out in my Kannabia journal, it is in our best interests to be choosing our focus leaves from the bottom or middle section not the top. The bottom leaves will begin to show the stress of this technique way before you will see any kind of turgidness lost towards the top.

Now that I got that off my chest, lets look at this girl in 2 parts, first lets look at the ugly and then we will follow up with the pretty.

As you can all clearly see, this is affecting some leaves before others and some worse than others.

Overall, she is still bulking away and standing tall

Next batch of shots, the non-scope trichomes.....
@Mars Hydro FC4800 @Prescription Blend @DYNOMYCO Raised....


Happy Droughting!
Hi Krissi!

Stella looks fantastic! I did not see any ugly. She's very pretty!
Hi GB!! Happy now Monday from NJ!!

Thanks so much, she is handling the drought really well! Finally losing the remainder of her white pisitils so harvest is near!
Super happy with her, she is a pretty girl-makes me do double takes all the time!

You're gonna love Maestro though when she comes over to visit this thread, she's gonna make this drought last the longest of the 3, I'm sure of it!

Hope you had a relaxing weekend, don't work too hard and stay away from those snakes!!!
Good to see the wildlife return up there. That area got hit pretty hard with wildfires a few years ago. Saw a bunch of deer the week before.
I'm sure. It is always an odd feeling to be out in the wild and not hear or see the wild. It's alarming at best. Happy to hear that the ecosystem is coming back, relieved in fact.
Dang Krissy! Every time I visit the show gets better! Incredible run!
I think I just keep getting better plants Stone! Thanks so much you are always too kind to me and my girls!
Sorry I'm late been sick guys.

Stella had an end to her drought at Day 5.5.

Following you will see the leaf shots and the yellowing, wilting and loss that she took on throughout her time droughting.

She is now the most "showing" of a drought from all my plants droughted thus far, in terms of this yellowing

I preface this by saying I'm sorry I misnamed her strain in these uploads as Cookies Haze (I'm human, ok and I'm hocked up on cold medicine)

Did the same thing with these post drought3r bud shots.... shoot me, what can I tell ya lol

She is super heavy and super leaning now and next up is Maestro, my @CannaPot Big Bull via Kannabia Seeds

Here the two stand tonight and I'll be back with STELLA THE GELATO-K'S trichomes (properly labeled)

@Mars Hydro FC4800 @Prescription Blend @DYNOMYCO Raised....


As promised...

Happy droughting!
Great pics, K!

Do you think the droughting has the effect of elongating the trichs? Those are longer than what I see looking through my scope. Or maybe they're just better grown.. :hmmmm:
Thanks Azi and hiiiii!!!

I do think that they go hand in hand, yes!
It is almost like they are stacking or morphing. @AutoNautPsychoFlower has deemed this phenomenon in my girls "coraling". They start to look less like trichomes on a leaf and more like a coral reef come post drought.

Completely changes the structure of the trichomes. Wondering if it is a response during or post drought that inhibits this response. I see them most when I do the post-drought shots so maybe it is a morphology for revovery purposes? I absolutely don't think it has anything to do with being better grown lol not at all. You grow beautiful plants.

I have seen these elongated trichs on every single droughter-no coincidence, I'm convinced, it's the drought. These long trichs wrap around the cured buds in a way that regular trichomes don't, providing an even more sugary final product.

This is just my speculation and thoughts on what I've seen over these last 20+ droughts. I'm up to further thoughts from anyone and everyone.
Thanks Azi and hiiiii!!!

I do think that they go hand in hand, yes!
It is almost like they are stacking or morphing. @AutoNautPsychoFlower has deemed this phenomenon in my girls "coraling". They start to look less like trichomes on a leaf and more like a coral reef come post drought.
Especially if they spiral around with a well curved leaf!
Completely changes the structure of the trichomes. Wondering if it is a response during or post drought that inhibits this response. I see them most when I do the post-drought shots so maybe it is a morphology for revovery purposes? I absolutely don't think it has anything to do with being better grown lol not at all. You grow beautiful plants.

I have seen these elongated trichs on every single droughter-no coincidence, I'm convinced, it's the drought. These long trichs wrap around the cured buds in a way that regular trichomes don't, providing an even more sugary final product.

This is just my speculation and thoughts on what I've seen over these last 20+ droughts. I'm up to further thoughts from anyone and everyone.
Im so anxious to drought and explore this methodology. Anything that does things so noticably to the trichs makes my highly scattered brain go into intense focus. I think after another hundred or so (spread amongst the grow commmunity at large) comparative and confirmable drought grows we will be able to say without any hesitation that droughting elongates the trichomes.
id like to see what they look like under a microscope. compared to healthy non droughted tichomes. they look alot longer for sure but the bulb looks deflated or shriveled. potency wise would be nice to send some to the lab for strength etc. looks promising for sure. great job.
Especially if they spiral around with a well curved leaf!
Absolutely, although I trim heavy....one of my flaws for sure
Im so anxious to drought and explore this methodology. Anything that does things so noticably to the trichs makes my highly scattered brain go into intense focus. I think after another hundred or so (spread amongst the grow commmunity at large) comparative and confirmable drought grows we will be able to say without any hesitation that droughting elongates the trichomes.
I'm so excited for you to ride the coral train Auto, you're gonna have a blast. I can see you now in all your droughted trichome glory! Much grow love and soooo looking forward to when you get the opportunity next!

@Mars Hydro FC4800 @Prescription Blend @DYNOMYCO Raised....


Well, I have been in and out today with doing many things. One of which was jarring and sampling a bud of SANDY'S.

It amazes me what one little bud can behold

She was a total of 8.41 DRY OZ

Once she is cured, as always, I'll be back with the final product in good lighting. It will be a couple buds for sure as her purplish-pink hues are apparent on some buds and these glorious golden notes highlight the remainder of her buds.

Maestro is set to embark on her droughting journey come Monday.

Happy droughting!
Guys and gals, I'd like to start off with a slight introduction to the medicinal benefits of droughting our 420 plants. This will be an open forum discussion for all things droughting related. I'm currently in the process of completing my notes and developing a thesis, if you will, on this stress technique, but with so much ground to cover and with so many questions sure to arise, it's important we get going.

Let me get your attention with these numbers and then see how many of you will be able to turn your heads in the other direction-I'd imagine nobody will....

The Substantial Effects on Cannabinoid Yield in Drought Versus That Of Control:

THC 50% higher yield
THCA 43% higher yield
CBD 67% higher yield
CBDA 47% higher yield

Drought treatment elicited a 12% and 13% increase in THCA and CBDA concentration, respectively.

Yield of flower in control was:
178+/- @ 9.4 grams per meter squared
Yield of flower in drought was:
232+/- @ 18.5 grams per meter squared

Do I have your attention yet?

Before dropping in this comment I made on another feed today, thanks again @ppm Charlie for adding me onto that conversation, I would like to note that I had a prior misconception to growing..

I thought at all times I needed to have the most beautiful plant ever. I never looked into what actually gives our cannabis it's medicinal properties nor did I ever set out to embark on a journey to find out what added stressors would elevate those properties.

By some red string effect, I fell upon 420, @Maritimer and his original thread where I stumbled across this technique. Since integrating it loosely into my last few harvests and both SEEING and FEELING the results, I have not looked back. Moreover, I wanted to learn everything I could and not only that, but spread this knowledge to every grower I could. I hope that you all can in time learn this methadology and put it to use to help us finally end this war on pain, both physically and mentally.

Droughting has the end goal of increasing valuable metabolites such as THC and cannabinoids. Drought response has been observed in many plant species; in cannabis, the drought escape response accelerates flowering in response to drought stress-i.e, the increase of resin production.

The main focus of ABA is to be a promoter of stomatal closure which is synthesized in the roots and mature leaves in response to water stress.

It is important to note the health of your leaves during a drought as ABA is transported from roots to xylem to the leaves before returning back to the roots and the process repeats itself.

Droughting is a delicate balance as a plants plasticity is very important in the transportation and absorption of nutrients and light.

"Leaves are very important to a plant in that they create an avenue where phosynthesis and thermoregulation can occur".

Evolution developed their leaf shape to a myriad of different types to create a means of balancing energy production with the plant's fitness.

The GRN is the Genetic Regulatory Network that is responsible for creating this phenotypic plasticity. It involves a myriad of genes and proteins, including the aforementioned, to regulate its morphology through stress.

*Note: This stress technique is a controlled droughting experiment done for up to 11 days around the 7th week of flower; the length of droughting time is determined only by the LWA (Leaf Wilt Angle) and not the total #of days
Interesting, this may sound stupid, but I have seen this in tomatoes when I have to leave and can't water them for a while. Maybe when I get a couple grows under my belt, I will try it.
Absolutely, although I trim heavy....one of my flaws for sure

I'm so excited for you to ride the coral train Auto, you're gonna have a blast. I can see you now in all your droughted trichome glory! Much grow love and soooo looking forward to when you get the opportunity next!

@Mars Hydro FC4800 @Prescription Blend @DYNOMYCO Raised....


Well, I have been in and out today with doing many things. One of which was jarring and sampling a bud of SANDY'S.

It amazes me what one little bud can behold

She was a total of 8.41 DRY OZ

Once she is cured, as always, I'll be back with the final product in good lighting. It will be a couple buds for sure as her purplish-pink hues are apparent on some buds and these glorious golden notes highlight the remainder of her buds.

Maestro is set to embark on her droughting journey come Monday.

Happy droughting!
Well you knocked it out of the park on that round. Damn Fine Flower.

Absolutely, although I trim heavy....one of my flaws for sure

I'm so excited for you to ride the coral train Auto, you're gonna have a blast. I can see you now in all your droughted trichome glory! Much grow love and soooo looking forward to when you get the opportunity next!

@Mars Hydro FC4800 @Prescription Blend @DYNOMYCO Raised....


Well, I have been in and out today with doing many things. One of which was jarring and sampling a bud of SANDY'S.

It amazes me what one little bud can behold

She was a total of 8.41 DRY OZ

Once she is cured, as always, I'll be back with the final product in good lighting. It will be a couple buds for sure as her purplish-pink hues are apparent on some buds and these glorious golden notes highlight the remainder of her buds.

Maestro is set to embark on her droughting journey come Monday.

Happy droughting!
Anticipation feels the room. :cheer: :dreamy: :green_heart:
id like to see what they look like under a microscope. compared to healthy non droughted tichomes. they look alot longer for sure but the bulb looks deflated or shriveled. potency wise would be nice to send some to the lab for strength etc. looks promising for sure. great job.
Hi kahoona,
Im not sure where it was at but I feel like Ive seen several before and afters/ comparatives around here. Hopefully somebody see's this and remembers lol. Maybe @Krissi Carbone knows where some are?

Need some more people running grows with this technique at end of flower using scopes etc for trich pics.

I'm very inetersted in next steps too! The heads can definitely be bigger and Ive seen some amazing pics of extra thick stalks/ pillow heads as well. If growers/breeeders can figure out how to do all three (longer, bigger, thicker) we will probably be nearing the actual maximum possible potency output event horizon !!!!
:cheer: :cheer: :cheer:


:dreamy::dreamy::dreamy: gotta dream hard!
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