Dresney's First Grow - Organic - Indoor - GDP - Trainwreck

I live in a very dry climate and used to worry that my RH was too low. It's often down in the teens. Right now 25%. I don't try to keep the humidity up any more. The humidity may not be in the "optimal range" but the plants are struggling along through it.

Or if it's an inclosed area like a tent just place a tray of water in the grow:peace: area.
- better late than never... iam subb'd and along for the ride. It's so exciting to go through your first grow. wondering if you're doing enough or too much... all the things that rife through your mind, I miss that in a way, and I am glad it's over too...lol

--- watch your strains!!!!... Most Sativas and Haze plants don't require that string of PPM's for feeding. And always and I mean always
stay on top of your PH ... in my soil grow, I keep it at 6.5 and everything falls into line for me...that being said, I grow more sativa's then Indica's
and what works extremely well for me with great results is : [ Voodoo juice, sensizym and molasses] makes my roots healthy, wealthy and wise... :Namaste:

:welcome: wishing you the very best of luck and success on your wonderful journey into the world of growing. :goodluck:
Mangosnapper - I'm glad to have you and your words of wisdom here. :welcome:

So far I haven't fed my plants anything. I'm going to hold off for hopefully another week, but I'm hoping my plants will let me know when it is time. And I'm also hoping I'll be able to recognize when they're giving me that signal. :laughtwo:

Here they are - day 13



The weird stripes in the camera from the lights are a pain.

I have a question about my lights. They're 26w CFLs and I want to hang them horizontally. I once read that it wouldn't be dangerous to tie a string to the bulb to pull it up and hang it by. I'm guessing 26w CFLs don't get hot enough to burn through a piece of string. Anyone have any input?

:thanks: :passitleft:

Edit: Looking back 4 days ago, they don't even look like the same plants. It's crazy :yummy:
How have you been my favorite God Mother? I use 100w CFL's. They don't put out much heat but they're hot to the touch. Just touch them for a minute. If they're hot I assume they'll melt the string & that might even be a fire hazard. I wouldn't suggest having anything touching any type of bulb.
Your god daughter, RACHEL SUAVAY (White Widow X Skunk) has been a little under the weather the last several days but she's seems to be recovering. Your girls are looking adorable. Whatever your doing keep it up.
WIRE; very good :idea:
So far I haven't fed my plants anything. I'm going to hold off for hopefully another week, but I'm hoping my plants will let me know when it is time. And I'm also hoping I'll be able to recognize when they're giving me that signal.

For the first little while they pretty much live off the sugars stored in the seed. Then they start working on getting stuff from the soil. There is plenty of food in the soil for little-bitty plants. Just like human children they get to a point where they can start getting away from the boobie and start complimentary food. Your plants are probably just about there.

You wouldn't give a seven month old child a tenderloin with béarnaise sauce, baked potato with all the fixin's, and a big side of grilled asparagus! They are probably ready for a little mushy cereal and a spoonful or two of strained carrots, though
You wouldn't give a seven month old child a tenderloin with béarnaise sauce, baked potato with all the fixin's, and a big side of grilled asparagus! They are probably ready for a little mushy cereal and a spoonful or two of strained carrots, though

My wife won't even give me that, never mind let me give it to the plants ;):)
- seedling stage... I just give the plant pure PH'd water to let the plant get going and take root.- [ 2-3 weeks]
- vegetation stage ... I start out at about 500-800 PPM [2 weeks] then I bring it up to 1000-1200 [2 weeks] ... now here's the thing that
I have noticed on my situation, with today's seeds from seed banks, my plants grow with less stress and less likely to health problems if I run the grow stage an extra 2-3 weeks of grow period.

SPECIAL NOTE : when you switch over to flowering. That's a very stressful process for the plant. In my opinion this is where you make or break a great grow. How you hit your plants with the extra carb's and PK's is something you'll get dialed in, and it is something you'll eventually have to master. Because then you'll notice that you are growing bigger and thicker and most noticeably harder buds...that in turn make them more resistant to mold and mildew...again, this ties in my growing secret...ROOTS...Bar none the most important aspect of growing. During Veg I use Voodoo juice, sensizym and molasses for thick strong healthy roots. But I don't use them the first couple of weeks of Flower...then for the next three weeks after that. To recover from the change over of cycles ad to keep the root roads open for traffic of food goods etc. etc. [ with voodoo juice and sensizym...they make the roots go crazy on the molasses, really nice.]

this is my little Hawaiian at 17 days old... isn't she a cutie :dreamy:

looking great,

ive never adjusted the ph of my soil, never checked the ph of my soil, we dont check ph outdoors in our gardens and plants do fine, the main problem of soil plants having problems is over watering as it stops the roots from taking in the nutrients it needs and this then looks like a ph issue or a def,

i know some growers always check the ph of their soil, its not something ive done and never had a problem
- seedling stage... I just give the plant pure PH'd water to let the plant get going and take root.- [ 2-3 weeks]
- vegetation stage ... I start out at about 500-800 PPM [2 weeks] then I bring it up to 1000-1200 [2 weeks] ... now here's the thing that
I have noticed on my situation, with today's seeds from seed banks, my plants grow with less stress and less likely to health problems if I run the grow stage an extra 2-3 weeks of grow period.

SPECIAL NOTE : when you switch over to flowering. That's a very stressful process for the plant. In my opinion this is where you make or break a great grow. How you hit your plants with the extra carb's and PK's is something you'll get dialed in, and it is something you'll eventually have to master. Because then you'll notice that you are growing bigger and thicker and most noticeably harder buds...that in turn make them more resistant to mold and mildew...again, this ties in my growing secret...ROOTS...Bar none the most important aspect of growing. During Veg I use Voodoo juice, sensizym and molasses for thick strong healthy roots. But I don't use them the first couple of weeks of Flower...then for the next three weeks after that. To recover from the change over of cycles ad to keep the root roads open for traffic of food goods etc. etc. [ with voodoo juice and sensizym...they make the roots go crazy on the molasses, really nice.]

this is my little Hawaiian at 17 days old... isn't she a cutie :dreamy:


People post their plants in another members Grow Journal ? I am confused at who's plants I am viewing. :scratchinghead:
No disrespect intended but if we read instead of just looking these threads make a lot more since. They definitely become a lot easier to follow my friend. ...EDIT ...This was not directed at you alone.
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