Day 40/44 Update
Hey everybody!
First off, a special shoutout to
Sister VG for motivating me to make an update
Second off, I sure do hope everyone has been having a great week. Sorry I haven't been doing updates here lately but it's just not worth updating when things are this slow. Plus I have been helping Shed keep his journal on track which is a real burden for me really but I love the guy so I'll help out when I can.
So, off we go. The last few days, not including today, we did have some sun and good wx overall and the girls really enjoyed it. I was able to top the White Widow above the fourth and trim below the third to initialize the quad. I have not done any training since the nodes need to stretch out more. I'll probably start early next week as we have a good spell of sun next week with only one day of rain in the forecast which should stimulate some growth on her.
The Gorilla Alien is a thing of beauty. She's not going to be topped(or at least I don't think so) and her lower nodes below the third will be removed on the weekend. There's no sense in those staying that close to the dirt and they wont amount to anything.
She's a real looker from above, or the Saugaview as HH coined it for me, and has really got her feet planted now. So, over the next week I'm expecting some good growth.
They've all been getting light doses of MC, but you can see there is no damage anywhere from overfeeding so I'll move up to the mid veg doseage and see where it takes me.
Enjoy the rest of the week and stay safe everyone!