Dr Bob Comes Home With Fruit Punch & Lemonista Aid - So Please Don't Be Critical

You need a bit of compost... Azomite... And a few other things in there Doc but I have a kick azz recipe using promix.... PJ soil mix.... And I just add water and grow the best I've ever smoked and it's organic... Let me know if you're interested....:circle-of-love:

Definitely interested. I thought PJ's mix had Sunshine Mix. Can I just substitute ProMix in it?
He figures everything by what is available to each person and I use promix hp.... I will look it up and shoot it to you in the morning if that is ok... I honestly have grown some kicking smoke with it and the only thing I add is essential oils in a foliar for additional trich production....:circle-of-love:

Sounds absolutely, positively, fantastic. :Namaste:
:ciao: Dr Bob,

I'm late... but here. I like being late to parties, you get to see who's wasted and actin' goofy sooner.


I'll catch up tomorrow with my morning cuppa.


I believe the term is fashionably late, and I am of course plenty wasted and goofy actin' so you must be just on time.

Have a brownie, I just saved 'em from a huge lion over at your place.
Got my soil recipe! Denise was kind enough to pass along and I have found all of the ingredients except the Yum Yum. Phone fun for me tomorrow. Here is PeeJay's Soil mix
Baby soil:
2 gallon ProMix HP
2 qts perlite
1 cup compost
1/4 cup yum-yum (organic nutes)
3 Tbsp beneficial mycorrhiza (Growology step 1 is what I use)
1.5 cups water

Veg soil:
6 gallons ProMix
1 gallon perlite
3 qts worm castings
6 cups compost
3.5 cups yum-yum
1 cup azomite
2 Tbsp beneficial mycorrhiza
1 qt water

bloom soil:
15 gallons ProMix
3 gallons perlite
1 gallons worm castings
3 qts compost
2 qts Yum-Yum
3 cups azomite
1.5 cups Bat Guano
2 cups rock phosphate
2.5 qts water

So that will so. Soil will be mixed hopefully tomorrow for a transplant of the four girls into 2-3g pots. Then they will transplant into their final 10G felt pots. I may need to sew up some of those as my golly they want a bunch for em.

ON the light front I may have changed my mind. My main reason for going for the reflectors was temps. But I used to run a 400w MH in here for heck sake. I just need to get my fan fixed or replaced. Then I could do 2 of these Mars 400s instead. It would give me about the same amount of actual draw but in half the units to hang. I think the penetration would be better as well.


This may be the best way I can think of to cover the rectangle of a 2x4 tent. Anyone have thoughts?

Aw "heck"......I like your line of thinking.
I have been thinking on those to add to my grow, because you can use them individually somewhere else if needed or group them up for a few plants together. I am doing an experiment with just one plant right now under an LED and had to use one of the main large LED's just for her. Seems a bit of a waste of light at the moment. LOL
Those MH units would be perfect to fill a small space.

So, after the coffee induced chatty Kathy writing.....my personal thoughts on your question are......:thumb:
Aw "heck"......I like your line of thinking.
I have been thinking on those to add to my grow, because you can use them individually somewhere else if needed or group them up for a few plants together. I am doing an experiment with just one plant right now under an LED and had to use one of the main large LED's just for her. Seems a bit of a waste of light at the moment. LOL
Those MH units would be perfect to fill a small space.

So, after the coffee induced chatty Kathy writing.....my personal thoughts on your question are......:thumb:

That is just what I was thinking on the flexibility of the lights. And I think I get "rearranging fever" and just can't help myself.

I found and ordered Yum Yum Mix and it is on the way. I found everything else locally so I can pick it up tomorrow. The two reachers may get transplanted earlier than planned to get them stable.

And you can be chatty any time you want here. There is a definite Pro Chatter Policy at the Docs Office. If we all sat around and held our virtual tongues this place wouldn't be near as fun!

How about some updates on the little girls for whom we are doing all this planning.
Here is Fruit Punch #1.


And finally Fruit Punch #2 and Critical.

They may end up in 1.5G pots soon with better soil since I will have a good mix soon. We shall see. Hopefully LED purchases are in the near future!

Looking nice and healthy Doc. :thumb:

Why thank you! My girls are starting to hope for more light I think though. :high-five:

Looking Good Dr Bob

Thanks for checking in. I promise more exciting stuff very soon. :Namaste:

HI Dr Bob,

Just cruisin' through. How are things going? Did you get the materials for the pots?
I got thirsty for fruit punch and though of ya.


Just so happens that the car just left for the JoAnns to pick up some felt! How did you know? You must have the ESP!

I love Alaska. Never been, but it's on my bucket list. Flights are hellishly expensive though.

Almost booked a 5 day adventure tour that included, walking with grizzlies, kayaking with killer whales, dog sledding and a trip to the north pole. It would have cost me $8000 though, and that was about 8 years ago.
Alaska is a beautiful place
I love to visit
just not live there :rofl:
you understand you can see where I'm coming from
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