Don't Panic, It's Organic! Jump In Everytime

Oh, when I felt like it :)

I don't care if its the dark period. Sometimes I light up in there if I'm tinkering with something. If you don't do it for long or repetitive it's no worries about hermies. If that was what you were aiming for.
And yeah, u are right - in the dark u see it much better.

hope it's not too bad? What would u suggest? More nutes?





Late and healthiest one:

Today I will water just with water until it runs out of the bottom of the airpot. Then I will chech the pH and the EC of the water what comes out to have a clue whats going on! Therefor I cleaned up the trivets, to have good results.

Pruning also started, just took of the really bottom leaves:


This happend because a big fan leave pushed the sprout away, hope this isnt going to be a problem.



And some pictures of the flower's :love:


Looks like a good start! That shoot will be ok if you just leave it like that.

I usually take away the bottom shoots as well but you don't have to but you will see what difference it will be between those shoots and the higher ones in yield you will understand what I mean. :)
I'm with crazy, would check pH to make sure you don't have nute lock out. Doesn't look too bad but you can see the color difference. I'm curious were the latest photos taken during lights out?
Curious how you like those biobizz nutes. Had considered trying them out, but hard to justify the purchase when I have half full bottles of nutes...
Hard to tell what's wrong with a plant when you take pics during lights out. They droop then and the leaves look completely different from mid-day. In that pic they look overwatered (or really tell me) and I'm seeing a magnesium deficiency in the first pic.

If you're in soil you should try to nute at 6.5. Below that the plant has a hard time with uptake of Ca or Mg. Get your nute pH in line and see how they do. In flower I water a day earlier than I do in veg, which is to say the pot should be really light but not as light as in veg. Plants in flower shouldn't get as dry because we're not really trying to grow roots, we're trying to grow buds!
Update Time :)

Big lady's are now 13 days in veg, the little one 8 days. Looking good so far - water them when the soil gets dry, nothing else done so far - but the big lady's have already a few big knots!


one one .JPG


two two.JPG

Late Lady:


three three.JPG

I think I'll water them tomorrow, but so far I'm satisfied !
is that 20 days from sprout? I've never understood the "from veg"
Short Update, think they look better today.

Think I will test the water what runs off the pots every time for now. Just to see what the EC and the PH in the soil is actually - I really was surprised yesterday with the testing....

Btw, all pictures where taken when the light was on - and the flash of the camera.





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