Donpaul.p's Latest 400 Watt HPS Grow

Nice looking plants sir, I can definitely tell the WW X Skunk #1, those are some huge fans! I just started germinating some seeds, one of them is a strain you might be interested in, I'll link you when I start the journal.
I use ph up and down mostly up sometimes down depends on ppm
Happy Weednsday Dp :thumb:
Ok, update to d&s products.
I took straight tap last night and let it sit out til this morning. I added 1.5t of stage 2 to 1/2 gal for my vegging girls. It mixed pretty good only very small particles eft and I think DP said this is normal with Granular feeds.
I pH'd the mixture. Perfect 6.5. :high-five:

Im gonna try some tage 3 again today because my totured autos are showing some P def's. But I hafta assume the first time was an isolated situation. It could be because I used leftover pre pH'd water from the night before. Ill report back after I make the stag 3 mix just to confirm, but im leaning towards user error.:)
99% of the time I dont check any pH until I make the mixture. But I had watered some house plants and had the 1/2 gal of leftover water so thats why I added stage 3 after the pH the first time.
Thanks for checking your pH's on your D&S products for me. +reps for you sir.
He shot a video instead of uploading photos.
@Dank, sounds good mate, drop me a link once you got it sorted out, im about to plant my next round of seeds, but i got to many and not sure what to plant, im planting a couple of blue mystic so hoping for male and female and also hoping i get blue buds and not purple, ive seen some pretty amazing blue mystic buds on here, fuzzy duck and doc bud have both have very nice mystic

@chronic, ive not needed to amend anything with the ph, but after reading SNS's grow book i have learned something new, ill be posting some info in my next post that may change a lot of what we know and believe, i can only quote parts of it but im doing it because its one of the best grow books i have read and everyone would benefit from it, so ill post a couple of quotes to show the kind of content in the book, its pretty funny and to the point, great info and i learned a lot from it and not read it all yet,

@Spimp, give me 30min then ill mix up a fresh batch of bag 3 and check the ph, the res in my dwc is showing 6.5 but thats 12 hours after i filled it up, but if their was a ph issues then my plant would be showing problems, maybe as the nutrient disolves it works out better, try mixing up a batch and letting it sit, but i feed my soil plants and dwc plant strait after mixing and im not getting any signs of problems, but read my next post about Ph, the sns grow book pretty much goes against everything we know and it makes sense to be honest,
so give me 30ish min and ill mix up a batch and give you the ph, if your tap water is about 7.0 then your ph with nutes should be higher than 6.5 which is what my res is after 12 hours, my tap water is 6.9 to 7.0, the res is still showing as 6.4 to 6.5, so it seems ok to me, but ill check after mixing up a new batch,

try sending DS a email as they get back to you very quick, ive spoke with them a few times.

@Light Addict, you should be ok mate due to the results im getting, ive never adjusted the ph before, i dont even have anything to adjust ph with, if i had problems then i would check ph but ive used my ph pen twice, well 3 times now and ive had it nearly 3 years,

Welcome crazy carl, you have turned up for the best part of the grow, not to far from harvest on a couple of my plants,

@ataxian, the video is on the page before this or the page before that, ill take some pics in the next hour and get them uploaded so you can see whats going on, the video is a couple of pages back and the photos are further back than that so ill do another update, any questions just post below and ill do my best to answer

@RainStacks, its all i drink mate, i dont do hot drinks, tea makes me ill, coffee tastes like crap, tea tastes like having a metal coin in your mouth, so dont drink hot drinks, i might have hot chocolate in the winter but then its not often, so its either milk shakes or pepsi for me, it dont do me much good but it keeps me going, so i always got plenty of pop bottles, i get through at least 2ltr of pepsi a day,
when i was younger and at school if i ever wanted to have a day off id have a cup of tea, then 30min later id be throwing my guts up, not sure why but it just makes me ill pretty quick, i drink milk so cant be the milk making me ill so it must be the tea.

just taking the mutt for a walk then ill get some pics posted of the SNS products, ill also post a few quotes out of the SNS grow book, its a really good book and full of great info and it goes against a lot of what we know to be true, so take it as you like, i wont post loads but it will give you some idea of the book and the kind of info it provides, ive learned a lot from reading it and not read it all yet, its to the point and written well
heres the results i just got.
1, tap water was 6.9 to 7.0 flashing between the 2, not at room temp but strait out the tap,
2, i added 1 table spoon of bag 3 to a jug and blasted it with water under pressure using finger over end of tap, i let it stand for 2 min then made it up to 1 gallon or 2x 2ltr pop bottles, so i mixed up 1 table spoon to 4ltr of water which is roughly a gallon give or take, at this dose im not getting any issues,
3, 10 min ago the ph of the nutrient water was 5.4, 10 min later its up to 5.6, so i wont use it strait away ill leave it sitting in the jug and keep checking every 10 to 15min and see how quick it goes up, my res in my dwc is showing 6.4 to 6.5, so clearly their must be some reaction going on to raise the ph.

what i dont get is that im not getting any problems using the nutrients strait away, my dwc is growing really well with no signs of any problems and no signs of problems with the soil plants, so im guessing the ph is ok and not causing problems else i would be having problems with my plants but not had any sign of ph problems and been using it a couple of weeks now and my dwc is filled up every 24 hours strait after mixing the nutrients up.
its not flashing 5.5 to 5.6 so ill let it stand for a while and see if the ph keeps rising, but my dwc res is in the correct range so their must be something going on as the nutrient disolves more, ill keep checking it and post the results,

ill take some pics of sns and post a couple of quotes out of the sns grow book and its pretty shocking what i read but if its true and it sounds like it could be as ive never adjusted ph on my soil plants or my dwc and never had any issues.

ill post the quote on the ph from the sns grow book, i wont post to much as its well worth getting hold of and having a read so i wont give to much away about whats in it but the contest winners should also have this info as well, but its not my book so wont give to much away,
Well, that at least tells me Im not crazy. Thanks for your effort and Ill be looking foward to the follow up and SNS quotes. I am still awaiting my products, but I know 420 girl and others are working it out. Thaks againfor checking the pH issue for me. :thanks:
ok quick update for spimp, the ph is 5.5 flashing 5.6 but mostly its on p 5.6. what im going to do now is empty and wash out the dwc res and make sure its totally empty, then ill fill the res with the nutrient mixture which will take just under 2lt, so then ill keep checking the ph on that every 10 to 15min and post the info in the next few posts, ill also leave the other 2ltr of nutrient mix in a big jug so its open to the air, then again ill test the ph and keep testing for tne next couple of hours, so filling the res now with 5.5 to 5.6ph nutirent mixture.

now my next post is going to be a few quotes from the SNS grow book, please remember this is info from SNS grow book and not info provided by me due to results i get or due to any testing, the quotes are direct from the book, i wont post to many quotes as its not my book, but it will give you an idea of what the grow book is like and how its written, at the moment ive read about half the grow book, so far the info is pretty amazing with enough detail, so the only info i provide i not my own,

im providing it so you can all see what kind of grow book it is and what kind of info it gives, its well worth buying and the other contest winners should also have a copy of this paper back A4 size book, let me check the price and title so you can find it on their site, please trust me when i say thiis as i wont post anything false or anything that will compromise your grow or grow style, but after reading as much as i have read it explains a lot to me such as why ive not had ph issues or why my plants have not suffered so it gives a reason why im not getting problems and why my plants seem to do really well with no testing of ppm or ph or humidity.

so take it as you like and please comment and speak up about what you think of the info,
its well worth the read and it would be a huge benefit and eye opener to growers and you will benefit from it, as its a grow book that has to be purchased or won in the contests then i wont give to much away but will post some interesting info in my next post,
First of all id like to say a huge thank you to SNS for helping out with the postage, hopefully they may change their prize procedure but this cant be confirmed either way at this stage, hopefully they can see how good our community is and how much we promote products that we use, so i was very lucky to get to try the products, also light addict should now be getting his SNS prizes even after gifting them to someone who deserved it, at the time light addict was expecting to pay the postage like me due to us getting the cost of shipping sent to us.
so thanks SNS for giving me the chance to try products i may never of got to try, plus again a really big thank you for looiking into sorting out light addict with the prizes he won as i know he would live to try them and will benefit from them, plus light addict im sure will write a review once he has tried the products and then he will be able to recomend a product to new member and old members as he will see the improvents after using the products,

@Light Addict, also mate a huge thank you to you for what you did for BAR, BAR put a lot of time and effort into trying to get the postage sorted out so i can try the SNS products, he managed to find enough donators to help cover the cost of the postage, so i want to thank BAR and some reps will be on its way as he done above and beyond anything i ever expected anyone to do, so i cant thank you enough for that BAR, i know light addict has been very generous and is going to sort something out with you, so BAR you truely deserve it mate, plus ive said before i belive in kharma so its why i help as many people as possible and even put myself out if it helps another grower out, in the past ive helpd a few growers by sending the lights and stuff i no longer needed after upgrading to a hid light but the member then left the site and never came back, so its a bit disapointing when that happens and clearly that person either had major issues so could not post comments or email me to let me know how he or she is getting or he or she joined the site so they could benefit from the generocity of the member on this site and got what he wanted then left,

it wont put me off helping others as i enjoy doing it and if my help makes things easier for others then ill keep helping, we have a great community and ive made many friends, good friends that im more than happy to call friends,

so thanks BAR for getting the ball rolling and going out of your way to help me get the SNS products, its such a kind generous offer and also a huge thank you to everyone who offered to donate towards the postage, again its something i never expected or wanted but BAR worked hard behind the scenes to try and help cover the costs, SNS stepped up and covered the postage which made me feel much better as im not the kind that takes from others so i felt bad that people was kind enough to help with the postage, this kind of thing does not happen to me and to have it happen on a site that has members who have never met in person. it really does show the kind of members we have got,

THANKS EVERYONE, you are all way to kind and generous. but again like i said i believe in kharma, i never used to but when i started helping others in day to day life then i noticed things would happen to me such as people offering to help me move furniture when i got flooded and GiGa offering to come down and help repair the property and sleep on the floor, he helped me out with a couple of gifts for my kids so its really nice to know their are people like this left in the world who are clearly not out for all they can get, their willing to give as well as receive which clearly shows we have some very good members who are willing to do what ever it takes to help others, so each and everyone of you that offered to help will be repaid in one way or another, kharma is a good thing and you get out what you put in so im sure its only a matter of time before something happens and helps you when you need it then think back to how generous you was on this site and then you will remember that its kharma paying you back,.

be kind to each other which you all are, so good things will happen and keep on happening, you may come across the odd person who is just out for what they can get then they vanish, but again kharma works both ways, treat people bad or take something knowing you are only doing it to get what you want then kharma will come back and bite you in the backside then again you will remember that you deserve it as you treated someone else with disrespect or took something for granted.

your all top people, its what makes this site what it is and why its better than any of the other sites of this type, when i search for info and get links to these other sites all i see is people arguing and if a new growers asks a basic question then their told to stop bothering people and search for the info yourself, im not like that and will help and offer advice if anyone asks for it, but thats just me and if i can help someone and improve their lives then its something i will do with pleasure.

believe in kharma people, it works and you will be repaid.
@Spimp. ph in jugs is 5.6, ive emptied my res and totally cleaned it out, i ran ph 7.0 tap water through the soil in the top part that holds the plant in, i use soil but coco coir or perlite can be used to grow the plant in then the roots go down into the res,

so the res is totally clean, scrubbed it with a brush, ran plain water throug the medium in the top which is 2inches of soil, plenty of run off and left to finish dripping, so now its had the res filled up to the top with ph 5.6 dogget simpson bag 3 nutrient mix at 1 table spoon per 4ltrs of water,

what i do is put 1 table spoon into a small jug, i then blast the water in as this seems to mix it up better, i then pour that jug into a 2ltr pop bottle and fill to top water water, so now ive got a 2ltr pop bottle with 1 table spoon or bag 3 in it, then i pour half of the 2ltr pop bottle into another 2ltr pop bottle and make sure their both level, then i fill each bottle to the top with tap water. i have not let the water stand, ive gone strait from tap to plants,

im just taking some pics now then ill post the quotes from the SNS grow book then please feel free to comment on the quotes. just taking pics now,
It's very true, you get what you put in, whether negative or positive. I reached a point my life where I was getting a lot of negative, and I finally realized that I needed to make some changes. Make no mistake, you are one of the members who make this site what it is, SNS waived the postage because of this, and because of your good karma.

You have been more than generous to me, and expected nothing in return, the mark of a truly good person. My seeds have sprouted, but not broke the soil yet, so I'll start a journal sometime this weekend, and I'll post a link here, or pm you.
just uploading pics, ph in res now 5.8, looks like it slowly rising, all powder has now disolved, i have not had problems so ph must not be a big issues else my dwc would show problems within hours, soil plants would take a day or 2 but still not seeng any signs of problems, let me upload the pics and ill post them quotes while its all uploading.
@Spimp, its not a problem my friend, well my lights just went off so checked the ph before i closed the door and it was flashing 5.9 to 6.0, so the ph is slowly raising on its own so ill check it again as soon as the lights come on and post the results,

@Dank, staying positive can be tough as life throws us the odd curve ball from time to time. ive been through some tough times and its hard at times but theirs always going to be others who are worse off and if we can put a smile on someones face or help make their lives a bit easier then its all good.

right then, while my pics are uploading ill give you some info from this grow book, not much but enough so you can get some idea of how good the book is and how much you will learn from it,
Title: The grow book and equipment guide
issue 4, 2013
price on cover is $17.95

the section i am going to choose for this review on the SNS book is called Myths, so ill just pick a couple and please feel free to comment on the info provided, please remember this info is from the SNS book so its not stuff ive made up or added to, ill copy it word for word, i wont copy to much as its not my book but its a good review for SNS and im sure it will get growers interested in purchasing the paper back book.
1, 24 hours of light grows bigger badder plants.
plants do the opposite of photosynthesis during their photo dark period; they transport chemicals and enzymes throughout the night repairing and preparing for tomorrow just like we do.
Real world growth rates dont support the 24 hour theory either, going from 18 to 24 hours of light is a whopping 33% increase in watt hours which should translate into 33% bigger plants. Oh, if only it was that easy.

myth 2, the closer the light the better.
I understand that watt is weight and the uncontrollable urge you feel to put the light right on top of your girls because you read that one thing on the internet. but statistically speaking, to much light is the number 1 problem growers create for themselves.
every new gardener asks this question. "how far above my plants should my light go"
and i always answer, " hang your predator hood as high as possible and never lower them again"
"but thats like 5-feet" they say while holding their arms apart
"yes" and i wait quietly.
their frustration rises at my silence; they sputter and start to quote me the internet blah, blah...... The Bible blah, blah, blah......
But here's the math of it..... a problem free candy garden produces far more weight than your troubled, rushed, internet based, overfed salt-garden that must overcome serious obstacles (meaning you) taking twice the time for half the yield.
Remember: almost enough light is NEVER a problem but to much light always is.

myth 3, Additives Fix Problems
If additives really increased weights by 40%, or more, like they all seem to claim they do, couldnt we mix 100 of them together and grow plants 4000% bigger. (under a flash light of course)
Additives cant cover for a bad grow because they dont fix anything, their ONLY meant to work when everything is growing well.

Trying to fix a plant you hit with to much light, too much water and too many nutrients by adding more shit is like thinking you turned your 200,000 mile beater, blowing smoke from the exhaust, into a race car just because you pumped in 100 octane racing fuel this time.
Additives cant replace grower talent but are totally worth it when everything is growing well.

myth 4, cloning requires a 45 degree cut.
The claim is that cutting the clones tip at a 45 degree angle increases the surface area roots can grow from.
Let's use a 6 sided dice as a visual example for this illustration, The 45 degree slice you cut is but one of 5-available sides roots can grow from, that means each side is 20% the total available area. If you allow the cutting time to continue rooting it will push roots out of all 5 sides instead of just the bottom.
Now tell me how important the 45 degree cut is compared to slowing your roll and allowing nature to do her thing

myth 5, their are all sorts of super yield tricks
Grower talent can extract the maximum yield and the highest quality product from any garden situation but their are ONLY 2- tricks for yields beyond that, CO2 at the leaf and oxygen at the roots

myth 6, (i think this is pretty controversial but aimed at soil grown plants by the sounds of it, donpaulp) Nutrient lockout caused by pH
Honestly, the water would evaporate and the plants would die of dehydration before ph ever became the problem nutrient manufacturers would have you believe it is. If it was that important we would have to elect someone to check the ph of every plant, bush and tree on this planet. You dont check the ph of your houseplants do you? The infamous "it's nutrient lockout caused by your ph" is the standard go-to answer for sales people who can't solve problems because they're not growers.

What actually happens is this; the roots swell and prune up, just like your fingers when they're in the water to long. Their skin becomes waterlogged and swollen which distorts the shape of the nutrient receptors until they can no longer 'Lock' them into place. Nutrient lockout is an accurate description of the problem caused by over watering, not from ph drifting outside some perfectly magical number. Stop watering so much, add Great white microbes, slow the grow, let the roots recover "2-weeks) and the problem will disappear (admit it your impressed)

the last one ill post then if your interested then theirs lots more like this and this is just one of the first few pages on the book and theirs 150 pages or more and its all pretty much the same and its got some amazing info, its the best grow book ive read in a long time, plus its funny at times and to the point, it really is worth getting hold of a copy, it covers scrogs, lolly popping, light distance info, plus much much more, id say it easily gives more info than any of the grow bibles or other grow books, ive learned a lot from it and not even half way through, so if you want a grow book then this would be the one to go for, it really turns the tables on what we know and what we dont know, plus when you read it you will realize it makes perfect sense.

myth 7, The Perfect Humidity and Temperature
Everything is a trade off; humidity and temperature are no exceptions, their is no best way. look outside it's high and hot some days and low and cool on others.
Turns out humidity suppresses bugs because they breath through their skin and dry air suppresses mold because spores require humidity to reproduce. Again everything is a trade-off; nature worked it out so the conditions that favor each are deterrents to the other. Seriously; do you obsess over your lawn this much

Was i right, nothing you thought important mattered?
Drastically different from everything you have heard, right?
The rest of the book is just like this, the simple truths about growing, and problem solving, everything you need to know about indoor gardening, unless your that guy.
Dont be that guy.

its me again now, thats all im going to write from the book as its not my book but thought id give you all an idea of what is in it and how it goes against a lot of things we thought where very important, the whole book is like this and well worth reading, its not like reading other grow books as it has side comments from the writer which are a bit cocky which makes it a very interesting read.

im pretty impressed with it and its full of all the info anyone would need to grow great plants, im only half way through so will read the rest when i get in bed, its taught me a lot more and opened my eyes to things that i thought really mattered, honestly if your going to buy a grow book then go with this one, its issue 4, 2013, so if all their issues are the same as this and go into detail about everything then it would be a nice collection to have. but this book goes through everything about growing and goes into detail about the whole process from start to finish.

im just sorting my pics out now so they will be posted shortly as it takes time to copy n paste all the links,
please feel free to post comments about the above myths and let us know what you all think, theirs many more myths in the book but i picked a couple of the short ones so i could give you an idea of the info it provides,
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