Donpaul.p's Latest 400 Watt HPS Grow

We are doing our best to make the contests the best we can, however it takes time and working through kinks and overcoming obstacles live in the trench to get there. Your patience and understanding is greatly appreciated. I'll send a message to them to send you a prize package to make up for the confusion and poor timing. Sounds good brother? :Namaste:

Oh great thats a kick in the nuts!

I got it when a load of you were clubbing together for his postage costs, as Donpaul gives so much to this site. (well done BAR)
To now find out that SNS have paid it themselves is a real gut punch. As after being told it was like a $100 postage I gifted mine away.

Sorry to hijack, my friend its just I would ask 420 and the sponsors to bring a little more consistency.

Yep Im sure your right my friend and I couldnt be more chuffed for Donpaul, also for you and everyone's efforts that achieved it. All I ask is a little more clarity in the future to stop any misunderstandings ever arising. Ive asked 420 to amend the pize statement clearing up what is truly available to outside US members.
I think that is enough said. Im happy to have been able to help some other great growers out with my stuff !

Sorry for going on Dpaul just thought id put it to bed!
Have you used the stage 3 d&s yet? I had a not so awesome experience today and wanted to see if you have had similar issues.

I decided to try some stage 3 today. I used 1/2gal of water and 1-1/2 t of stage 3. The water was pH'd last night to 6.5.
My first issues was I couldnt get all the granuals to dissolve. I stired many times, and let it sit for 5 mins before another violent mixing but it was still grainy. Ive never used anything but liquid before,so maybe this is normal with granular feeds?

Secondly, and much more disturbing, after adding the stage 3 the PH was very very low. I kept adding pH UP to try to fix it, but it was way way low still. I added 26 drops to 1/2gal just to get to 6.5. :straightface: I only used a small amount of this mix (maybe 1/8) because that much pH up has to be bad news.
Have you had any similar issues or is there something I may havedone wrong? :hmmmm:
@RainStacks, glad the watering method is working out for you, the way i look at it is that where these plants grow its very dry and dont get much rain, so why not do the same indoors, i only water now when my pots are really light, my plants dont get to the wilted stage but the soil is bone dry when i water, my plants seem to be responding very well to this watering then drying out techinque

@Light Addict and king john, SNS really stepped up and covered the postage so cant thank them enough for doing that, maybe it was because they seen members pulling together to help with the postage but they have said they are looking into their prize procedure so fingers crossed they will cover the postage in future for all members, dont quote me on this but thats what info i was told.

@Light Addict, i said the same about you in the msgs i was having with other members, i said you would of had the products if you knew sns was paying the postage but as it was so high you gifted it away as soon as you won it, so to find out they covered the postage is a bit harsh but none of us was to know, all i knew was that 420girl sent me a msg saying the postage was $95.70. so as far as i knew i was going to have to pay that, but then last wednesday i was told sns are looking into their procedures and will cover the postage, then i got the products the next day. not posted them in my journal yet as ive not had chance to pick them up from my postal address as i wont have a life till tomorrow, so ill post pics then, im really hoping sns pay for the postage from now on as they get advertisement from it and product reviews via our journals so maybe it will help more members in the future. just wish it would of happened sooner so you could of got yours mate,

@broke Ass Reg and Skybound, thanks both for all the time and effort you put into getting the postage sorted, im sure both of you played a huge part into SNS looking into their procedures and them covering the postage, also a huge thank you to everyone else behind the scenes who offered to help cover the postage costs so i could get the SNS products, your all way to kind

@LA, i just read 420's post, A HUGE THANK YOU TO 420 MAGAZINE FOR SORTING OUT THE PRODUCTS FOR LIGHT ADDICT, thats very good of them,

@usmco420, ill try and find your journal mate, not been on the last couple of days as been pretty busy but back on now so will get caught up with all the journals im sub'd to and come over and sub to yours, post the link if you can,
@Spimp, yep ive been using bag 2 and bag 3 at full dose which is 1 table spoon per gallon, i also mix up just 2ltr at a time and use 1 and half teaspoon per 2ltr pop bottle, ive not had any issues and it does stay suspended in the water as it dont fully disolve but it works fine in both my dwc and soil grown plants, not had any ph issues but my tap water is ph 7.0. when i mix up a new batch of bag 3 tomorrow ill check the ph after mixing the bag 3 in then ill post the results, ive not checked the ph i just mix it up and feed my plants with it, not had any issues and the measures i use are like baking measures so not actually spoons more like little bowls so i know im feeding the exact amount, ill weight it and see what 1 table spoon weighs in case you are using table spoons to measure with as they can be bad measures at the best of times.

how i mix it is like this,
i get a jug that holds about 2ltr of water, i measure 1 table spoon then tip it into the empty jug, then using my finger over the end of the tap i sort of put the tap water under high pressure like you do with a garden hose to make it go further without a nozzle on the end, then that blasts the water into the powder and mixes it up a bit better, but you still see the granules suspended in the water but mixed up a lot better, then i pour that into a 1gallon bucket and fill with water, or if im just mixing up 2ltr worth i use the small measures i got and add 1 1/2 tea spoon to a 2tr pop bottle then half fill with water and give it a good shake then fill it up to the top, then i just pour that strait into my 2ltr dwc which holds just under 2ltr of water and not had any problems, when the res is empty their is no granules in the bottom of the res so maybe they either disolve slow over a few days or maybe the water temp is a bit low strait out the tap and that causes it to take longer, bag 2 mixes up a lot better and disolves,

but the powder veg feeds ive used in the past do that exact same thing, the potato feed i used had big bits in it and these took a while to disolve as well,

but ive not noticed any issues at full dose and ive even added slightly more than the 1tbsp measure but not by much as ill do some testing from start to finish properly once ive finished with these plants, but ive not had any nute burn or def or lockout so im guessing the ph must be ok but when i mix up a batch tomorrow ill check the ph with my digital pen and see what it says, maybe the ph is slightly off but ive not noticed anything that has concerned me else i would of tested the ph when i noticed a problem.

just out of curiosity test the ph of your tap water strait out the tap and let us know what that is, last time i checked mine is was 7.0 and was the same a month later, im wondering if the ph slowly rises as bag 3 disolves in the water, but ill double check tomorrow after mixing up a new batch and see what it says, drop dogget simpson a msg their pretty good at getting back to you and maybe they can give you some extra info.

but certainly not had problems or noticed anything that has made me check ph.

thanks for all the comments everyone just uploading some pics for you all now, sorry i not been around much but been busy with my kids so not had chance to get on here but back on here now and will get caught up with all your journals
ok here is a vid for you all, i was quicker for me to take a vid, no sound though as it was just a quick vid before i went out earlier,
Ignore the title of the video plants i saw on holiday its just for utube,


@Broke Ass Reg and Skybound, thanks both for all the time and effort you put into getting the postage sorted, im sure both of you played a huge part into SNS looking into their procedures and them covering the postage, also a huge thank you to everyone else behind the scenes who offered to help cover the postage costs so i could get the SNS products, your all way to kind
We were happy to return the love that you first extended to all of us.

Now pardon while I momentarily jack your thread (don't have my own yet)

plant number 1 in my vid is the one furthest in flower, its the jack flash 12-12 form seed, just so i can sample the buds and check if its the true jack flash, so far im unsure, sometimes it smells like flash and other times it smells more skunky, so ive taken clones from all the plants and will decide once ive sampled the buds, if its not the true flash then the clone will end up in the bin,
plant number 2 is the auto im working on, so far its doing ok and should produce well, its in seed production though and will pollenate it again in the next day or 2 as its still producing pistils and buds just keep getting fatter.

the dwc is the auto nothern lights, it was grown under 17-7 then 12-12 for the last 3ish weeks,

@Skybound, its cool no worries, sounds like some great strains, is the thc bomb an auto, im sure i grew an auto with a similar name, ill try and find out what it was, i recognise them baggies, we must shop at the same place, looks like herbie has changed his free seed offer, ill place an order next week and get thee new free seeds and just some more strains i want to get, problem is i end up with more seed and not enough time to grow them.

ill be planting my next round of plants tomorrow, ive got a few clones rooting at the minute but depending on smoke report ill then decide if i keep or bin them, the blue mystic will be planted though tomorrow and then ill pick another 1 or 2 seeds, i wont be growing as many plants next time round but will be growing bigger plants,
My tap pH is crazy high. 8-8.5 straight outta the faucet. But the water I used had been pH'd the nite before to 6.5. Im interested to see your results. Im also about to mix up a batch of stage 2 and hopefully i wont have the same issue.

It could have been an isolated situation.
right i just checked my tap water and its coming out at 6.9 flashing 7.0,

i checked my ph pen first and it was spot on so them figures above or correct,
the res was filled up at 10am and its now 23:10 at time of testing, the ph in the res is 6.5 flashing 6.6, so the res has been filled up over 12 hours so maybe the ph has changed over that time,

ill mix a fresh batch tomorrow and test as soon as mixed,
maybe try using plain tap water without adjusting it first then mix the nutes up and see what it says, maybe adjusting the water first is whats causing you the problem, either use plain water strait out the tap or let it stand for 24 hours, i usually let me water stand but have often used it direct out the tap with no signs of problems, i dont recomend doing this but it has not caused me any problems when ive had to use it direct out the tap,

so give that a try mate, also check your measures, let me go an weight 1 table spoons worth and ill post in the next 5min what it is, i had to buy some proper baking measures their like chrome bowls that meausre from 1/4 tea spoon upwards, so the 1 table spoon measure is like a small dish and i just run a knife over the top to level the powder off as using a spoon you can be way off with the measurements as water setlles at the lip of the spoon where as powder you can pile it up,

so ill weight 1 table spoon now and that should give you and others a rough idea what it is without using a proper measure, maybe you are using a proper measure and if you are then that wont be the problem, im pretty sure i can push the dose higher as ive not seen any signs of any problems at all but wont push the dose up until ive seen this grow through till the end, then ill experiment and push it as far as i can until i see signs of problems,

so if it was me id use plain tap water with no adjustment, then mix up the nutrients then test the ph, dont worry about the powder not disolving as its something ive had happen with other powder nutrients,
1 table spoon is weighing 12.7g.

now on the net ive seen different amounts of tea spoons per gallon depending on uk or us measures,
i know a UK gallon is less than a US gallon, or maybe its more, cant remember, but all i do is work on the basis that a 2ltr pop bottle is half a gallon give or take, so i use 2x 2ltr pop bottles as a gallon or water,
so a 2ltr bottle where i am is 2000ml, so im going on the basis that my gallon is roughly 4000ml.
cool no worries, i wouldnt of checked if Spimp hadnt said anything but ive not had any problems what so ever and id say the results are pretty amazing for such an easy product to use, i know if their was a ph issue then my dwc would have problems pretty much strait away but im not seeing any issues at all,

we all know some nutrients need ph up or down adding but ive never used ph up or down or even got any, its something ive never used and hopefully wont need to use, i would check ph if i had problems but as everything is going well ive not needed to check anything at all, so its only because Spimp mentioned he had a problem that i thought i best check, but everything looks ok to me,

hopefully Spimp will test it with tap water before any adjustments added and he might find its within the correct range them, but for me both the soil and dwc plants have grown real well with no problems what so ever since using the product, ill test a fresh batch tomorrow and check the ph of bag 2 and bag 3 when i first mix it up.

hopefully Spimp gets it sorted or works out where the problem is, will be interesting to find out if its down to the water he is using, maybe spimp can get his tap water to ph 7.0 then mix in the nutrients and that should bring it where it needs to be, ive not had to adjust anything and wouldnt check unless i had some problem show up,
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