Donpaul.p's Latest 400 Watt HPS Grow

yep thats the one i seen them in, did yours have the flat stem as well then, would you say yours had same traits as the morrocan strain they said had the problem, possibly some kind of cross, ill need to watch that section again because im pretty sure they said they had seen that genetic somewhere else, im pretty sure they said somewhere else or maybe it was in one of the other strain hunters videos,

ill have a watch and see if they mention anywhere else, im pretty sure they did but might of been on another expedition, ill watch them again and see what i can find out, the only thing i didnt like is that they where looking for the true lanrace strains of certain locations but they said constantly that the original landrace was the strongest to grow in that area so when they grew other strains the landrace bred and took back over, so to me this sounds like the landrace they was after may of contained some genes from other strains.

im pretty sure its very difficult to find true landrace strains, most will of been crossed at some point, i know the original landrace will always come out on top due to location but only after breeding with the imported strains, so it would take several generations to force out any of the imported strains,

id love to go on some expedition to find some nice outdoor grows, but without the contacts you cant just walk up on someones field and start sampling the goods, i know you get basic weed growing wild in some places but its nothing special, but to find some true wild bud would be a nice trip to go on. they was using google earth to find fields of bud,
your not wrong mate, pretty damn impressive results, usually the buds ive been growing end up pretty dark when dry, these are still light green, really nice, about to roll a fat one and sample the goods, not tried this batch yet, didnt want to quick dry any, its been drying for about 5 or 6 days and the outside of the bud is dry but inside is slightly moist so its been in jarrs to cure, but as their still early on in the cure i like to take them out the jar and spread them out for about 30min then go back in jarrs, last thing i need now is some pm issues,

so that method seems to work ok for me,
to say their 100% fem is a bit hit and miss at the moment, ive grown about 7 seeds and all have been fem so far, but thats not to say i wont have a male, i even had a male from herbies jack flash femenised but placed and order yesterday and he sent me an extra 2 jack flash#5 fem seeds so herbie really sorted me out with this order,

so they could be all fem, fingers crossed they are, i followed the banana pollen guide to make fem seeds and so far everyone ive grown is fem, but i got plenty of regular seeds as well, i got way to many, a got crosses that i have not even tried growing yet, been doing to much crossing i think, but then i just did another cross, i harvested the last few buds from my own fem strain and found just 1 banana hidden under one of the lowest buds, now id been checking this plant every day and never noticed this banana but when i cut the bud off the banana was all ready open, luckily ive not got anything in early flower apart from the auto purple cheese, so i put some pollen on the lowest bud on that so that should get me some fem seeds, wont be all auto but should still be fem seeds,
i dont think the pollen spread yet as i dont have many fans on and it was on the edge of the grow room, plus all the pistils on the auto are still sticking up so no pollen on them yet, i pul pollen on the lowest bud and all the pistils shrivvled up in about an hour so should give me some fem seeds, i just need to remember to label everything,
i got a jar of seeds that labels fell of, so a got a jar full of mixed seeds that i dont even know what they will turn out like, so got plenty to be trying and working with, so far these fem seeds have given me the best results and consistent as well, all plants from that batch of seeds have been the same.

so im pretty sure all strains will grow these bananas, if id of seen it sooner id of crossed it with its own strain but to late else i would of had more fem seeds of that strain.

i dont mind sharing seeds with friends, but cant guarantee their all fem, cant guarantee any results, but all have been viable seeds so far, i waited till the seeds fall out of the buds before i harvest them so their all nice and dark, but when i got seeds from other plants i have got some that are a light brown to green colour and all them have been viable as well,

we cant talk seeds in journals though, it gets a warning from the mods, were not allowed to discuss anything in journals,
so thanks for the kind works jimmy, im just uploading pics of the kc45 auto im about to harvest, these buds got huge pretty quick, pictures uploading now, will be on here in 10 min,
ok, here is the kc45 auto, i bought these seeds from herbies, their dirty cheap, works out to about £1.00 per seed, regular seeds i had more than half fem but none got as big as this, the others finished at half the size, but this plant had problems with the compost and i used expensive compost and it had way to much N in it and i ended up with claw leaves and no proper leaves, even now the leaves are not right, some are deformed and still clawing yet the plant grew like crazy,

here the latest pics, its a day or 2 from harvest, all the plant is showing as cloudy and a few buds at the top have got amber trichs so not to long left now, possibly a day or 2, the leaves have started falling off and i keep removing any that have turned yellow so its pretty much done, im just waiting for more amber trichs then ill pull it down




this bud below is the biggest bud on the plant its not as fat as a 2ltr pop bottle but is slightly longer than 2ltr bottle

should i add a product placement warning before this next pic,lol
this is one of the smaller side buds, not as fat but only a bit shorter than the main bud, i ended up with 4 main colas on this, very few small branches, i think theirs 3 small branches at the bottom of the plant, ill leave these on and see if an auto will grow bananas, maybe i can cross it with itself to get some kc45 auto fem, not sure if it works like that but ill give it a try,

pistils are about 50 to 60% amber but all trichs are cloudy even at the bottom of the plant, ill leave it as long as i can, it might even go for another week, when i see 10% amber ill harvest, but i find that when a plant starts showing amber trichs its not long before it throws amber trichs all over the place,
not the best camera for close ups but you should see the pistils in this next pic

Lookin good DP! Wanted to show you a couple of my latest auto's. Top one is two plants and the strain was afgan kush ryder auto, the middle pic is a couple buds from them, and the lower pic was one I harvested a couple days ago which was a roadrunner auto.

Keep it green!:thumb:

yep..once you see the 1st her close..they will come fast...and yes..on strain hunter he did say that defect was found at another need to mess with them..i don't think..they only have fan flowers..i grew 2 of them..bagseed in 2 inside know i got a long journal..both those grows with pics in this journal..they didn't grow flowers..they grew nuts..wanted breed one...yep.:cheesygrinsmiley:
very nice rdooski, i was about to ask same question, was they grow in dwc, you got some far buds their, very nice
heres the kc45 link for herbies, very cheap for 10 seeds, regular not fem but i had 6fems and just planted another 2 seeds and got 1 left
! Herbies Auto Flowering KC Brains KC45 Autoflowering Seeds - Updated:28th Jun 2013

@miwa, your not wrong mate, you got a damn long journal but its all good, strain hunters expeditions where damn good as well, im not to sure that they found true landrace strains though because even they admit that the growers imported strains and grew them but then the stronger landrace bred with these new strains and turned it back into the landrace it originally was, now im not sure how many generations it would take to bring the true landrace back without any genes from other strains in it but when you got several fields less than a mile from each other then id have to say the strains are pretty mixed up, i may be wrong but it would take generations of breeding to bring a pure landrace back to what it origanally was, on some of their shows it showed google earth images of where they was going plus they said you can see the fields of bud using google earth,
anyone fancy a back packing trip,
lets go smoke some landrace, could be risky as im sure we wont be invited but im sure we can find some strains growing away from the commercial growers,
you never know they might be friendly, we would need a translator though, just in case,lol

would be an interesting trip,

anyways back to my grow,
i got my seeds today this is what i got,
seeds i paid for
1x greenlable auto mary fem.
1x greenhouse seeds exodus cheese fem
1x simply female dragons breath fem
1x female seeds lemon kush.
them seeds including postage cost me £15
so this is what i got for free
2x white widow x skunk, regular seeds but still a damn nice strain,
1x world of seeds mazar x white rino fem,
2x sensi seeds jack flash#5 fem (these was a replacement for the 1xfem jack flash that turned out male, herbie sent me 2 to replace the 1 that i had that turned out male)

the auto ill be planting pretty soon, probably when i harvest the kc45 auto, not long left on that now, a day or 2 at the most,
think you got mixed up, cant clone autos as you gain nothing, i buy regular autos for crossing purposes,

i found a banana on the bottom last few buds of my own fem seeds strain, unamed, ill need to give my own strains a name, cant keep calling them unknown fems, but i rescued some pollen while harvesting the last few buds and put it on one of the lower buds on the purple cheese auto, so that should if it works out right give me some fem seeds, wont all be auto but the odd one would,
ive also put pollen on the other bottom bud on the auto from the ken estes gdp, so the rest of the auto will grow seed free,

ive got another 2 kc45's just sprouted as well, hoping to have a male to get me plenty of auto seeds, i think crossing an auto with an auto will give me 100% auto seeds, hopefully it works like that, if not then ill end up with regular seeds with the odd auto, ill need to ask someone about auto breeding, not done any so dont know how it works,
im hoping to cross the new auto fem i planted with either itself if it goes hermie after harvest but before let it go that far ill cross it with the kc45, so will be an interesting mix of seeds, im hoping ill have a kc45 male and the new auto i planted is femenised so should be fem, so i should end up with plenty of auto seeds,

i harvested my kc45, just uploading the pics now, next post will have the pics
ok as promised, here are the main buds from my auto, the smaller buds i did not take pics of,
tomorrow ill do a big update showing my new plants and the start of my next grow, ill keep it in this journal, i just got 1 plant left to harvest now but it wont finish flowering, its stopped growing, leaves are green still, pistils are brown on the lower buds but the top buds are still showing white pistils and trichs are all coudy, smaller buds are 1 or 2 amber per branch but the top buds have not changed in over a week, so not sure whats going on,

anyway these pics below are the main buds from the kc45, now im not sure why this kc45 grew this big, i bought a bag of 10 seeds and out of 8 i had 6 females, the first 5 females stayed small about 1ft high in total, they was grown under 20-4 from start to finish, now this may sound weird and if anyone can shed any light on this then id like to know why this auto grew bigger, taller with fatter and more dense buds, yet it was grown 12-12 from day 1 till harvest as i had regular plants under 12-12,
so do autos benefit from more dark like regular plants, it took longer to grow, longer to flower but grew 3 times the size of the same strain before it, so why did this one get so big on 12-12

does 20-4 make them reach flower age sooner, does it make them flower quicker, so is it possible that 12-12 meant it was only getting 12 hours of light per 24 which meant it took longer to grow and flower, everything else was kept the same, pot size, nuts etc etc, only difference was the light,

so are we stopping autos growing at their best by giving them extra light, outdoors autos do well but again they dont get 16 hours of light a day and get huge, so does 20-4 and 24-0 just make them mature and flower sooner, we know plants grow in the dark so does 12-12 mean the plants ages slower as its only getting 12 hours of light every 24 instead of 18 or more hours, so am i prolonging the life of the auto allowing to get bigger before flower by only giving it 12 hours of light, so under 24 hours of light a day its getting 24 hours of light, under 12-12 its getting 24 hours of light every 2 days instead of over 24 hours,

has anyone grown autos under 12-12 and can answer my question, or did i just have a seed that decided to grow like crazy, but like i said it took a couple of weeks longer to start flowering and it was in flower a lot longer,

testing might need to be done,
i need someone who knows more or has tried running tests with autos,

anyways ill stop talking and post the pics,
kc45 at harvest, 10% amber trichs all over, didnt let it go longer as its a sativa heavy auto
the buds in the plastic tub on the right are what i throw in my hash making trim boxes, at the minute i got 3 big cardboard boxes full of totally dry trim and buds, i got 5 or 6 jars full of high quality trim, all the sugar leaf and nothing else, i just need to find a very basic method of making hash, i dont need top shelf hash, just need a way to turn this trim into some smokable hash,
any ideas on an easy method, silk screen seems very easy but does it remove all the tricks,




thanks rdooski, the buds are solid as well, smells like a sort of sweet smell, sometimes when i smelled it i thought it smelt just like bubble gum, even now i have a smell while its drying and its deffinately a sweet smell, id even say blueberry tones, but cant be sure, just know its smells sweet instead of skunky or tangy,
ill go with bubble gum smell, thats what i think it smells like, but might just be me,

so cant wait to sample it, its the cheapest auto on herbies head shop, cheapest auto i have ever seen to be honest, pack of 10 is about the same price as 1fem seed of the normal strains, so well worth a look, then you can tell me if it smells like bubble gum or not, its smells pretty impressive, ive grown this a few times but this is by far the best of the lot, buds are 3 times the size of the last ones i grew,
i quick help question for a new grower,

one of our members who is just starting to grow is trying to get some info on the best type of setup for his tent and room, questions about ac's, air flow, he seems to know everything but just wants to check he is using the best method, such as carbon filter and cool tube.

thought their might be someone using similar setup, he is also looking for a product you might be able to point him towards, you might know about the type of set up he wants and can explain what method works best, its something i cant really help with,

here is the link to his journal, hope someone can help,
4x4x6"11' Gorilla Grow Tent Set Up

thanks everyone,
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