Donpaul.p's Latest 400 Watt HPS Grow

Re: Donpaul.p's latest 400watt hps grow,

Hey DP, if you take a clone from a plant in flower, should you trim the bud or buds off when prepping the cutting? I would think so to focus the hormones back to rooting and away from flowering, but figured I'd ask around a bit before I do so. Off to resize photos in Gimp myself, lol. Thanks for the great info.
Re: Donpaul.p's latest 400watt hps grow,

sorry abouts pics, i was on internet explorer last night and it kept on freezing, im just putting them on here now, my next post will be the pics

as for the clones in flower dont touh the buds, leave the buds on the clones, wack them under 24-0, the new leaves will grow out of the buds and give you some crazy growth, the plant will then be monster cropped, at first you will have some very dodgy leaves, single bladed leaves, leaves that curl up, then you will get leaves that dont look like cannabis leaves, then about 2 weeks later the proper leaves will form and the plant will give you some crazy branch growth, you will have 10 times the amount of branches the original plant had.

@miwa, dec should do it mate, i came pretty close to putting my purple plants in the fridge for a couple of cool nights, the only plant i managed to get total purple was a purple auto, but i had to stress it with cold for a few nights, but the bud tasted like crap, it really wasnt smokable, so most ended up in my trim stash,

but ill work with strains and try and get some purple strain that turns purple under normal conditions, i here gdp is suppose to do this but if you google ken estes gdp you will see purple buds and regular buds, some growers say it turned purple under normal temps and others say they couldnt get it to turn purple, so clearly their is a prolblem here, maybe its more to do with nutes, maybe it needs a lot less N during the end of flower to bring out the purple but if this strain was totally stable then everyone would be growing purple buds,

pics will be up in 5min, sorry Harley had internet explorer crash on me, using firefox again now
Re: Donpaul.p's latest 400watt hps grow,

ok, here is the pics,

now im just running a test with a few plants, i have grown out these plants without pruning so can compare overall bud size at harvest and see if pruning has made any difference,
so here are the pics a bit late but you can see how much trimming i done

ok this first plant is a plant in veg, i have totally removed all the fan leaves apart from the smallest set at the top, so all thats left on this plant is the small leaves on the new branches at the nodes





now these next 2 plants are in about the middle of flower, again these plants are my own fem seeds, stain has no name as of yet, i can compare these finished buds to harvested buds from plants that have not been pruned, their roughly in the middle of flower or slightly earlier, i have removed all leave growth with a stem, the only leaves that are left are the leaves sticking out of the buds that have no stem, i have gone over the top with the pruning just to see how the plants react and how the buds turn out,






this is the other flowering plant i used defol method on






my lady is totally naked below the waste, no hairy legs here,

so their you go Harley, some pics to look at, ill take pics of these 3 plants every 2 or 3 days so we can see how they progress after my heavy handed defol method, so far it looks like its going ok, but we will know more in a couple of days,
Re: Donpaul.p's latest 400watt hps grow,

no probs mate, i did start tests in earlier grows but then didnt go no further due to breeding fem seeds and purple strains,

but when i read a few comments about defol method i thought id give it a try on a few plants so we can all see how things go and how the plants respond, i have defol another 2 plants but not took pics of these,
the one is about ready to harvest, so i removed all fan leaves for the last week to 10 days, i have done this from time to time and i think it does increase bud size, i also just harvested a plant that i did not do any defo on so again i can compare bud size as plants was the same size,

im just taking some pics of the harvested buds and ill put them on here shortly,
im interested to see how this defol goes, last time i did it i didnt have enough plants to do a fair test and nothing to compare them to, this time i do, so what ill do now is takes some more pics of the same plants every 2 or 3 days and keep doing this right up till harvest, this way it will give us some idea of what works and what dont,
bassman gets amazing results but is it the defo giving him these results or is it because he knows the plant and got everything else spot on that produces huge buds or is it the defo method,

we need to remember that outdoors in the wild these plants are under attack from animals and insects and disease, so these plants lose leaves all over the place, outdoor plants produce huge dense buds, i been watching some vids on utbube that show a seed bank going round the world exploring outdoor grows to get their seeds from such as afgan landrace seeds and many other strains, they go round europe and jamaica,india etc etc looking for pure strains to get seeds from, many of the plants had problems with leaf and still produced huge monster buds, so clearly it does plants no harm losing leaves,

all we can do is see how these defol plants progres from here, ill keep documenting it from now until harvest,

im just taking pics of the harvested buds and will put them up in next few minutes
Re: Donpaul.p's latest 400watt hps grow,

here some pic of my harvested buds, not a huge yield but some nice looking and smelling buds,
strain is my own fem seeds, unamed,






below is some popcorn buds possibly for hash making




Re: Donpaul.p's latest 400watt hps grow,

DP! Glad to see you back brother!:high-five:

Im all caught up and along for the ride. I missed your wonderful work. And I see you have been watching Strain Hunters, love that show!:thumb:
Re: Donpaul.p's latest 400watt hps grow,

hi rdooski13, its been a while but im back on here now, strain hunters is what i was on about, couldnt remember the name so thanks for reminding me, some amazing expeditions they go on, watched all of their vids,

i got a lot going on so will do a new update in a day or 2, got several more plants sprouted so will be starting a fresh grow soon, ill keep it in this journal, i got a few plants left to harvest then ill be back at the start,
thanks for checking my journal,

@harley, thanks mate, im pretty pleased with the results, not a huge yield but had very little veg so pretty good considering it had around 2 weeks of 20-4 then was 12-12 till finish, my other fem plant grown at same time is a week or their abouts away from harvest, both are from different mothers but all from the same pollen, so will be good to compare the buds after i can sample them, that way i can decide which i want to work with but both look ok bud wise, will give them longer veg next time round, i didnt give them long this time as i needed to check if my seeds turned out fem or not, luckily they are all fem so far.
Re: Donpaul.p's latest 400watt hps grow,

Nice DP, can't wait to see how this comparison runs. I have been debating how much to defol next week and 3 weeks later. Right now, I've just been taking fans that are heavily blocking stuff below it and won't stay tucked down, but my space is overfull right now and the plants are staggered in their harvest times. I'll definitely be watching close to get an idea though.
Re: Donpaul.p's latest 400watt hps grow,

next run i throwing four plants in each farm kinda like a hydro sog, just waiting on the new farm nutes and seeds arriving then i will be up n growing again
Re: Donpaul.p's latest 400watt hps grow,

just remember packing more plants in means air movement is restricted, this risks pm issues, so good air flow is key to packing more plants in, if you have plants that leaves are touching each other then they will sweat, so some defol is needed to prevent pm issues,

@runewulfsong, its a tough debate the defol method, some swear by it and others dont, jorge cevantes says never remove any leaf that nots dead, but other top growers say some defol is needed on indoor plants as in the wild plants lose leaves to bugs and animals.

again some plants respond better than others, i used it a few times in the past and had huge buds, but i had nothing to compare them to, the plant may of produced huge buds without any defol or could of produced bigger buds with no defold, this time round i got something to compare them to,

we all know that bottom branches get no light and node spacing is huge and buds are tiny, so these branches would need more light to have closer node spacing and bigger buds, so more light = more buds, how ever removing leaves stunts growth, i have proven this by just removing the very top 2 sets of fan leaves, this stunted growth on the main stem, the lower branches then grew higher than the main stem and became the main colas, growth was pretty quick on these lower branches so the plant must go into some sort of repair mode to make sure the plant survives and grows taller than other plants.

its sort of natural selection, in the wild the taller plants flurish while the smaller plants wither and die due to not getting much light, some outdoor growers throw several seeds in the same hole, then the strongest of them seeds will outgrow the rest and will be the better plant to get buds from, so their natural selection plays a part,

indoors it dont, we give the plants what they need, they have no natural enemies as we prevent bugs and give them nutes and monitor light and temps, so do plants really need all their leaves when their not a risk of losing them, from my own experience i have found removing leaves to let more light into the lower and inner branches does make them grow quicker at them nodes, but it slows the growth at the part where you took the leaves from, this means you will need longer veg time in theory.

so their does need to be some testing done to see what actually happens, its no good just trying it with one plant as you have nothing to compare it to, what i do do with most my plants is remove all leaf at the very end of flower and leave it under 12-12 for a few days before harvest, i find this does slightly increase bud size,

the only time i used defold properly was with a 2ltr dwc hempie and i had amazing results, but then i only had 3 buds, the main bud and the very bottom branch either side of the plant, i defol and removed all side branches and node growth and i ended up with huge buds,

but would i of got more yield by keeping all the smaller buds and branches, fair enough i had 3 huge buds, but if i had 15 averaged size buds would i of got more yield, smaller buds but its the yield we are after, so hopefully this time i got something to compare it to and be able to make a more fairer test,

removing leaves every couple of days would cause more stress over a longer period so removing them in batches is the best method, plants do take a few days to recover but once growth starts again its usually rapid so the plant catches up and should have more growth than before,

only time will tell i guess but if you find bassmans journals on this site then he swears by the defol method, he says its best to start in veg as it is less stress on the plant when you do it in flower, but he does get huge buds, his plants have no leaf at all, all they have is the leaves coming out the buds, he says any leaf with a stem of 2inches or their abouts then these leaves need removing,

i can see why plants would need lots of leaves outdoor because in the wild you would have a field full of plants growing close to each other so the plant with the most leaves would reproduce and be taller than the other plants, again natural selection is key here, but indoors we are not doing this, plants are not competing for light and spaced close together, so do they really need all the leaves they produce,

i sit on the fence, if had good results with defol method and good results without removing leaves, i do remove the odd leaf blocking other branches and nodes, but im i reducing yield as im slowing growth at the place i took leaf from, i use a lot of lst as i find poking holes in the top of the pot allows me to pull whole branches one way or another to open the plant up for more light.

all i can do is run this test and see how it all plays out, if it works then i may use it for other grows,
Re: Donpaul.p's latest 400watt hps grow,

dont worry, i got plants growing that will be grown side by side, one defold method and one left untouched, i think that will be a more fair test,
with the ones om using defol on now i can only say if its workign or not according to the results and how the plants grow and respond, which will give me a good idea of if its working or not, but i got several plants and clones growing that are the same size so will run side by side tests with them also, just waiting for the clones to grow a bit first as their tiny at the minute,
so i will run side by side tests, i got a bit tub i use that can hold 2 plants so could put 2 clones in the same tub and both would get exactly the same light,nutes,water etc etc, only difference would be what i do to one of them,
so when i harvest the last plant in the big tub i can then put 2 clones in the tub and that would a more fair tests,
Re: Donpaul.p's latest 400watt hps grow,

i just heard back from herbies head shop today, i sent herbie a msg the other day letting him know that the jack flash fem seed was actually a male, he said he has got a new batch but he their was no other reports of the last batch been male so guess i was just unlucky and ended up with the .1% that could be male in the femenised seeds,

anyways herbie again has hooked me up, he said when i place my next order quote my order code from the jack flash order and he will send me 2 extra free fem jack flash seeds to replace the male seed i was sent,

you cant complain about service like that, this is why i keep promoting herbies head shop, once your a regular customer he really does look after, im not even a big customer, i buy like 3 or 4 seeds at a time, with every order you get free seeds, if you buy just 1 seed you get 3 seeds free, you always get 1 fem seeds or fem auto seed and 2 regular seeds,

the more you buy the more you get free, but also herbie sends out promotional items from time to time as well, plus you get the odd bonus free seed as well, so cant complain about the service, ive had tins of mints free and the tins are seed tins, they was from royal queen seeds, ive had plant pot markers, stickers, free bonus seeds from different breeders, so id have to say herbies is by far the best seed bank i have come across, i dont buy anywhere else, plus now ive found out he sells cbd crew seeds which are high in cbd, so will be ordering some of these this week,
Re: Donpaul.p's latest 400watt hps grow,

yea ive got my order in anyhow, female seeds bubblegummer, lemon kush and pineapple express also gonna get some GDP regs see if i can get a male and female, make plenty of seeds and sell em among friends lol
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