DocJ First Time Grow CropKing Autoflowers

Ok good I was worried. I’ll keep a close eye on it though just in case. Question, should I start defoliating those bottom leaves?

I wouldn't yet. They still have lots of green and aren't getting in the way yet.
I agree with BigDoctorJ I think the plants look fine. I often get a little brown spot on the first leaves. They seem to grow out of it without any problems. I don't like looking at it so usually just cut the leaf off making sure I don't cut off any new shoots at the joint with the main stem.
Pony Tailing looks perfect. The new shoots are really liking it. Just remember to take it off after 3-4 hours. I occasionally forget and it doesn't seem to do any damage.
Yes I do it daily until the shoots are long enough for a little training. There is no limit on how long you do it.
Once the plants get a little larger many people tuck the big leaves underneath other leaves to open up the bud sites.

I like to top my plants and then train the shoots that were developed using pony tailing using LST to open up the middle of the plant and create more bud sites.

You're doing great.
Day 30 update. Started the girls on week 4 nutrient schedule today. Adjusted the LST straps and talked to them for a little while. They seem healthy. Hope this keeps up

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