DocJ First Time Grow CropKing Autoflowers

Don't need to yet just when time gets closer make sure
They are really looking good. I would agree with you that you probably have at least a couple weeks left. You will see the buds really swell during that time.
day 69 - is she ready?

with the jeweler's loup the trichomes seem clear still but on the camera they all look cloudy. pretty much all of the pistils have turned amber and curled in. flush for a couple days and harvest?
day 69 - is she ready?

with the jeweler's loup the trichomes seem clear still but on the camera they all look cloudy. pretty much all of the pistils have turned amber and curled in. flush for a couple days and harvest?
If trichomes are still clear not yet. You need them to go cloudy with some of the trichomes going amber not pistils. I can't see in the pictures but if that's what your seeing then not yet. If you can get closer pictures maybe I can tell. Looks to glassy too me. Needs to look more like a cloudy plastic.
If they are clear under the loupe then maybe hold off for a bit. You want them cloudy. Leaves still look nice and green so it still has food available to keep growing. Looking really frosty though.

Edit: Derby was faster than me.
Ok I’ll hold off, like I said, in the pictures when I zoom in on the computer the trichomes look cloudy with a very few here and there that are amber. Jeweler loup is tough because it’s so small, but my initial feeling is still clear. Should I start flushing or keep giving nutrients for another week?
Ok I’ll hold off, like I said, in the pictures when I zoom in on the computer the trichomes look cloudy with a very few here and there that are amber. Jeweler loup is tough because it’s so small, but my initial feeling is still clear. Should I start flushing or keep giving nutrients for another week?
Bump this tomorrow so I'll be at home and I'll get on my computer and look. Maybe try to get another picture or 2 a bit closer for tomorrow. Won't hurt 1 more day
Ok I’ll hold off, like I said, in the pictures when I zoom in on the computer the trichomes look cloudy with a very few here and there that are amber. Jeweler loup is tough because it’s so small, but my initial feeling is still clear. Should I start flushing or keep giving nutrients for another week?

When i finish my plants I pick a date at least 14 days away that would be convenient for me to harvest. Then 14 days from that date i start feeding just water. 7 days from that date i do a flush and 48 hours out i put the plant in the dark. I know some people dont like flushing but it is the only time i do a flush now unless something is wrong.
When i finish my plants I pick a date at least 14 days away that would be convenient for me to harvest. Then 14 days from that date i start feeding just water. 7 days from that date i do a flush and 48 hours out i put the plant in the dark. I know some people dont like flushing but it is the only time i do a flush now unless something is wrong.
14 days plain water then 7 days flush, I thought that’s the same thing
When i say feeding just water i mean a regular watering with a small amount of runoff. For example, giving 5L of water and getting 1L of runoff. A flush is putting a whole bunch of water through the plant and getting a large amount of run off. For example 20L of water with 16L of runoff. I only do a flush once. That is one week from chopping and the purpose is to try and get rid of any nutrients in the soil so the plant burns smooth.
day 76 update - getting close on a lot of them. got a chance to do a photo shoot

Trichomes, odd that there are still a few white pistils sticking out. If you can save the picture and zoom in you’ll see all the Amber trichomes covering the sugar leaves
You need to look at the buds. Sugar leaves almost always show first. Don't go by the sugar leaves it'll be too early. They'll bulk up some also
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