DocJ First Time Grow CropKing Autoflowers

Day 48 update

Houston, we have a problem. Noticed this just happened over the past 24 hour period

Don't panic let's just get some questions answered first. Have you been checking your pH? If so has your pen been calibrated lately? I've forgotten if your in soil or coco. Which is it? Led or cfl or other?
Day 54 update

Came back from a work trip to see the buds are stacking on the white widows. Other girls look good too but man those WW are premo

Fed em some nutrients and got some pics to share

Question - how long until I think about flushing for the final product? Last 2 weeks before harvest right? What is a good indicator that I have about 2 weeks left?

Only way to tell when a plant is getting ready to harvest is by looking at its trichomes. No other indicators will tell you like they will. Looks like you have plenty of time yet and there are allof of different discussions about flushing. @InTheShed could maybe help you with that. I'm only flushing maybe 2 days before I harvest. Weeks leading up to that I make sure that I'm really dropping my nitrogen.
little flower porn on 4/20

little flower porn on 4/20

Looking good doc. Over the next few weeks you need to pick up a loupe or see how well your phone can take pictures of the trichomes. That's the only way to know when it's time to harvest.
Day 60 update for the 6 mature girls, day 40 update for the 2 small ones

1 white widow is looking closer and closer to harvest, buds are getting pretty fat

Excited this is getting close to completion

Lol I am trying to, ive been using the DSLR in macro to check, works better than the jeweler loup

I figure I gotta another 20 days probably
Well if your DSLR works you can post pictures when it's getting closer and get some feedback from people on your journal. This site just loves bud porn
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