Doc Bud's High Brix Q&A With Pictures

Ok, I don't want any confusion as to my point. Anyone who thinks that it's ok for kids to sit around more just because technology can entertain them for hours while doing so is misguided. The food industry along with technology is exactly why so many people are fat,lazy, and in general are in bad health. Would love for some one to show me I'm wrong. For someone to show me exactly how technology has made us healthier and happier.
I can't speak on the actions of women at all i have no reference and teen boys are much different than teen girls I went through the in between my generation, I'd say was equal outside to inside, those who played video games were still extreme nerds. I'm young but I'm not of the same community as the teenagers of today mainly because I'm 25 and I don't care what you say about "our generation v your generation" you people need to realize that we're pretty much the same and a product of our environment. What is available is what will be a part of us. Older people are always really surprised when a 3 year old can operate a tablet better than they can well that's because they've had one in their hands for over a year already. Newer generations will be different and do things differently but it's only because of the environment in which we grew up.

I'm 36 amd I get what you're saying. But you are misguided. Your way of thinking, well it's ok cause that's just the way things are today, is so wrong. We are losing touch with our true nature. Love how you say I don't care what you say about ours vs yours. That's just shows you're closed minded so I won't waste any more of my time on you.
Re: Doc Bud - High Brix Q&A With Pictures

I'm 36 amd I get what you're saying. But you are misguided. Your way of thinking, well it's ok cause that's just the way things are today, is so wrong. We are losing touch with our true nature. Love how you say I don't care what you say about ours vs yours. That's just shows you're closed minded so I won't waste any more of my time on you.
No you're very much missing my point, my issue with you're argument is the fact that your generation blames mine for being lazy or entranced by tech. I'm absolutely not advocating for more screen time or shitty food I'm saying im sick of this ours v yours bullshit because it is absolutely bullshit I'm no different than you or anyone else my environment was just different, as someone who is just being born are going to grow up in a world that I can hardly imagine. Again not advocating for people to sit around more I never said this and I have no clue where you drew that point.
You must be young... your statement here is obviously your opinion and I consider it wrong. This is not the direction the world needs to go. I have a 15 yo daughter and she is so sweet and kind but she also has her head up her ass and has no idea what's going on around her. No spatial awareness at all. I know for a fact when I was her age I was nothing like that. Sure I was a teen with a similar attitude but I was active and loved being outside. Knew lots of girls them that were the same way. Kids are ridiculously lazy and entitled these days and that's not the way our world need to move.

"Kids are ridiculously lazy and entitled these days and that's not the way our world need to move"
Yeah that's not attacking at all completely neutral
You must be young..."

This is the most condescending shit I hear to belittle an argument based on age so yeah not neutral there at all.

My original statement on the matter simply pointed out the possibility that if those born without quick access to tech, had tech like we do there would be a significantly greater percentage that spent most of their time inside and on some kind of device instead of digging for bugs or doing something constructive.
I got that by you saying "that's all it takes for literally years of entertainment" like it's a good thing tk sit out kids down in front of a screen instead of paying them the attention they need and deserve. And you had the choice to sit around with the tech or go outside. Just sayin...
No I was pointing out that for a mind of a child or someone of mental immaturity, hours of video games and YouTube is damn near iresistable.
Like I said I'm 36, that means I had Nintendo 64 sega super nintindo... I had all kinds of tech to keep me inside... but guess what?

Sorry about the jack guys... just drives me crazy when younger generations try and blame other things for their laziness... like they have no choice in the matter. Back to our regularly scheduled program.
Like I said I'm 36, that means I had Nintendo 64 sega super nintindo... I had all kinds of tech to keep me inside... but guess what?

Sorry about the jack guys... just drives me crazy when younger generations try and blame other things for their laziness... like they have no choice in the matter. Back to our regularly scheduled program.
Lol ok bud to each their own I don't have time to explain the exact point of our current social situation that lead people to staying in more. It's more cemented with the culture of today.
Like I said I'm 36, that means I had Nintendo 64 sega super nintindo... I had all kinds of tech to keep me inside... but guess what?

Sorry about the jack guys... just drives me crazy when younger generations try and blame other things for their laziness... like they have no choice in the matter. Back to our regularly scheduled program.
This argument is literally like saying " my generations scientist figured out how to teleport protons, but you don't see me teleporting all over the face of the Earth!" Like your point is 400% moot in the face of what is available today.
My feelings exactly. Hydro and aeroponics are the quickest. Soil is probably the slowest but it's also the most forgiving.
I'm a soil guy myself but if I was growing those beauties in a hydro set up, I wouldn't change a thing.
You're killin it man. Great job.
couple things....first off...i'm old ok....i agree some with both of you...we are ...and always will be a product of our environments.bei g 58 now and seeing the kids staying in the house on their screens makes me very sad.With that being said...if i had the tech . that we have today...i prolly woulda been on those screens too...instead of outside ...being a boy...doing all the fun things we loved...road hockey ...flag football...biking....getting into trouble....etc.It is simply a much different time...we all have to remember that.Look at the treehouse i built for my 2 boys...took me 15 months of planning , a lot of time and money....i betcha both boys combined spent less than 5 hrs in it.....they simply had more fun doing tech stuff....bahhhh.Kids these days will grow up...wishing they had of been more active in their youth...they will simply not have all we had to remember....very sad....very sad....but they are ...a product of their environment....and we built it for them didnt we ?
Wow... ok. That isn't even what we were talking about.
Also I never claimed to be neutral on this, not sure why that even matters. This is my opinion, that's your opinion. Yours is far from neutralism well. So yea, I'll leave it at that. You and I will never agree and that's fine. That's the way the world is supposed to be. What do I know...
couple things....first off...i'm old ok....i agree some with both of you...we are ...and always will be a product of our environments.bei g 58 now and seeing the kids staying in the house on their screens makes me very sad.With that being said...if i had the tech . that we have today...i prolly woulda been on those screens too...instead of outside ...being a boy...doing all the fun things we loved...road hockey ...flag football...biking....getting into trouble....etc.It is simply a much different time...we all have to remember that.Look at the treehouse i built for my 2 boys...took me 15 months of planning , a lot of time and money....i betcha both boys combined spent less than 5 hrs in it.....they simply had more fun doing tech stuff....bahhhh.Kids these days will grow up...wishing they had of been more active in their youth...they will simply not have all we had to remember....very sad....very sad....but they are ...a product of their environment....and we built it for them didnt we ?
See, dj, this is a point I can get behind. This is the result when you simply calm down and look at what people are trying to say.
Sorry, I'm one that makes sure I get my lint across.
So we are clear, this is not a your generation vs. my generation argument. I wasn't attacking your generation, as you were obviously mine. This isn't about you vs me, us vs them, it's about what is healthy and what is not. That's pretty simple right?
You said you weren't attacking my generation and your later earlier statements showed that you were.
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