Doc Bud's High Brix Q&A With Pictures

If i may....Ziggs, about 10 yrs. ago i was doing a swick sort of thing but not as big a container. What i found was the roots will seek out water wherever it is and yes i had encouraged roots leaving the pot drainage holes (drilled extra in the sides)and basically filling the totes i was using. There is a problem with that can't let the roots see the won't be long and that funny green stuff appears. another problem is , it starts to resemble a hydro set up cuz you now have to allways have water in the container.
But ya Ziggs, short term's great for the roots...short term, before they start filling their space too. Cheers gang.:circle-of-love:

Yep. :thumb:



This is my blue dream... Kit soil about 6 weeks veg. Getting pretty rootbound now. Soon will go into 7gal smart pot. I've been bending and breaking and having fun as this is my first plant first grow. Any tips?
Other stuff, mostly Grape Ape, and Champagne.


You tickle me every time you casually refer to your garden as "other stuff" and then proceed to stop our hearts with pictures like these. :laughtwo:

Inspirational, as always Doc.

This is my blue dream... Kit soil about 6 weeks veg. Getting pretty rootbound now. Soon will go into 7gal smart pot. I've been bending and breaking and having fun as this is my first plant first grow. Any tips?

The curled leaves indicate that you're over-watering your pot. Let the soil dry out a bit between waterings to encourage root growth. If you're already rootbound, then maybe the switch to 7-gallon pots should come sooner than later. Otherwise, the plant looks healthy. Good job for a first grow.
There is a ton of info but i cant find the exact amount of ingredients. I am looking for the exact amounts for nutrient and high brix/mineral amendments.

You can find out more info about the Basics of High Brix growing at my blog: The Basics of Doc Bud's High Brix Blend Kit w/ Instructions - Blogs - 420 Magazine ®

This is what Doc's Updated Kit Instructions say about ingredient amounts:

The End User will need the following:

3.8 cu ft bale of ProMix HP myco, or Sunshine #4 or Promix BX myco. Perlite can be added to the BX in order increase porosity for indoor growing.

20-40 pounds of organic worm castings that show an NPK of zero K. (1-1-0)

A proper growing environment, basic gardening skills, 7 gallon pots and a sprayer capable of putting out a fine spray.

P.S. The "Amendment" comes with the kit.



This is my blue dream... Kit soil about 6 weeks veg. Getting pretty rootbound now. Soon will go into 7gal smart pot. I've been bending and breaking and having fun as this is my first plant first grow. Any tips?

Mornin Sep...Ya , here's a tip.....get that baby outta that puney lil pot thingy right the hell's over due. Don't forget to let the soil dry out before watering again. During veg like this we want to encourage root development ...this is done by forcing the plant to look for water. If it has all it needs , all the time , roots will simply grow very slowly and the health will suffer cuz of it. Get it in that 7gal you mentioned today if ya can. Cheers eh Sep.
Thanks guys. Yeah I have been letting it dry out but she's screaming for a bigger home! The roots are plentiful but I lost power for hours during 90 temps yesterday. Gotta say tho the stem on that is strong, bending is getting harder and harder but I learned from duggs so I know to work on warming her up before bending her over.
Mornin Sep...Ya , here's a tip.....get that baby outta that puney lil pot thingy right the hell's over due. Don't forget to let the soil dry out before watering again. During veg like this we want to encourage root development ...this is done by forcing the plant to look for water. If it has all it needs , all the time , roots will simply grow very slowly and the health will suffer cuz of it. Get it in that 7gal you mentioned today if ya can. Cheers eh Sep.

^^^ this



This is my blue dream... Kit soil about 6 weeks veg. Getting pretty rootbound now. Soon will go into 7gal smart pot. I've been bending and breaking and having fun as this is my first plant first grow. Any tips?

In addition to what Duggan said, which is the main thing, I'd prune that up to the 5th node. Sometimes I go to the 3rd node on strains that I know very well, but if you prune from the bottom to the top of each branch, leaving the top 5 nodes intact you'll get a nice shape for bloom and you'll take stress off the plant.
In addition to what Duggan said, which is the main thing, I'd prune that up to the 5th node. Sometimes I go to the 3rd node on strains that I know very well, but if you prune from the bottom to the top of each branch, leaving the top 5 nodes intact you'll get a nice shape for bloom and you'll take stress off the plant.

Gonna do that today actually! Then its Brix time!!! I love Brix time! Lol :)
Anyone interested in receiving a link to learn about HB foliar sprays, please PM me.

from Doc Bud:

"It will be a GREAT email series with tons of information! Please do not post the name of the lab here in the public forum, but please EVERYONE sign up.

Where to get foliar sprays? FROM ME! Same or lower price than the lab....cuz I carry all their stuff.

Here's an excerpt:
Many universities have boldly proclaimed that foliar feeding plants doesn't work. At the same time many farmers and gardeners are saying it does work. Who is right? The answer may surprise you. They both are.

When foliar sprays are poorly formulated or wrongly applied, it is indeed true that they don't work. On the other hand many a smart farmer knows that precise foliar feeding is his or her ace in the hole.

So here is my question for you today. What is your favorite book on foliar feeding plants? Tell me if you can? That's right...there is no such book! Why? The only thing that comes close is a scientific symposium of research papers. Where are the books to help farmers and gardeners foliar feed their crops?

Foliar feeding is the unexplored territory of crop nutrition. Those who truly understand the science are far and few between.
Cutting edge stuff here folks. Sign up and learn!"
what about him using a cleat bottle as his planter pot? lights shouldn't be hitting the roots eh

Not sure what a "cleat" bottle is but if it's clear plastic then all you have to do is wrap it in something that will block out ALL light from hitting the roots. Bright light and roots don't go well together.Cheers eh.
meant clear, not cleat haha. yeah, just figured he should definitely not be using something clear for a pot unless it's wrapped up or whatever
Hey guys if any body is interested in yet another Doc Bud High Brix grow come check out my first journal. The link is below in my sig. It will be short but sweet. Have a great day gang!
Here they are:

Colombian Tall pheno. It's got all kinds of potential. The smell is strong tangerine with a hint of earthy spice.


Fast pheno. The smell is more of a spicey, fruity, earthy smell.




Grape Ape. OK...I did a bad thing on this one. I put about 1/4 cup high nitrogen bat guano in the lower half of the pot, just to see what would happen. Brix is a point or two lower than normal, but I'm really liking the smell.

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