DIY Stealth Cab, Hydro, LED & Multiple Strains in Small Space - Oh Boy!

RVG, thanks for all the good words, and actually, it's only one plant I'm harvesting this round, but she is a good one! wasn't I that posted the brownie recipe, but I'm happy to give you some of my tips.

I've found my preferred way to make brownies is to make either cannabutter or cannaoil first, then use the butter or oil to make brownies (or any other dish!).

There are a lot of good and different ways to make cannabutter/oil, and many are posted here on 420.

If your buds/trim is dry, it's easy to break up without a grinder. Just put it all in a bowl or ziplock bag, then crush what's in the bowl or bag with another bowl, or a rolling pin, or anything that will crush the herb. This is not required but will increase the surface area and help more of the trichs be absorbed into the oil.

I don't recommend heating the herb first. It's not needed and, IMHO, can only result in lost THC since the THC will vaporize at 350*F and I can't imagine 100% of it would be absorbed back into the herb, even when sealed in a plastic bag.

But, because the trichomes are oil soluable, they will be dissolved in the oil.

So, I mix the herbs with the melted butter or oil and let it simmer for about an hour, longer is fine, at a low temperature. You should hear a little "sizzle" but not be looking to "fry" the herb and shouldn't see smoke. Remember, if your temp gets to 350, you'll start cooking off the THC! The heat is just a "catalyst" to help the trichs dissolve more easily. A slow cooker works great for this!

When you're done, pour the mixture through a fine kitchen strainer to separate the oil from the plant material (make sure to press out all that oil using the back of a spoon, or something!), then use the oil to make your brownies, or other treats.

For recipes, including recipes for oil, check out this forum:

420 Kitchen - 420 Magazine

You can also use a blender for the herb, I did and it worked fine. I used 1 oz blended.
Take the fine herb, and put it into a ladies panty ho (biggest one you can get)
Melt the butter in a crock pot(if you have one) on the lowest setting.
Add 1-2 cups of hot water to the butter, it will act as a heat buffer, and prevent burning and loss of potency.
Add the hosiery (with a knot tied in it) to the melted butter. I stir it arond and smash it around a little, a few times over the first hour or two. I then let that sucker sit like that for 12 hours. It's debatable whether or not the long amount of time is necessary, but I know it doesn't hurt! My budder came out potent as hell!
Then, remove the sock, and pour the budder into a tupperware that is round...
Squeeze the remaining budder from the hose into the tupperware, using two large spoons, or one of those tea bag squeezer thingys lol...
Then let the budder cool in the fridge, you'll know when it's firm.
The butter will have separated on top of the butter, so just push down one side and it should pop out like a coin.
Note, the water is garbage, dont bother wondering about it, or feel bad throwing it out.

This is just what I did, and it worked REALLY well for baking with. Make sure you do the math, in regard to how many grams worth of herb, is in however many tbsp of butter, in relation to how many servings of food you use. And it's usually a good idea to start with a smaller serving than you think you need.

RVG, it sounds like you may need a healthy dose, but still, be careful! For me, there is such a thing as TOO high lol. Found it out the hard way. Hope this helps!

Sorry for such a long post Mr K.!!

Today, I transplanted the two vegging PE clones from their mid-sized hempys to the Waterfarms. It was a relatively simple, but extremely messy process!

Yesterday, I soaked the two waterfarms, and all components, in a bleach solution, and then rinsed thoroughly. Then, I filled the WF's with tap water and a good shot of H2O2 and ran the systems for about four hours each, then rinsed again.

Both plants came out of their hempys with a solid "brick" of roots & perlite. I filled up a 10 gallon bin to use to rinse the roots, but the perlite floats then gets stuck back on the plant. So, I had to resort to the bathtub and rinsing the roots under the faucet.

I did manage to get most of the perlite off the roots, but I can't tell you what a mess it made of the bathtub!

I had put 1" holes in the center of each waterfarm top res. This enabled me to feed a nice mass of roots down to the bottom res, so I'm expecting these girls to take off quick.

Once again, I'm using STG Hail as the medium. After transplanting, I filled the WF res's with a light batch of nutes, but went a little heavy on DM Gold Zone for the roots, and a nice shot of Superthrive to help minimize stress from the transplant.

So far, they're looking good and seem to be adjusting well, although, it's probably not a big adjustment going from hempy to hydro, since technically, hempy is a form of hydro.

As for mommy PE, she's going to get a flush tomorrow, then she's gonna be on straight H2O for a few more days, then I'm gonna give her 24 hours of dark, then harvest Friday or Saturday next week.

It seems to me that both this PE and the haze I last harvested both had much more yellowing than I would expect before harvest. I don't know if this is because I'm waiting too long to chop, but PH is in check, nutes are good and I'm not thinking it's a deficiency - just "end-of-life" yellowing. Plus, there were still good amounts of white pistils showing which is why I waited (although, now, I really would consider the PE done - she just needs a flush!).

Any input on this late bloom yellowing is greatly appreciated!

Also, I know you're all waiting for pics. With any luck, I'll have the camera next week just in time for harvest shots!

Happy Harvests!

Mr Krip, butt in the air over the bath tub. What a great visual! :)

Actually, I'm finally understanding what your doing at the moment and it sounds like things are going well. Your explanations are very good my friend. I wouldn't fret over the yellow leaves, sounds like the normal process of the end of life.

Can't wait until you get that camera...I want to see the pictures. :high-five:

It seems to me that both this PE and the haze I last harvested both had much more yellowing than I would expect before harvest. I don't know if this is because I'm waiting too long to chop, but PH is in check, nutes are good and I'm not thinking it's a deficiency - just "end-of-life" yellowing. Plus, there were still good amounts of white pistils showing which is why I waited (although, now, I really would consider the PE done - she just needs a flush!).

Any input on this late bloom yellowing is greatly appreciated!

Also, I know you're all waiting for pics. With any luck, I'll have the camera next week just in time for harvest shots!

Happy Harvests!


Hey Mr Krip! Thought I'd stop by and see how things are going. I would agree that it's probably just end of life yellowing. Sounds like you've already covered or eliminated any other issues. Look forward to the pics.

Mr Krip, butt in the air over the bath tub. What a great visual! :)

Actually, I'm finally understanding what your doing at the moment and it sounds like things are going well. Your explanations are very good my friend. I wouldn't fret over the yellow leaves, sounds like the normal process of the end of life.

Can't wait until you get that camera...I want to see the pictures. :high-five:

Thanks, OMM! LOL, you've said you were a "visual" guy and you seem to have the visual down pretty well! :rofl:

Camera should be here soon, but plant pics ONLY....I'm not gonna take a pic of me with my butt in the air over the tub! :high-five:
Hey Mr Krip! Thought I'd stop by and see how things are going. I would agree that it's probably just end of life yellowing. Sounds like you've already covered or eliminated any other issues. Look forward to the pics.


Thanks, MacG! Coincidently, I was just posting on your journal. Glad to see you back and sorry for those PM issues you've been having, but it looks like you're handling them well! I appreciate your thoughts on the yellowing! :thanks:

When I checked the two girls in veg this morning, I couldn't believe how great they looked! :)

Not only did they not need an adjustment period after the transplant, but they both had a nice growth spurt and are looking very "perky", and both appear to have many more roots in the water. I have to say that, coming from the 100% perlite hempys, these girls LOVE the waterfarms!!! I can't wait to see how they develop over the next couple of weeks in their new homes.

In fact, they love the hydro so much, and the transplanting from the hempys was such a PITA that I think I'm gonna go back to a bubble cloner(s) for starting clones & seeds.

One interesting point of fact is that I had moved a couple air lines from veg to flower back when I had both the haze & AK in flower together. I didn't feel like running another air line yesterday, so one of the waterfarms also has an airstone in the bottom res, and the other does not. While both plants have notable improvements, the one with the airstone seems to be showing the most vigorous growth. So much so that I'll be running that other air line as soon as I get some more tubing!

Happy Harvests!


When I checked the two girls in veg this morning, I couldn't believe how great they looked! :)

Not only did they not need an adjustment period after the transplant, but they both had a nice growth spurt and are looking very "perky", and both appear to have many more roots in the water. I have to say that, coming from the 100% perlite hempys, these girls LOVE the waterfarms!!! I can't wait to see how they develop over the next couple of weeks in their new homes.

In fact, they love the hydro so much, and the transplanting from the hempys was such a PITA that I think I'm gonna go back to a bubble cloner(s) for starting clones & seeds.

One interesting point of fact is that I had moved a couple air lines from veg to flower back when I had both the haze & AK in flower together. I didn't feel like running another air line yesterday, so one of the waterfarms also has an airstone in the bottom res, and the other does not. While both plants have notable improvements, the one with the airstone seems to be showing the most vigorous growth. So much so that I'll be running that other air line as soon as I get some more tubing!

Happy Harvests!


Hey K~ just stopping and checking on you:Namaste:. No photos, what a bummer dude! But from the the posts I have read here & there over last couple months sounds like you have it in hand. Glad to here your giving Hydro the thumbs up!! You know I am a DWC kind of guy!! Since you have not had any "Bud Porn" I thought I would lend a hand for you, if I may be so bold?:) Just chopped this last weekend.


Hope you enjoy the Porn & if you every have any questions on Bubblers, I am still around here & there. Have a good one Bro & Happy Grows :riskybusiness: ~H~
Thanks, OMM! LOL, you've said you were a "visual" guy and you seem to have the visual down pretty well! :rofl:

Camera should be here soon, but plant pics ONLY....I'm not gonna take a pic of me with my butt in the air over the tub! :high-five:

No self portraits Huh? Bummer. :smokin:
One interesting point of fact is that I had moved a couple air lines from veg to flower back when I had both the haze & AK in flower together. I didn't feel like running another air line yesterday, so one of the waterfarms also has an airstone in the bottom res, and the other does not. While both plants have notable improvements, the one with the airstone seems to be showing the most vigorous growth. So much so that I'll be running that other air line as soon as I get some more tubing!

Hi Mr. Krip. :)

Sounds like your really liking Hydro......sometimes littles changes made big differences. Good for you! :bravo:
Hey K~ just stopping and checking on you:Namaste:. No photos, what a bummer dude! But from the the posts I have read here & there over last couple months sounds like you have it in hand. Glad to here your giving Hydro the thumbs up!! You know I am a DWChe kind of guy!! Since you have not had any "Bud Porn" I thought I would lend a hand for you, if I may be so bold?:) Just chopped this last weekend.

Hope you enjoy the Porn & if you every have any questions on Bubblers, I am still around here & there. Have a good one Bro & Happy Grows :riskybusiness: ~H~

H, hey Bro!:high-five:

Man, your ears must have been burning or something cuz' I was just checking out your grow this weekend and it's sounds like it's going great for you, although, I still can't access the pics or post.

Glad you're still here!:thumb:
Things are looking great Mr K! I need to read through a bunch of the journal to catch up before I ask any questions or give any input.

Don't know how I missed getting in at the beginning, so many journals, so little time.


Steve, no problem, Bro & good to have you on board! :welcome:

Unless you're en Evelyn Wood protege, I recommend skimming through this one - there's a lot of pages you missed! :)

Your input & questions are always welcome!

Yesterday, I cut what I'm sure will be my last sample bud from the PE mom. It looks & smells great, is nice & dense, and covered in trichs that were about 30% amber.

She sprouted from seed on January 24th, vegged for almost four months and went into 12/12 on May 18th. She started showing flowers a week later on May 25th, has been in bloom for exactly 9 weeks, and is now ready to chop. A perfect indica schedule! :grinjoint:

Since I just gave her a Clearex flush on Sunday, I'm gonna give her a couple more days of plain water before I chop her. I reduced her light cycle for tonight to 11/13. I'll reduce it again to 10/14 tomorrow, then go 48 hours of dark before I harvest.

The sample should be dry enough to test by tomorrow, so I'll be sure to give an early report, but this looks to be my best batch yet in terms of quality! :)
how u doing krip:peace:

Yesterday, I cut what I'm sure will be my last sample bud...

I said that 4 times last week, I mean, I had to be sure she was ready to harvest :)

She sprouted from seed on January 24th, vegged for almost four months and went into 12/12 on May 18th. She started showing flowers a week later on May 25th, has been in bloom for exactly 9 weeks, and is now ready to chop. A perfect indica schedule! :grinjoint:

Since I just gave her a Clearex flush on Sunday, I'm gonna give her a couple more days of plain water before I chop her. I reduced her light cycle for tonight to 11/13. I'll reduce it again to 10/14 tomorrow, then go 48 hours of dark before I harvest.

With all your care & attention to detail, she's gonna be so dank... I need to get a pre-harvest dark room....
I said that 4 times last week, I mean, I had to be sure she was ready to harvest :)

With all your care & attention to detail, she's gonna be so dank... I need to get a pre-harvest dark room....

Thanks, Endive! Your buds are something I'm still aspiring to produce, but I'm picking it up quick! :yahoo:

The new camera got here about 30 minutes ago. Apparently, they tried to deliver it this weekend and missed me. They left a notification in my mailbox that I didn't get until today and had to pick it up at the post office.

Once again, I'd like to extend MUCH thanks to the Brother that helped me out with this! :thanks:

Since it just got here, I'm still trying to figure out how to get the exposure correct and geet a decent closeup, but since it's been 3 weeks since I've been able to post pics and we're all jonesing, I had to get something up, so here are the first shots, unedited, with the new camera:

Here's the PE Mom who's getting harvested this week:




And, here are the two PE clones that just got moved to the waterfarms. They'll go into flower in a week or two:




I'll get some more pics up as soon as I figure this baby out!

Happy Harvests!

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