DIY Stealth Cab, Hydro, LED & Multiple Strains in Small Space - Oh Boy!

:thumb::goodluck: ~H~
I checked on the girls this morning. The waterfarm kush is really going off and I had to raise the lights about an inch or so, just to make sure she didn't grow into them. I also adjusted the LST a little, but started doing some branch weaving which is a form of LST but instead of tying the branches down, I just weaved some top branches under some of the lower branches, which basically accomplishes the same thing.

The other reason for my update this morning is that there were some very nice changes in the babies in the last 12 hours.

Since last night, both of the girls' second set of leaves have seperated and are now showing three "fingers" instead of just a single. You can also see the 3rd set of leaves starting to show on the PE.

You can see my post from last night for reference on the development, but here's the PE:


It's a little tougher to see in the pic, cuz she's so tiny, but the LS*'s leaves also show three fingers:


I'll report more later, but was impressed at how quickly these changes happened!
Thanks for all the good vibes, everyone. The girls and I really appreciate it!

Here's a short, non-pictorial update:

The wilted kush still looks like crap, but the amound of roots showing from the cube has probably increased something like ten-fold over the last few days. That being said, I took her out of the bubble bath and put her back in the hempy. Although I did get the Clearex today, I decided not to do a flush, since the problem is most likely roots not nutes (I had to make the rhyme!).

I haven't even placed her back in the veg chamber, she's still in my bathroom under a single CFL. The truth is, even if she makes a full recovery, I'm not sure I really have the room for her in the veg chambber, and if I do now, I won't real soon with the PE & LS* both coming along while the other kush is taking off and two royal hazes are starting to veg.

Which brings me to my next problem, and the first problem I'm actually glad I'm having...That is that when I walked into the room with the cabinet today, I could clearly smell that kush. It's a nice spicy smell that most people won't make out right now, but is pretty obvious to me. I put an air freshener in the room today (one of those that plugs in and heats up scented oil) and that's doing a good enough job for now, but I also just ordered some ONA (linen scent, since it's going in a closet) and have a feeling I'll be connecting the carbon scrubber within the next week or two.

Thanks again for all the help and positive feedback. More updates to come!

Now I know why the Kush has been growing like crazy! :)

When I changed the res over the weekend, I could see a couple of roots hanging down, with the longest being about 4" out of the cube but still not out of the top res. In fact, I couldn't photo it because the only way to see the roots was to look straight up from under the top res into the 1" hole I added.

I've noticed that I haven't had to adjust PH in either of the waterfarms over the last 2-3 days, just been adding PH'd water to top off the res's.

When I checked the AK res today, I could not believe the root growth, but check it for yourself:


The longest root is hanging about 18" down into the res and all the new growth looks healthy!!!

There's still no visible roots hanging on the Royal Haze, but now that I have some of the DM Gold Zone, I hope to see her start taking off soon, too.

If the Kush keeps this up, I may be able to put her on 12/12 sometime next week! I'll probably just take some additional clones and give her more time, though. I'm concerned that with all the stress from having her roots chopped PLUS the fact she was probably already in flower when I got her and then I put her back to veg, that she might hermie. I want to make sure she's real happy & healthy before I flip the switch on her!
Thanks everyone. As always, I appreciate the encouragement.

On some closer inspection, I can see some roots poking out of the top res on the haze, too! By tomorrow, they should be in the bottom res getting nice & happy. I'll try to get some pics later today or tomorrow.

The seedlings are both showing their 3rd set of leaves now, so gonna start upping the nutes on them. They really didn't need a res top-off today, but I did it anyways since I wanted to give them a shot of that DM Zone. I know it just came in yesterday so don't know how much effect it's had yet, but I'm definately not complaining about all that great root growth I've seen since adding it! (Thanks H!)

:morenutes: Way to go Krip!!! Time to get your odor control system up and running... :morenutes:

JC, it's all up, I just need to attach the duct hose to the filter. I've been holding off since I know the filters only last about 6 months or so, so waiting until I really need it and I think it will be really soon! :grinjoint:
That was my experience with the Dutch Master Gold Range Zone product K~, from day #1 roots & nice white fluffy roots!! Really glad to see it is working for you, it is really starting to work for W~ as well!! You know if I was that passonate about something, it must have something to it. I think you will find this is one of the essential corner stones of your regiment; I know I will always use it!! Makes my want to find out how good their A.P.S. Clone fert & Replicator their Cloning gel are; in fact I have ordered them along with Reverse to complete my arsenal and should find out on the next grow. I will post an update this weekend but everything is going well. Again I feel you are on your way & I for one am really glad to see it. There is nothing like getting a little success under your belt to help boost the old morale. Happy Grows My Friend ~H~

Thanks again for everyone's help & encouragement. Things are really taking off in the veg chamber, so thought I'd post some updated pic's. Also, I noticed a possible zinc (or something?) deficiency in the kush that's been exploding, but we'll get to that...

First, the clone is still looking good:


The LS* is still tiny (awwww...her little leaves are so cute!) but she seems healthy & pushing out her 4th set of leaves now:


The PE is cranking along:


I didn't get a pic of the hempy haze (the one way in the back!) which looks the growth spurt, but not dying on me either!

The waterfarm haze, as I mentioned before, is just starting to show some roots dangling, so I expect her to start taking off soon. Here's top view:


And the waterfarm kush that has the nice roots & smell...

She's still growing like crazy, but I noticed some of her leaves are showing what looks like a zinc deficiency (interveinal banding). I did see some of this when she first got here, and can't tell if it's on new leaves or just the older ones, but it does seem more noticable now.

Here's a couple of top-shots:



And here's a close-up of the leaves...there's only a few showing this:


The PH has been good and I've been using tap water, so wasn't expecting a cal/mag deficiency. Do you think this is from previous damage/stress and will go away now that she's in a good environment and healing or do you think there's something I need to adjust now and the environment isn't as good as I'd like to think? :)

NOTE: I just re-checked PH to be safe and it's 5.87 and PPM's are holding relatively steady at 550...doesn't get much better than that!
All is looking good IMO krip.Things seem to be coming a long way in a short amount of time.I wouldnt change a thing.:welldone:

Thanks Turrtle! That's what I was thinking and hoping would be the case. I'll keep monitoring and if it looks like it's getting worse or spreading, maybe I'll try adding some cal/mag since PH is good.

I was going through the development of the AK today & thought this was fun, if not interesting. I received the plant the night of 1/21/2011 and did the LST the next day:

Awesome plants they excite me. I want to try this. I have only grown in soil and I plan to try this so I am just soaking this in. Great grow.

Thanks, Joe! It's good to have you along for the ride.
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