Disabilty, Low income, Question?


New Member
I am on S.S. disability with a very small fixed income.
I am seeking a way to get a med. card.
I am on a HMO and my doctor will not fill sign anything because he is fearful that it could effect my ins. coverage. He said it could provide an excuse for the Ins. to deny coverage on any conditions that could come up later..I went to my doctor because everything I have read tells me I need to come up with $150 to $200.. to see someone else.
I cannot afford such a cost.
Is there any help for people in my place...?
Is there any financial assistance at all for lower income people to get help with this issue?.
Even if I had a card. I would have to grow my own because I could not afford to buy from the clinics...
PLEASE..Is there any help at at????
I know I am not alone on this....
OR has California forgotten about disabled people on low fixed incomes???
Re: Disabilty, Low income,,Question?

i hear ya brother. i'm not living in cali now so i can't really help but i do relate as a disabled person on a fixed income. there has got to be people who care. this is a serious problem and needs attention & organizing. i wish you well.
Re: Disabilty, Low income,,Question?

The average price for a dr's visit can range between 75-150 bucks. cALL AROUND! aSK FOR A mileage discount on the visit.
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