Dildodabbins' Crop King Seeds Feminized Purple Kush in Coco - 2015

so to day i transplanted all plants into there final pots in a 30% perlite 70% coco mix with an inch thick top layer of perlte, tomorrow will be there first feeding of 500ppm. I have one question the ph of my water is 5.8 but once i add my nutes and additives the ph is 6.4 iv been watering with that with no problems so far but i thought it was a bit high though still within the safe range but today i read that 6.4 is a bit to high for optimal growth.

I also read that fulvic acid is good for lowering ph i have an additive fullife that is high in fulvic acid dose any body know about using fulvic acid to lower ph. one more thing i read is that my ph should go down as the nute strength goes up. i will also test my coco ph tomorrow both before and after feeding and ill also test the runoff i might also try adding a little fulllife to lower ph.

will post updates and new pics tomorrow
I'd try to get it closer to 6.0 range. 5.8 - 6.2 is where it should stay. Too high of ph in a soil less medium will lock out nutes and you will start to see deficiencies that aren't really there, just their not usable at the ph.
I usually keep mine around 5.8 till I notice deficiencies and then run my ph up to 6.2 for max uptake.
You can play with the ph like I do, vary the ph every week and see what the plant likes the most. If it grows really good, keep it there, if it slows down, adjust. Some plants will handle higher ph better than others, some won't. Just going to have to figure out what your plants want.

Edit- fulvic acid will help the roots absorb the nutrients a little more efficiently. You will notice better growth when using it. However, you will want to lower your doses when feeding to not cause too much burn on your plants. It works that well! :thumb:
today i tested the ph of my potted coco/perlite mix that my plants were transplanted into yesterday it was 7 quite high i also tested an unopened bag of coco it tested 6.5 im unsure why the poted coco mix was reading so high, after the transplants i watered it in with 6.4 water (my rain waters ph has risen since we had rainfall from 5.8 to 6.4) i then mixed my nutes 12.1ml of both A&B, 10ml of fulllife, 10ml of cargoboost, 10ml root nectar and 2ml veg ignitor to 10L water i then PH and PPM tested the soulution ph was 6.4 and ppm was about 350 then i added 10ml more of fullife to lower ph and tested again the ph was 6.2 and ppm barely changed, i watered my big pots with 2L each and my smaller pots with 1L each then tested coco ph and runoff ph the soil was 6.5 and the runoff was 6.2 and the ppm of the run off was just over 500 (my chart says ppm should be at 550 with this feed level but im not sure if they mean the ppm of the watering solution or the ppm of the runoff)
i just checked the manual for my soil ph tester and it only measures in 0.5 increments this explains why my runoff was 6.2 and the soil 6.5 it is probably closer to 6.2 because my soil tester cant test in 0.1 increments this probably also explains why my original soil test was so high at 7.0 it was probably closer to 6.5.

Will post new pictures in a minute
here are some more photos 5 days since i tipped them


these 2 havent been tipped yet they are catching up to the tipped ones


Hey man

Weren't you just beakin that EventHorizon guy about his fem purple kush plants and said yours were grown optimally or some shit like that? I see a ton of rookie mistakes here, too much to correct. My only advice is to do more research. And quit chirpin other guys on their journals, hell you even linked up your journal and you're doing just as dismal.
Hey man

Weren't you just beakin that EventHorizon guy about his fem purple kush plants and said yours were grown optimally or some shit like that? I see a ton of rookie mistakes here, too much to correct. My only advice is to do more research. And quit chirpin other guys on their journals, hell you even linked up your journal and you're doing just as dismal.

Where is your journal? You are hounding this guy and I haven't seen a grow from you. Show us what you got before you start downing other people on their page. Your comment would've been better served as a pm rather than calling him out on his journal. Just sayin... and if you do have a journal please link it in your signature through user cp so we can all visit and see how it's done:thumb:
the dodgy looking ones are the random bag seeds and the purple kush took a few days to get back to growing after they were tipped all going good now
snafu yeah i said i wonder how long it would take for me to overtake him and i have over taken him but he killed off his purple kush and has a new grow up have you ever thought its the strain and not my mistakes because event horizons new grow seems to be going alot better and what are my mistakes name them so i can try fix it thats why im here not to aruge over stupid crap. and yeah where is your grow snafu where are youre extracts HuH? and thanks GB80 but i was a bit out of line and over confident with the comment i made on event horizons post sorry event horrizon
today i got some nutrifield ph down in the mail i mixed nutes then lowered ph to 5.8 and watered as usual (today was the first day of 650ppm) but when i ph tested my runoff it was really low like 4.0 my soil ph tester still says the coco is 6.0-6.5 and i tested my nute mix again and its 5.8 how is my run off so acidic and is this ok or are my plants stuffed also the runoff was 649ppm
just ph tested the runoff again since they have had some more time to drain its 6.2 i have no idea how it was so low to start only thing i can think of is maybe i dident rinse my syringe after i used it for PH down because then i used it to suck up water from the drip tray for ph testing other than that maybe that first lot of run off was older water but 4.0 is still way to low for that to be the case IMO so im going with the first one
6.2 isn't too bad. You are actually getting more uptake of nutes at that range. I wouldn't rush to flushing right now. Just ph your nutes to 5.8 and the run off ph will slowly come down. For run off, anywhere in the 5.8-6.4 range is fine. Get over 6.4 and you might start to have issues. Post some pics, I'd like to see how the plants are doing. Thanks!
these are pictures of the bag seeds i have put them out side with an auto pounder thats re-veging

this last one is the bag seed that was the runt

and here is the purple kush and skunk in my grow tent


purple kush runt

other 3 purple kush


new humidifier

new fan

co2 enrichment
iv been watering/feeding every 4 days today was the last day of 650ppm im still lowering ph to 5.8 and run off is still 6.2

can anybody see any deficiency in my plants or are they looking ok

i see a few curling tips but not yellowing just curling is this from heat my tent dose occasionally reach 30 celsius or 86 fahrenheit

also my humidity is at a constant 70% RH with the new humidifier i read 70% is best for veg but i also read beginners should stick to 50% i do go and lower it to 50% when the lights are off because it raises to about 70% with no light
canada 420 the coco is still quite moist after 4 days i was watering every 3 days but that wasent even giving the runoff tray enough time to evaporate so i switched to every 4 days last week
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