Devil's Carnival: The Community Grow Experience

Mine is coming down tomorrow....maybe later today, don't know. I didn't get any purple either Sue but boy did I like the tester I smoked last night. It's a very functional happy high. It lasted a good 3 hours with a little sleepiness at the end but it was my bedtime anyway so I don't know if I'd get that feeling during the day. I cloned it and it seems like it is good enough to keep for a while but I really want a purple one with the same effects.
So far I think Nis hit a home run with this crossing.

I've been avoiding taking a tester until harvest. She smells so amazing neiko, I sit here all evening long drolling. :laughtwo: She's in the closet with no filter, so waves of scent come rolling across the floor periodically. Sheer torture. Lol!

Thanks neiko. How was the yield compare to other plants with similar veg times? I have found it to be decent but could be better. I would love to introduce a 3rd strain to the mix when this is stable. I want purple trichomes and pink pistils. The terpenes are definately there and are quite pleasant. We will be running a HSO black dog next run and I think crossing the two could get us somewhere. Maybe a GDP also...the options!

Mine looks like she's going to produce at least what I would have gotten out of the space with any other plant. It's hard to judge. The buds are like neiko describes, small, but obviously densely packed. No larf to speak of.


I wired her branches together to keep them from flopping over under the weight.


It's an incredibly beautiful strain Nis. The canopy leveled out nicely, she's been no trouble at all, and has a multitude of bud sites all covered in frost.



I wouldn't say it was a bad yield but it is on the lower side of average I would say. I don't care too much about yield unless it is just way too little produce to justify the time. I know how this one grows so next run I can let it get bigger for sure. It didn't give me a lot of larf. Even the smaller stuff was fully formed buds just small. I have no complaints. While harvesting I did see some purple on the underside of the sugar leaf but no purple on the buds. I smoked it again last night and I really do like this stuff.....great job Nis!

I agree, great job Nis. :high-five: Her clone will be another beast, just lower in stature, or at least I hope so. :laughtwo: I'm really hoping for purple next time, and given Neiko's endorsement, I'm hankering for a test piece. I may trim some off tomorrow to dry. I was thinking she might be down wishing a week to ten days.
She'll be down by the weekend.


The trichomes have flushed to cloudy throughout the plant.


She has the DDA red oil in the stalks. How cool, eh? :laughtwo:


She looks really good Sue. I really hope you enjoy it. It has become my typical Saturday morning smoke with my coffee. Roll one up and catch up on the mag. Then it kicks in and off to the races we go with chores in the garden.

There has always been a thought in the back of my mind that we should cross it with something to increase the yield. I knew going into it that it wasn't going to be a heavy yielder since the DDA and the carnival are not heavy hitters. I was fine with that. I am thinking of this more as a connoisseur strain. Not a cash crop.

We will be doing more testing and breeding in 2 months when the tent opens back up. I am going to grow one in a 15 gallon and grow for yield with a 8-10 week veg time. A typical yield for us with that veg time would be 6 oz or so with basic training on them. While doing doing that we will keep our eye open for potential breeding candidates with our main grow. So a little help from everyone that is growing it would be awesome. The feedback so far has been overwhelmingly great. Thank you.

If she offers anything akin to the smell I'm going to be one happy camper. I'll be interested in how much the buds weigh. I'll be drying half low and slo and the rest in the dehydrator, so I'll be able to test her out within a week. :slide:
This is what i would love to get close to with the DC. This is Sirius black by the Oregon breeder group. Absolutely beautiful.



Too bad seeds or clones are unavailable.

I tracked down the lineage for that chemovar for TheRedDragon. I'm sure he still has it around somewhere. It might give you some clues to follow. I no longer have the links myself, but I remember that they bred together two chemovars with minimal purples, and that was what they ended up with. Caught them by surprise, much like this Amazon I have in my closet that I'll be harvesting tomorrow. :laughtwo:

I've been having fun with the loupe and the iPhone while I prepare. She has such gorgeous, thick and healthy trichomes. :yahoo:






This is one of the frostiest plants to come out of my garden. I'll miss her, but then again, I have girls fighting for the space under the lights.
We talked in Jamaica and I believe he said the HSO black dog and something else. The black dog will be in the line up so we may have to try a cross with it.

Those are some great looking buds sue. There are shades of purple there, it just isn't pronounced. Congrats on your upcoming harvest.

She's down and hanging to dry.



Not as big a yield as I'd hoped, but this grow wasn't about yield, it was about finding out what the chemovar had to offer.

And oh, the oil she produced :slide:


Nis..... I can't thank you enough for this gift. :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

It warmed my heart that you'd make this cross with me in mind, and to have the privilege to grow some out is just sheer bliss. More fun times ahead. I'll have one more go at these genetics before I switch to another seed.

Thought Id drop a wee update fr my Devil's Carnival. She got new digs last night...boosted to a 3g softie...with handles :) Brand new coco, re-hydrated with mycos and a splash of Humic Acid.

Seed was dropped 7/10-11

I think she looks wicked happy :)

SweetSue said:
Not as big a yield as I'd hoped, but this grow wasn't about yield, it was about finding out what the chemovar had to offer.


Oh, what she had to offer. :yahoo: You did well Nis. I'll be hanging onto the genetics, even if it takes a while to get it back into rotation. Two hits - those teeny-tiny hits I take :laughtwo: and I went full-on hallucinogenic. Played joyfully inside my head for about a half hour and took too more.

Then I came here to leave you this public love letter of gratitude.

:hugs: :Love: :hugs:

These bits 'o bud were flash-dried in the dehydrator over the past three days. I have the second half of the harvest drying in the fridge low and slo. Just this morning I slipped them from the jars to the paper bags for another week. Then I'll be able to compare the different drying methods on potency.


Hard to imagine it being any stronger then these buds. :laughtwo:

Thank you Nis. I was humbled when you bred the plants together and I was honored to grow out the genetics. The fun has only started. :circle-of-love:
Thought Id drop a wee update fr my Devil's Carnival. She got new digs last night...boosted to a 3g softie...with handles :) Brand new coco, re-hydrated with mycos and a splash of Humic Acid.

Seed was dropped 7/10-11

I think she looks wicked happy :)

Beautiful specimen mouser. :bravo:

Yours look like TheRedDragon's. The pheno I'm growing has leaves that resemble my Thin Mint 1.1. They're huge and tropical in appearance.

She's looking a little ragged from all the trimming she endured, but it's beginning to pay off. At day 52, looking like another 30 at least before I can flip her.


Definately a sativa-dom. The euphoric effect is very much sativa.



Strong and straight branches. Her mother got too tall and the branches would have never supported a more vigorious flowering.


After smoking her mother today I'm really glad I took a clone.
First thing I thought when I saw her taproot was "Dark Devil Auto genetics." :cheesygrinsmiley:


It's 3 PM. I've been gardening most of the day, so far. Thank goodness she came down last week, because tomorrow I have a safety inspection, and her scent would've been impossible to mask. :laughtwo:

Now I'm sitting down to enjoy my first smoke of the day. Two hits in and I'm devastated. :rofl: OMG, can you believe the way she frosted up?


Held the color pretty good, didn't it? It took three days to get the buds stabilized at 66% using the dehydrator. I'll leave the jar open every day for about 30 minutes, and by the end of a week or so they'll be down closer to 62%. It's nice having it ready to go that fast. Tasty as hell too. Tastes like she smelled. Mmmmm......

We should be able to have get-togethers where we can pass around samples. :laughtwo: I'd love to compare what others got with mine. I don't have the sharp lime edge with this genetic line, but there's another terpene that I can't identify yet that took the lead. I'm getting that lovely hallucinogenic feature I'm so fond of, although it kicks in really well after the fourth hit. My tiny hits are probably 1/4 of yours Nis, so she's close to a one-hit-high. I can get to four of my regular-sized hits, but I have to stop there. Lol!

Good grief, this is great fun. Can't wait to try the low and slo buds in a few days.
Mine is like a strong cup of coffee. I love the buzz!

You've never had Dark Devil Auto, other than the capsules in Jamaica, have you Neiko? Rifleman once made the best evaluation of the DDA when he commented that unlike the many sativas he had to choose from in his collection DDA didn't slice the throat of his motivation. :laughtwo:

Both Carnival and DDA have that energetic kick that heightens all experience to the jovial and makes you want to get out there and DO something.

I find the Devil's Carnival to have enhanced the trait. That made me very, very happy. :slide: The cross also kept the trait both chemovars share of lifting you, carrying you for an extended time but never really crashing at the end, although I find DC wears me down a little more than the parent chemovars, but it's a tired feeling akin to having had a really good time playing. :cheesygrinsmiley:
Devil's Carnival 1.2 (Day 1) I couldn't let this genetic line go, purple or not. This is seriously some of the most detest atingle potent cannabis I've grown in three years of cultivating.



Devil's Carnival 1.1 (Day 57, flip + 1) FINALLY!! A space for her to flower. I'm hoping she doesn't stretch too much. If she does, I just turned the bathroom into an auxiliary flowering space, and when someone in there comes down she can shift over. That space has incredible headroom.


She survived my multiple beheadings and came out looking like a stunner. Whew! :laughtwo: It'll be fun to get more out of this one than I did the mother.

Looking good Mouser!

Amen to that! :high-five: Mouser..... :hugs: I'm mighty impressed. TheRedDragon told me once he was considering an entire grow of DC. Having smoked some I can understand that.

I hope you get purple mouser. :battingeyelashes:
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