Details & Questions About the Spider COB LED Grow Light - Twilight LED

I veg under the Spider4 with no ill effect.... I make sure they have a good set of legs under them before I put them under the Spider4 but Broke Ass is right... It is a much better bloom light than veg....:circle-of-love:

Ah, okay... I'm sorry. Go ahead and switch out to whatever else you have for veg. Just make sure it's close to as strong as what you've got on there now.
Hydro 5.8 - 6.0 is where I always keep my nutes. See the chart below.



Hydro 5.8 - 6.0 is where I always keep my nutes. See the chart below.



Nature is NEVER just ON/OFF... the above image suggest such. This is not the case.

Please observe the "Soiless Mix" side on the right side of this chart, and find the Manganese (Mg) element. At which point does it start to increase the most, going from right to left? Answer: ~5.3pH. Also, note that as pH rises toward 6.0, Phosphorus (P), Manganese (Mn), Copper (Cu), Zinc (Zn), Iron (Fe), Magnesium (Mg), Boron (B), and even Calcium (Ca), either start to decline or are at their least available at 5.8. Therefore, a new finding is that between 5.0 to 5.5 is the optimal range, and if you get up to 6.0, you may be missing a few macro nutrients.

Also, the reason I said to START his at 5.2 is that a WEAK 1/4 strength solution will drift to 6.0+ throughout the day, and will need to be readjusted back down to 5.2 or below within 24 hours. This allows for the full range of pH to hit the roots, and for uptake all day, of all macro, and micro nutrients.

I know your chart is simple, but nature is rarely that.
I didn't feed them because the roots had just hit the water on one plant.couple days prior to this happening.I allways wait till theyhit the water then feed them .This first time ever that it took this long to grow roots in dwc for me I've used mh/hps in past never had this problem with my 600 watt they usually have roots establish in 7-10 days .I think I was worried something was wrong and didn't want kill them really.Being First time vegging with the spider 4 cob and it now27 days and I still don't have roots showing from my candyland yet .Hopefully now that I have the cfls in there and I have feed them I get some root growth soon.
Nature is NEVER just ON/OFF... the above image suggest such. This is not the case.

Also, the reason I said to START his at 5.2 is that a WEAK 1/4 strength solution will drift to 6.0+ throughout the day, and will need to be readjusted back down to 5.2 or below within 24 hours. This allows for the full range of pH to hit the roots, and for uptake all day, of all macro, and micro nutrients.

I know your chart is simple, but nature is rarely that.

You obviously don't understand the chart. At 5.8, all of the nutrients are available when using hydroponic techniques. In my opinion the chart in my post is very simple to understand.

I keep my hydro at 5.8 and never have had any problems. Don't forget to add the Cal/Mag supplement when growing under LED.

Nature is simple, unless you make it something it is not. I also believe that the old belief of using a "weak" 1/4 strength solution is just wasting time for the growth of the plant especially if the plant has roots.

Old technologies are just that... old.

I didn't feed them because the roots had just hit the water on one plant.couple days prior to this happening.I allways wait till theyhit the water then feed them .This first time ever that it took this long to grow roots in dwc for me I've used mh/hps in past never had this problem with my 600 watt they usually have roots establish in 7-10 days .I think I was worried something was wrong and didn't want kill them really.Being First time vegging with the spider 4 cob and it now27 days and I still don't have roots showing from my candyland yet .Hopefully now that I have the cfls in there and I have feed them I get some root growth soon.

Sorry I haven't had a chance to read your entire thread. When I did DWC, I had the same issue with the roots. I just feed the plants about 1/2 cup of nutrients directly over the bottom of the stem to make sure the plant gets fed. Then when the roots hit the reservoir I stop feeding as described previously and let the plant feed from the reservoir (bucket). I use the Hempy technique and found that it is much easier than DWC. But I still have to feed directly over the stem. I use a Root Riot plug to pop my seeds and soaking the plug does the trick until the roots reach the reservoir.

Good luck! Just hang in there.

Sorry I haven't had a chance to read your entire thread. When I did DWC, I had the same issue with the roots. I just feed the plants about 1/2 cup of nutrients directly over the bottom of the stem to make sure the plant gets fed. Then when the roots hit the reservoir I stop feeding as described previously and let the plant feed from the reservoir (bucket). I use the Hempy technique and found that it is much easier than DWC. But I still have to feed directly over the stem. I use a Root Riot plug to pop my seeds and soaking the plug does the trick until the roots reach the reservoir.

Good luck! Just hang in there.

Thanks I will definitely do that.
I guess it all depends on wanting to get the most out of the plants or growing healthy plants, wildjim... Don't supplement something if it doesn't need it, that can cause just as many issues.. Don't think you need to add cal/mag simply because your under LEDs, the water & nutrients you use will influence that more... I'm in coir and under leds and I wouldn't think of adding cal/mag.. Check you ppm runoff, that'll tell you whether you delaying your plant growth or throwing money down the drain I've found... And ooh man, Jandre probably one of the most knowledgeable about all facets of this plant, that I've come across on this site. Personally, I'd be following or listening closely to what he says, not arguing it for no apparent reason than ego. You want to deal in black and white, that's up to you but doesn't take away grey still being there....
I guess it all depends on wanting to get the most out of the plants or growing healthy plants, wildjim... Don't supplement something if it doesn't need it, that can cause just as many issues.. Don't think you need to add cal/mag simply because your under LEDs, the water & nutrients you use will influence that more... I'm in coir and under leds and I wouldn't think of adding cal/mag.. Check you ppm runoff, that'll tell you whether you delaying your plant growth or throwing money down the drain I've found... And ooh man, Jandre probably one of the most knowledgeable about all facets of this plant, that I've come across on this site. Personally, I'd be following or listening closely to what he says, not arguing it for no apparent reason than ego. You want to deal in black and white, that's up to you but doesn't take away grey still being there....

Everybody grows it differently, I guess. I just wrote how I do it and that I have had no problems doing it that way. Not saying I am the most knowledgeable or a commercial grower. No bragging from me for myself or anyone else. No intent to "dis" anyone here either. If you don't add CalMag, that's fine, most dirt growers don't either. Nuggs was looking for answers. I gave him what I knew from my experience. I wasn't arguing and why in the world would you put ego into it? If you don't like what I said, that's fine too. Just don't rag me if you don't agree with a picture and how I do it. Ego indeed.

Cause you said he obviously doesn't understand the chart.... That's your ego talking and mine now, lol....
Cause you said he obviously doesn't understand the chart.... That's your ego talking and mine now, lol....

That was not my intent, having my ego present in the conversation. I should have said, for a beginning grower using hydroponics, the chart will help that beginning farmer understand what and when nutrients are available and able to be used by the plant to it's benefit.

I am fortunate to not have plant problems, including pests or fungi. I follow experienced suggestions for hydroponic gardening by the manufacturer of the nutrients I use, General Hydroponics. That includes the PH of the nutrient water mix. They are the most knowledgeable in how to grow the plants I grow in hydroponics using their nutrients.

You obviously don't understand the chart. At 5.8, all of the nutrients are available when using hydroponic techniques. In my opinion the chart in my post is very simple to understand.

I keep my hydro at 5.8 and never have had any problems. Don't forget to add the Cal/Mag supplement when growing under LED.

Nature is simple, unless you make it something it is not. I also believe that the old belief of using a "weak" 1/4 strength solution is just wasting time for the growth of the plant especially if the plant has roots.

Old technologies are just that... old.


Putting full strength nutrients on a plant with root problems will only exacerbate the problem. I guess only an old guy would know that.
You can keep picking the scab if you want.

Nuggs78 can do what he wants. It took me a while to find the right technique and nutrients. Hopefully he will have great enjoyment in growing this wonderful plant. And he will have the best he can grow, like everyone.

I am going to put the spider 4 cob light back in to veg with I just want let the roots get establish first I have more wattage from wall of cfls then what the spider pulls .I have 270 watts of cfls thats true watts the bulbs are 43 watts a piece so I have ewual amount of light that replaced the spider for now.Once my plants start to get mature a little bit I will put the spider back in to finish the grow.
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