Derbybud's New Adventures With Nothing In Particular Going On: We'll See

We ended up with a lot of Kush between the 2 (3) of us, this is true. For me it's the best for my stomach, and for the evening, so I get a lot of use out of it. I was getting low in my stock so this will leave me in good shape for a while. I picked Chocolope so that I had fresh stock of it in time for summer. I tend to avoid sativa in the evening, and Chocolope is an awesome daytime strain.

Lopin any reason why you chose those 4 in particular? I was going to grow a CBDream myself, but my wife's RA meds have been working well lately so we're holding off. Crown Royale and Great White Bubba both are along the lines of what I was going for.
We ended up with a lot of Kush between the 2 (3) of us, this is true. For me it's the best for my stomach, and for the evening, so I get a lot of use out of it. I was getting low in my stock so this will leave me in good shape for a while. I picked Chocolope so that I had fresh stock of it in time for summer. I tend to avoid sativa in the evening, and Chocolope is an awesome daytime strain.

Lopin any reason why you chose those 4 in particular? I was going to grow a CBDream myself, but my wife's RA meds have been working well lately so we're holding off. Crown Royale and Great White Bubba both are along the lines of what I was going for.
The CBDream is one i wanted. A nice 1-1 oil is what i'm going for.
I’ll have to include it in my next round, if only to have some oil on standby for when my wife’s current RA med starts to lose effectiveness. If I nail all 3 Kushes this round I suspect I’ll be set on my own key med for quite some time, and have flexibility next round.
I’ll have to include it in my next round, if only to have some oil on standby for when my wife’s current RA med starts to lose effectiveness. If I nail all 3 Kushes this round I suspect I’ll be set on my own key med for quite some time, and have flexibility next round.
I don't mean to be rude, just curious. What does ur wife take for RA? My mom is on certain things that I can't take and I just switched to orencia from humira. Lost 40 lbs and that's not even supposed to be a side effect of humira lol. I'm always interested in others regimens.
I don't mean to be rude, just curious. What does ur wife take for RA? My mom is on certain things that I can't take and I just switched to orencia from humira. Lost 40 lbs and that's not even supposed to be a side effect of humira lol. I'm always interested in others regimens.
Not rude at all. Your dad's story of why he started growing was what got me in here in the first place, and he and I have taken a similar path in our progression as growers, so I'm always happy to chat with you guys about this stuff.

She's not here for me to ask, but I'm pretty sure my wife switched from Cimzia to Xeljanz in 2018 and had very good results with it. She takes Xeljanz + Sulfasalazine.
Not rude at all. Your dad's story of why he started growing was what got me in here in the first place, and he and I have taken a similar path in our progression as growers, so I'm always happy to chat with you guys about this stuff.

She's not here for me to ask, but I'm pretty sure my wife switched from Cimzia to Xeljanz in 2018 and had very good results with it. She takes Xeljanz + Sulfasalazine.
My mom takes the Sulfasalazine and leflunomide and just got off steroids. I am currently just on orencia. My doctor wasn't comfortable trying xeljanz yet, but orencia is better than humira so I'll take it.
Ill be dropping red bottoms a high ish cbd strain. I think it has a lil bit more of a 50/50 thc ratio ill be trying it out with a family member (testing on myself first obviously) ill let y'all know how it goes :p *edit* just looked ot up its more like 60-40 cbd-thc
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