Derbybud's New Adventures With Nothing In Particular Going On: We'll See

So it was chop day this morning. Took off the big top colas only and will get the rest in about a week. I bud washed these to help retain the sweet terpines that the cherry bombs have had since about day 20. Let them dry for 3 hours and trimmed them up and into bags and then into the refrigerator.
So by taking the big top colas first you have a bit of an “Early Distant Warning” of more bud to come?
Looks great man.
So kids( even though I'm most likely the youngest person here), who wants some pretty update pics that I snapped while visiting the dungeon? ;)

I have a few more uploaded as well currently :)
Thanks flash. Not bad for some neglected autos. I'm trying harder now with the rest of the garden. Maybe even with the updates.

They look awesome! I hope to grow those kind of autos in my next run! Overall size, aspect, size of buds just excellent to me!
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