I personally take my plants at the first sign of amber trichomes, because I have no need for them to be at all sedative. My CBD Critical Cures come down as soon as they flush to cloudy across the plant, again just about the time the first amber trichomes appear.
More amber simply means more narcotic effect. I grow Dinachem for sleep meds, and that one I let go about 20% amber, but all the rest get minimal transition.
To get a higher CBD value you actually harvest a tad early. As Flash pointed out, some fruity strains like the longer wait. This ability to determine harvest timing comes with experience. The more you grow a particular chemovar the better your understanding of the timing to get the effect you desire.
Chasing the cannabinoids through harvest manipulation is courting frustration no one needs. The truth is that a medicine created from a varied cannabinoid base is stronger than one that has dominance by one cannabinoid to the exclusion of the others. The body uses all of the cannabinoids in different ways. Offer the ECS a varied menu and harvest when the plant tells you it's ready.
That's a subtle awareness that comes with experience too. In time you'll notice they change their perfume just before harvest time, so trust your nose to clue you in. I usually notice this within 2 days of when I cut. They change their appearance too, and start looking tired, like they're pleading with you to take them already.
Amber trichomes will make me reach for the cutters, but there are many signs that a plant uses to get her message across that it's time. Sounds to me like this one may be close.
More amber simply means more narcotic effect. I grow Dinachem for sleep meds, and that one I let go about 20% amber, but all the rest get minimal transition.
To get a higher CBD value you actually harvest a tad early. As Flash pointed out, some fruity strains like the longer wait. This ability to determine harvest timing comes with experience. The more you grow a particular chemovar the better your understanding of the timing to get the effect you desire.
Chasing the cannabinoids through harvest manipulation is courting frustration no one needs. The truth is that a medicine created from a varied cannabinoid base is stronger than one that has dominance by one cannabinoid to the exclusion of the others. The body uses all of the cannabinoids in different ways. Offer the ECS a varied menu and harvest when the plant tells you it's ready.
That's a subtle awareness that comes with experience too. In time you'll notice they change their perfume just before harvest time, so trust your nose to clue you in. I usually notice this within 2 days of when I cut. They change their appearance too, and start looking tired, like they're pleading with you to take them already.
Amber trichomes will make me reach for the cutters, but there are many signs that a plant uses to get her message across that it's time. Sounds to me like this one may be close.