Derbybud Does CBD Strains In Coco & More

Thanks for joining panda. The jury isn't out yet on how this journey is going to go. I sometimes wonder what my mind comes up with.

You never know for certain how any journey is going to go. You just do what you can.
Re: Derbybud Does Crop King's CBD Strains In Coco & More

My other seedlings aren't looking good when I checked on them today. I'll post pictures tomorrow and could use some help
finals week is here and soon I will be home to get all of derbybud's things figured out! Hopefully I don't run out of . before then
Wicked Derby!! I recall reading you weren't too sure which strains it was that helped your daughter the best. So hopefully this time you'll be able to tell which strains as you labeled them. I think you got a mix from crop king last time?
I just demolished a big bag of those - a dandy snack indeed
Never much cared for the puffs. I'll take a bag of the crunchy ones any day.

Hi, Derbybud daughter! :welcome:
Wicked Derby!! I recall reading you weren't too sure which strains it was that helped your daughter the best. So hopefully this time you'll be able to tell which strains as you labeled them. I think you got a mix from crop king last time?
Thanks mad and yes the others still are not known until Lopin gets home and helps with a smoke report. it was unmarked assorted autos.
Are these the ones in the Dewey?
No shed these are the ones I put straight into coco. The ones in the Dewey are cruising right along. 4 out of the 6 have 2" or longer roots with some of them looking to have fish bones on them. 2 didn't make it as these had I believe to small a tap root when I put them in the inserts. Pictures later when I get some time. Busy weekend again and need to work tonight.
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